The shake hands and make up thread.

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Well I certainly am not changing anything to do with my “ignore people” button thing…

Because, some people just want to watch the world burn…

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And I don’t care much for those people.
Don't let the transient birds shit in your fishtank, only allow the ones that you must share your fishtank with.
In other words, keep them ignored, only allow your loved ones to upset you, those people matter.
I'm still waiting for someone to tag me with an apology... A few someone's actually...
I am also waiting…

Not gonna hold my breath though.

Are we cool? I’m not unignoring anyone else but you, for now.

But, I am done with this. For good.

Cept when I get trolled and I might (just might) go fucking BANANAS again.


ok ill start. @bravedave , truce. Im sorry for trolling your thread. It took a lot of my time and energy that i could have been being a positive person on the site and helping new growers. Im sorry i was a jerk to you. I dont want to fight with you anymore, here is my hand, will you accept my appology?
What the hell is that on your hand?
How about a hat tip instead?

I accept and reciprocate.

I also apologize to Gary for thwarting his goal with my relentless logic and truthtelling and to Sunshine for reducing him to repetition.

As to the rest well...
I am also waiting…

Not gonna hold my breath though.

Are we cool? I’m not unignoring anyone else but you, for now.

But, I am done with this. For good.

Cept when I get trolled and I might (just might) go fucking BANANAS again.


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Theres two sides to every argument and everyone is right in their own mind. Thats why this thread is to offer truce or appologies. It has nothing to do with the he said she said first or last.
Well i guess my thread isnt working so well............SO FAR. Dave hasnt accepted my appology yet. People are showing up to the party but nobody seems to be ready to let go of the hostility. Yall can shake hands and stay out of each others shit or EVERYONE can keep reading ten page threads about the riu drama. I put my hand out to Dave and im done. Its too much effort to put into not liking someone. I dont care for excuses so save em.
What's wrong with drama? I mean as long as we're not being obscene or telling someone to kill themselves it's all good fun in my book.
What the hell is that on your hand?
How about a hat tip instead?

I accept and reciprocate.

I also apologize to Gary for thwarting his goal with my relentless logic and truthtelling and to Sunshine for reducing him to repetition.

As to the rest well...
Thanks dave. I feel better knowing that weve both done the honarable thing here today. Now if i could only persuade more people to hug it out today would be an even greater day. image.png
What's wrong with drama? I mean as long as we're not being obscene or telling someone to kill themselves it's all good fun in my book.
Well its at a point where i have to pick sides. I dont want to do that because i like both "teams" equally. I dont like worrying that if i like a comment someone made and then the other "team" sees that they may think im taking someones side. I think its all in good fun like you, to a point. But that point has been reached and far surpassed.
But if you read what he wrote he gave a non apology as you had requested not happen in your original post..... So again @ClaytonBigsby
His way of apologizing was different than mine. Thats the way dave talks though. He dips and dives but the message is there. Hes probably a little leary still. And its hard to let it all go. Chances are pretty good that if appologies or truces come out here that its going to be backhanded or theyll be "sarcastically nice"
Just the thread I was looking for.

After I was banned recently, it really gave me some time to pause and think, you know, about how I was an inconsiderate asshole, and have made many grievous errors in judgement.

I hope you can all forgive me. I am a bad, bad man, and am going to be changing my ways from now on. I count on you all to hold me accountable.

So the dramas been getting outta hand lately and it always does. This thread isnt for proving your right. Your hand shake gesture should @ someone in and then have a sincere appology or truce offered. You cant say something like, "even though this dumb bastard doesnt know anything ill be the bigger man and say truce." Thats not cool and you will develop the hpv virus if you do it. I have a feeling it will feel like youve just left church in the way that you totally didnt want to go, but you feel like a better person when you left right?
Fuck off troll. And keep your meat beater away from me. Thanks.
Well its at a point where i have to pick sides. I dont want to do that because i like both "teams" equally. I dont like worrying that if i like a comment someone made and then the other "team" sees that they may think im taking someones side. I think its all in good fun like you, to a point. But that point has been reached and far surpassed.
++ Rep

^^^^^^^^^^^ and that is the honest truth, good for you for saying it. It's sort of like the old Usenet flame wars where we all took sides and careers and reputations were won and lost.

On RIU however about this point in the build up of angst RIU's database breaks, there's an accidentally/fortuitous time out and we lose the posts wherein the reasons were laid out and some come back and others don't.

RIU is shuddering, we are simmering, and everyone is wondering how it will end. I am sorry you are feeling it too but for me needs must, to many good ones have been lost to keep the painful dreck.

Fuck off troll. And keep your meat beater away from me. Thanks.
Well since i dont know what your malfunction is this gives me the perfect opportunity to utilize the truce part of this thread. Since i have no idea what your grievance with me is i offer you a truce. My hand is out to you, will you accept my offer of truce?
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