Michigan Labs?

Has anyone done any terpene testing thru iron? The sticker shock had me....shocked. 100$ and up to 2 weeks. That's what jc 3 said. I've asked the lab for a sample report, curious what 100 gets me, but nothing yet. I'm curious but I don't know if I'm THAT curious. Sorry, didn't mean to thread jack, seemed related.
As it stands, I'd say IRON is the best, mostly due to being around the longest in the state. More will start popping up as they push this new framework. Terpene testing is cool, if you have the money and time to spare. Otherwise, a simple report for contaminants and potency is all you really need. The dispensaries don't care, and 90% of your patients don't even know what terpenes are.
I've never tested anything, but I have an Apollo 11 and Sunshine Daydream I'm going to check when done.. Allegedly The Spott has the best equipment in the state..
The lab tech at 2:25 is IRON labs, I've known that guy for a while, one of my Phishing buddies. I'm going to give him a hard time over this :mrgreen:
there was a member on here or another forum that had one big cola, then cut into 3 smaller nuggets and gave them to the same lab, same day, and got back 3 different results ranging from a +/-5% (iirc) variation from each other.
In other industries, there are ASTM standardized test protocols so different labs using the same techniques would get the same results

Seems like this is the Wild West. I would imagine that a laboratory would do well to come up with some sort of standardization and market that fact. Personally, I'd be interested in a lab that showed me it was providing objective and repeatable data