Donald Trump

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I get it you were using me as an example to prove a point. That he should be calling me racist and not you. Don't worry he calls me a racist all the time.
Me thinks that getting big ticket items out of the way first were important to resolve on issue #1 espacially healthcare. They simply had no time to do more when they had a financial crisis to deal with....I do admire GOP resolve, they don't let shit go, ever!

I'm with you on the banks but what if they were simply left to collapse, what then? It would definately disrupt the worlds economy how long would it have taken to recover then or God forbid, if at all.

From the very beginning on inauguration ceremony Newt and others were having dinner at a Washington D,C. Diner and at that dinner the pukes conspired to obstruct, vote against every last bit of proposal By the Obama WH, why would you want to try to negotiate with folks like that? Why bother if you already know the answer?

Odd how you dismiss Obama's failure to fulfill the policies he campaigned on when he had complete control of both the House and the Senate, then try to blame that failure on Republicans. It's like you are lying to yourself.
only the property owners can decie of a store is public or private, moron.

try again.

Not really. Your statement is filled with cognitive dissonance and government speak, Poopy Pants.

Here, allow me to talk over your head for a minute....

On one hand you are implying that privately owned property (which is ostensibly ALREADY private property) can somehow default to having to be determined as one of two choices, one of those choices clearly being the opposite of private property, since it doesn't possess the qualities of private property.

If it's ALREADY private property....why must there be any declaration further?

If somebody ALREADY owns property, the proper default is that they do not have to select from a list of false choices prepared by somebody else. If they do, their ownership is in question and it is reasonable to assume it is no longer private property.

For instance, let's say you claim to own your own body, but somebody said if you don't declare it as private property it could also be seen as some kind of nonsensical pseudo private / public property and since you failed to declare your body as private, it would be okay for somebody to put a herd of frothing gerbils up your ass...moron. Okay I made this last part up, but you are still a Poopy Pants.
showing your true colors I see.
Keep in mind that without Africa there is no you.

I`m white and everyone knows that.

Africa, like as in Boko Haram ? or, Are you saying I`m a Pirate ?? I don`t walk like an Egyptian so....Africa has no bearing on my existence.
I`m white and everyone knows that.

Africa, like as in Boko Haram ? or, Are you saying I`m a Pirate ?? I don`t walk like an Egyptian so....Africa has no bearing on my existence.
Africa has everything to do with your just too damn dense to understand how and why. Your very being can be linked back to Africa.
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