Donald Trump

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Well-Known Member
I wanted to take a moment and reflect on some of the fun we've all had with Not GOP recently and highlight the joy through laughter he has gifted to us all.

When speaking with 2 black men.

Again...speaking with a black man.

When someone makes an accurate portrayal of his behavior/responses showing an inability to articulate or respond.

When asked to give an opinion (about 12 times) about clear intelligent points cited from source.

And of course, last but not least the "too dumb to rebuttle, so attack spelling last ditch attempt to stay in the conversation" tactic.

The scary part is this took about 5 minutes to put this together. Its like every other post of his is sheer gold. It's gold Jerry! Gold!

So thank you Not-GOP. For making us all feel a bit safer about Trump by knowing he has the support of voters like you.
I'm the black guy in most of those!! Yeah!


Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
"That racist Trump tweet about blacks killing whites isn’t just false — it’s neo-Nazi propaganda

Donald Trump capped a week that found him flirting with fascism by sharing a blatantly false, racist graphic that apparently originated with a Hitler-admiring neo-Nazi.

The Republican presidential frontrunner tweeted an image Sunday afternoon that claimed 81 percent of white homicide victims are killed by blacks and 97 percent of black homicide victims were killed by other blacks.

The graphic cited the Crime Statistics Bureau in San Francisco as its source — although that does not exist and the statistics are, quite simply, made up.

In reality, the FBI shows that 82 percent of white homicide victims were killed by other white people and 15 percent of white homicide victims were killed by black people, and 91 percent of black homicide victims were killed by other black people.

So where did the image and the bogus statistics come from?

Blogger Charles Johnson, of Little Green Footballs, was unable to determine its source through a Google Image search or — but he was able to find the earliest tweet using the graphic.

The account’s avatar is a modified swastika used as the symbol of the neo-Nazi German Faith Movement, and the account profile expresses admiration for Adolf Hitler: “A detester of any kind of sick perverted dildo waving marxism and liberalism,we Should have listened to the Austrian chap with the little moustache.”

The image was posted on the conservative Sexy Patriot account shortly before Trump shared it.

There’s no indication Trump was aware the graphic seems to have originated with a neo-Nazi, but a quick Google search should have revealed the statistics as inaccurate — and its racist suggestions are plainly obvious.

Trump supporters beat up a Black Lives Matter protester Saturday in Birmingham, Alabama, and the GOP candidate said afterward that the man was “so obnoxious and so loud” that “maybe he should have been roughed up.”

The Republican repeated his call to closely monitor or even close down U.S. mosques to fight terrorism, and he refused to rule out creating a database of American Muslims and expressed openness to the possibility of requiring them to carry special ID.

This isn’t the first time Trump has tweeted Nazi propaganda on his official social media account.

Trump shared a campaign graphic, which he later deleted, that included an image of Nazi soldiers taken from a World War II re-enactment."

Very clear why he's so well liked among conservatives who don't speak above a 4th grade level
Ya know most Americans aren't even paying attention to his tweets or even watched the debates.

He is a disaster tho.


Well-Known Member
Hahaha...this is too funny...

Only the Donald could get away with this type of gibberish.
Of course he ratchets up the volume, and gesticulates wildly...
Quite entertaining, because, in all actuality, if people were even somewhat satisfied by the performance of experienced career politicians, Trump would be long gone...but he continues to dominate the


Well-Known Member
Hahaha...this is too funny...

Only the Donald could get away with this type of gibberish.
Of course he ratchets up the volume, and gesticulates wildly...
Quite entertaining, because, in all actuality, if people were even somewhat satisfied by the performance of experienced career politicians, Trump would be long gone...but he continues to dominate the
I'm not sure that I've ever heard a politician say less in response to a direct question. Holy fuck, his followers are stupid.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure that I've ever heard a politician say less in response to a direct question. Holy fuck, his followers are stupid.

Trump is not a politician, he is a self promoting interloper...
The only reason that he has any support at all reflects the negative opinion many voters have regarding established professional politicians!
Truly pathetic indeed!


Well-Known Member
Polling results don't mean much this early.

Closer to the primaries more people will respond in polls and increase the pool.
I don't expect him to win, but to say that no one is paying attention is just silly. He's out here saying what a lot of idiots out here would like to say, but are afraid of the repercussions.


Well-Known Member
I remember seeing a poll in October of 2012, It had Mitt Romney beating the brakes off of Obama in the election. Polls can be wrong
Before everyone found out that mitt Romney is nothing more than an empty shell. The candidates that the republicans have been trying to prop up lately have been laughable at best.


Well-Known Member
Liberals coming here daily to blast Trump with their same stupid opinions over and over, is all the proof I need to know Trump is smashing the polls right now. Do people support Trump because liberals hate him? Probably. Trump supporters have a deep seated hatred for libs, and it burns with a fiery passion. I've never seen anything like it

The day Democrats make a Ted Cruz thread, and then stop posting here,... is the day I'll start to get worried.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I don't expect him to win, but to say that no one is paying attention is just silly. He's out here saying what a lot of idiots out here would like to say, but are afraid of the repercussions.
I didn't say noone. I said most are not paying attention on the level that we are.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I remember seeing a poll in October of 2012, It had Mitt Romney beating the brakes off of Obama in the election. Polls can be wrong
That is what I was talking about. It could be that Jeb or kasich picks up traction or even rubio.

We can only watch and make predictions until it comes time to vote.
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