The shake hands and make up thread.

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Well-Known Member
So the dramas been getting outta hand lately and it always does. This thread isnt for proving your right. Your hand shake gesture should @ someone in and then have a sincere appology or truce offered. You cant say something like, "even though this dumb bastard doesnt know anything ill be the bigger man and say truce." Thats not cool and you will develop the hpv virus if you do it. I have a feeling it will feel like youve just left church in the way that you totally didnt want to go, but you feel like a better person when you left right?
So the dramas been getting outta hand lately and it always does. This thread isnt for proving your right. Your hand shake gesture should @ someone in and then have a sincere appology or truce offered. You cant say something like, "even though this dumb bastard doesnt know anything ill be the bigger man and say truce." Thats not cool and you will develop the hpv virus if you do it. I have a feeling it will feel like youve just left church in the way that you totally didnt want to go, but you feel like a better person when you left right?
What would Clayton do? I want a ruling
Anyone i have pissed off.............i am truly sorry, especially if i offended you in any way, unless your a meathead troll, then it's eye for and eye suckah! JUST joshin ya! This is my sincerest apology you'll get online for anyone i have made angry or been anasswipe to for whatever reason! o-tay?
nl #5 for peace pipe aka Calumet

nl week 5-6 015.JPG
Anyone i have pissed off.............i am truly sorry, especially if i offended you in any way, unless your a meathead troll, then it's eye for and eye suckah! JUST joshin ya! This is my sincerest apology you'll get online for anyone i have made angry or been anasswipe to for whatever reason! o-tay?
nl #5 for peace pipe aka Calumet

View attachment 3550041
I think your swell.
Attention Kmart shoppers, there's a Blue Light Special in aisle 2...

Dave may want terms...
Do we know the same Clayton? I'd expect more like:

but with better music and naked girls and drugs lots and lots
hes a pussy cat. I can easily imagine him looking up at me from my lap with a cat body and a clayton face.
Attention Kmart shoppers, there's a Blue Light Special in aisle 2...

Dave may want terms...
i almost added an edit that the person may choose to not accept the truce or appology without terms:lol:
I'd offer my services as a mediator, but Dave would probably insist on a conservative...

Go to the SS website. Locate the actuarial life table...locate your sex & age, it will estimate how many years you have left... then decide how much of that time you should devote to meaningless fights.
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