Anyone from Colorado?

I predict a population explosion in CO.
I have a spinal injury, I need weed to get by, and I live in Canna-Mordor. Think of the least cannabis friendly place in the western states. I think it is time to move.

Idaho or Texas. If you don't like the laws where you live, by all means- vote with your feet. And let everybody know WHY; because politicians would rather incarcerate people for pot than legalize it like the people demand!
Idaho or Texas. If you don't like the laws where you live, by all means- vote with your feet. And let everybody know WHY; because politicians would rather incarcerate people for pot than legalize it like the people demand!

Man Texas isn't a swing state, their are a lot of Republicans that don't want to change the laws but smoke or do other drugs in this state. I am a moderate and it's funny how many extreme right wing nuts smoke or do blow, and are mixed in with the bible thumpers. There have been bills written up for legalization and medical but never make it pasted committees. It's projected by 2020 it will be medical or full out legalization, but who knows. The laws here are pretty bad when you get over 5 lbs. But concentrates are controlled sub n you can get up to 20 years, but they just passed cbd oil legal and low thc.
Man Texas isn't a swing state, their are a lot of Republicans that don't want to change the laws but smoke or do other drugs in this state. I am a moderate and it's funny how many extreme right wing nuts smoke or do blow, and are mixed in with the bible thumpers. There have been bills written up for legalization and medical but never make it pasted committees. It's projected by 2020 it will be medical or full out legalization, but who knows. The laws here are pretty bad when you get over 5 lbs. But concentrates are controlled sub n you can get up to 20 years, but they just passed cbd oil legal and low thc.

I used to live in the South, but I just couldn't stomach quite that level of hypocrisy in my personal politics.

So I'm back where I grew up in Colorado, where there are people on both sides who say what they mean and everyone will face the music if they don't walk their talk.
Growing up in the ATX I was use to everyone being naive for politics, and later on moving around the state I saw everyone else be even more naive, like just voting republican or democrat they didn't care as long as their party said they were good.
Growing up in the ATX I was use to everyone being naive for politics, and later on moving around the state I saw everyone else be even more naive, like just voting republican or democrat they didn't care as long as their party said they were good.

I do my political thinking for myself, and I strongly urge more American citizens to do the same. Only good can come of it!
Man I feel that everything is to far gone for voting, the rich can manipulate their agenda. Shit look at the presidential election bush didn't even win the popular vote. The electoral college is out dated, and even if there was an honest candidate it won't be long before he'll stay the course as business as usual. The rich can stop business so you gotta cater to their needs. Also each state is different, the governor in Texas gerg abbott doesn't really have any power, but everyone here thinks the governor is like the president so people get confused and don't really care enough to make a difference. It was like two three years ago that in Houston three high schools got shut down due to funding, and everyone was so up set making it out over race, then elections came n everyone is still on the HISD board. People forget to often, or don't really care.