Theme’s The RULES…


Well-Known Member

So Nudity is not allowed. Totally get that.

But how did THIS thread get closed??

@Alienwidow - did it get Actually naked in there at some point and then the thread got LOCKED DOWN?

There was not one speck of nudity on the whole thing???

Also, I understand THIS rule:

Name Calling or general rude behavior is no longer acceptable in the Cafe, We are adults which means that we should be able to debate without resorting to name calling. Warnings will be given out if users fail to act appropriately.

And I also understand that it does not apply to everyone, especially when it is thought that a member is helping “put racists in their place” or some shit.

I would like a clear indication of the rules please. Does anyone know?

Or are we going on Prison Rules?

Don’t want to get in trouble here. I am staying!
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If my thread got deleted its probably because it was in the wrong section. I knew it was when i posted it. I posted in vertical growing, like growing a penis.... I guess i was the vertical growing mod didnt see the humor or the vertical growers reported it. Makes sense. The vert guys are hard workin serious guys and that shit probably pisses them off. I aint sad.
If my thread got deleted its probably because it was in the wrong section. I knew it was when i posted it. I posted in vertical growing, like growing a penis.... I guess i was the vertical growing mod didnt see the humor or the vertical growers reported it. Makes sense. The vert guys are hard workin serious guys and that shit probably pisses them off. I aint sad.
Not “Deleted” - ooops

Just locked.

Yeah, what gives? I would also like to know what rules were broken.

Because other threads get moved to the proper sections all the time.

@ruleitup, @sunzi, @bobby, @ploproost, @doodoo, @shanghai, @greatwinter, etc

Inquiring minds want to know :-)
I think your Bat Signal might be broken…

you may want to start following the rules and stop getting your threads locked, or not.
Hey...I've partially matured.

Have not posted nudity - of humans - in a very long time.

I have not sworn at another member and lost my shit.

Camman now, I think I'm progressing...

If you can't ask those in charge what is going on and get an answer...well, I'm expecting an answer.

How are you supposed to stick to the rules if you don't know what they are?

Is it like Fight Club, or something? Not allowed to talk about it?
I just want a ruling about who was upset about a plant that is in the shape of a penis.


Fuckin tarded.

I reported that post. That plant's penis was much nicer than mine, and I couldn't stand it. I'm used to other guys having nicer penises than me, but a plant? How much is a guy supposed to take? Only small plant penises from now on, please...
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So Nudity is not allowed. Totally get that.

But how did THIS thread get closed??

@Alienwidow - did it get Actually naked in there at some point and then the thread got LOCKED DOWN?

There was not one speck of nudity on the whole thing???

Also, I understand THIS rule:

Name Calling or general rude behavior is no longer acceptable in the Cafe, We are adults which means that we should be able to debate without resorting to name calling. Warnings will be given out if users fail to act appropriately.

And I also understand that it does not apply to everyone, especially when it is thought that a member is helping “put racists in their place” or some shit.

I would like a clear indication of the rules please. Does anyone know?

Or are we going on Prison Rules?

Don’t want to get in trouble here. I am staying!

A bunch of stuff probably been already deleted before the lock. You missed the moist juicy bits.