Well-Known Member
- 91% tax rate didn't negatively affect GDP growth - factyouve done the same to me
- highest GDP growth (by decade - 1950s) in American history - fact
Start with those
- 91% tax rate didn't negatively affect GDP growth - factyouve done the same to me
once you go back and answer my questions in other threads, boss.- 91% tax rate didn't negatively affect GDP growth - fact
- highest GDP growth (by decade - 1950s) in American history - fact
Start with those
What questions would those be?once you go back and answer my questions in other threads, boss.
i couldn't agree more!Rubbing each other's dicks won't make a genie pop out. Time to try a new stradegy
If I were a trump fan this would worry me. It would NOT be confidence inspiring.Exactly! Does not prove he is stupid. This could imply that he thinks the people he is speaking to are stupid so he dumbs himself connect with what he may think is a very stupid audience.
Case... in.... point.It's the most stupidest thing that anybody could ever take seriously.
i couldn't agree more!
I'm not sure I understand why this is up...or why you're considering it racist. Is it a commentary on the socioeconomic class system that is being found to be inherently racist and possibly pigeonholing people? Or are you simply stating census facts to make the argument that whites are generally more successful/responsible?Here are my racist facts of the day.
The U.S. economy is stratified racially, and wealth is unequally distributed within each race. For instance, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, the median U.S household income in 2011 was $76,063 for (non-Hispanic) White families; $52,352 for Hispanic families; and just $47,255 for Black families (U.S. Bureau of the Census, 2012). The differences are particularly pronounced below the poverty line. In 2011, only 9.8% of Whites had incomes below the poverty level, while the figure was 25.3% for Hispanics and 27.6% for Black families (Macarntney, Bishaw, and Fontenot, 2013). Economic differences are not limited to income. For instance, Whites own much more fixed property than do other racial groups, as illustrated by a comparison of home ownership. As of 1997, 70.3% of Whites owned their own place of residence, while for Blacks the figure was only 46.2%, and only 42.8% of Hispanic Americans owned their own homes (U.S. Bureau of the Census, 1999). Since the banking crisis sent the American economy into a tailspin, that gap has only increased. As of 2009, White families enjoyed 20 times more wealth than Black families, and Black families were twice as likely to lose their homes to foreclosure, with some advocacy groups estimating that as many as 25% of all African Americans who owned their own homes prior to the recession may lose them (Kellogg, 2011). Native American families have the added problem that many are geographically isolated on reservations where employment opportunities are extremely limited. Typically, half or more tribal members on Indian reservations are unemployed. For instance, the unemployment rate of the Navajo Nation was about 48.5% in 2012 (Navajo Nation Tourism Department, 2013). In 2005, the largest Sioux tribe in South Dakota had an unemployment rate of 89%, a figure that includes those tribal members living both on and off the reservation (BIA, 2005).
exactly my point.I'm not sure I understand why this is up...or why you're considering it racist. Is it a commentary on the socioeconomic class system that is being found to be inherently racist and possibly pigeonholing people? Or are you simply stating census facts to make the argument that whites are generally more successful/responsible?
I just found it interesting. Are you expecting me to argue everytime I post something?I'm not sure I understand why this is up...or why you're considering it racist. Is it a commentary on the socioeconomic class system that is being found to be inherently racist and possibly pigeonholing people? Or are you simply stating census facts to make the argument that whites are generally more successful/responsible?
No argument..just curious what you were trying to say.I just found it interesting. Are you expecting me to argue everytime I post something?
Got itI was just fucking with unclefuck face.
After his supporters beat up a Black Lives Matter protester on video, Donald Trump suggested that they may have done the right thing.
The protester, a black man, reportedly started chanting Black Lives Matter at a rally in Birmingham, Alabama on Saturday. In a video captured by CNN reporter Jeremy Diamond, rally attendees swarm around the man, kicking and punching him as he curls up on the ground.
Trump was asked to weigh in on his supporters’ actions on Fox & Friends Sunday morning. “Maybe he should have been roughed up,” he said. “It was disgusting what he was doing.”
The Republican frontrunner compared what happened at his rally to a Black Lives Matter protest at a Bernie Sanders event, which prompted the Democratic candidate to release a detailed racial justice plan. “This is not the way Bernie Sanders handled his problem, I will tell you, but I have a lot of fans and they were not happy about it. And this was a very obnoxious guy, a troublemaker, looking to make trouble,” Trump said.
He gave a similarly winking response when his supporters have turned violent in the past. Two men in Boston said they ambushed and brutally beat a homeless Latino man because they were “inspired” by Trump, who later explained his supporters “are very passionate” and “love this country.”
It may have, or maybe not. One thing is for sure, ThinkProgress doesn't give their readers the full story. Only the parts that fit their narrative.
What are you going to do, round all the illegals up? That's not humane. We can't round people up for being in this country illegally.
But we can round up millions of rich people if they decided to stop paying taxes all of the sudden. The IRS will round the s*it out of them. No problem at all rounding up American citizens.
We can round up all the guns in the country. People shouldn't be allowed to have them. We can't afford to allow Americans to own guns, it would be too much of a threat for people who are here illegally. We need to protect illegals more, because they are more important. Time to round all the guns up.
I just tapped into your mind, body, and soul pwnmystery. They all said I couldn't do it. They all claimed I could never have the heart of a self destructive loser. Not even in one short post
Watch the videos.
Sounds like someone's jimmies are rustled over something.
I have no idea what you're talking about. You can't round up all the illegals in the country, that would be hard and all the GOPers/Right Wingers/Libertards that scream "Gub'mint's too big and pervasive into our lives!" would throw a shit fit over the amount of policing that would take place in order for this to happen. Moreover there are, what, 11 million unauthorized immigrants in this country? We'd have to put them into camps to boot and oh boy, that would be a spectacle for the world. Are you really comfortable with this? Things like racial profiling, summary searches, having to present your ID to police no matter the circumstance, or having to prove your residency at every and any turn?
Can we round up millions of rich people if they stop paying taxes? No, we fine them, make them pay back taxes, or they go to prison and have their assets seized as per the law. Duh.
Can we round up all the guns? No. Should we? No. People can have guns, what they shouldn't be allowed to have are assault rifles, machine guns, etc. etc. or more than necessary (there really is no logical argument that you need five handguns, ten rifles, and a garage full of ammunition). Once more, duh. Also if you don't think the US does have a gun problem, you really need to open up your eyes and stop to smell the roses.
You didn't "tap into" my "heart, mind, and soul." You made a bunch of pithy, stupid, shithead arguments thinking you could quote me, so I guess you did turn into a self destructive loser.![]()
You just confirmed everything that I posted.
Liberals are throwing Americans in prison for not paying taxes.
Liberals want to throw people in prison for not turning their guns over to the government.
Liberals don't want to deport people in this country illegally. You would rather help illegals out by providing government assistance for their anchor babies, and then give them a driver's license.
No, I did quite the opposite. Didn't you used to always cry and go "If you're going to quote me, quote me correctly," funny that you're doing the same thing you cried to me about.
1) Liberals are not throwing Americans in prison for not paying taxes. This has been a law in the books for a really long time. How did we pop Al Capone? Tax evasion. Derp derp.
2) I never said I wanted to throw anyone in prison for not turning their guns into the government. Way to make a non sequiter argument there buddy.
3) I never took a position on deporting people who are here illegally. The anchor baby argument is tired, old, and slightly racist by the way. Illegals don't take as much government assistance as people who are here illegaly, not by a stretch, and they pay into the system while receiving very little out because the majority of government welfare programs require proof of citizenship. I did however ask you if you were okay with summary searches, imprisonments, and the requirement to prove your citizenship at every turn if we did start trying to round up 11.4 million unauthorized immigrants, as well as having to provide your ID at every turn and the amount of money it would take to do that. Are you okay with all of these? Because I'm not, it's an invasion of my liberty and freedom.
You did confirm though that you're a self destructive loser with all those non sequiters and word twisting.![]()
I haven't manipulated any of your quotes. Stop crying. Let me see if I just quoted you accurately, because I am about 99.9% sure that it doesn't make any sense
"Illegals don't take as much government assistance as people who are here illegaly, not by a stretch, "
We have only been chatting a few minutes. I was hoping you wouldn't get pissy until the next page.
You and me.... We could be like two peas in a pod