Theme’s The RULES…

I will call out bullshit when I see it
mr. max - you know ive appreciated you in the past, i think you're basically a good man, only with a bit of a chip on his shoulders, about life and maybe about women. i understand ptsd, so i'm probably more forgiving than most.

However, that mouth of yours talking horrible destructive shit to sunni and diabolical is unacceptable imo. both of these women have gone out of their way to help you and this is the thanks they get?, going for their throat? hmm, not very noble.

A real man recognizes and apologizes when they are a fucking prick!

Just Sayin..
I will call out bullshit when I see it
See here is the thing. ...I'll admit iv3 said harsh to sunni

But all this bullshit lies on me about Diabolical need to stop. ..because I NEVER said anything about her....that tiny chat shit was bs and should have never went there....

But I can assure you I never said anything negative about her until her man said something about my wife. ...n

See the issue? It's called social media and it's fucking corrupting every ones minds and people believe someone half way across the country..

As far as the help went....sunni never helped me....she gave me a fucking phone number

Dia...yeah she helped as I helped too...take time out of MY weekend to her......and when. I heard the shit talking I drew the line.....but yet she still blows my phone up....

See too many people in peoples buisness on here ...

It's fucking stupid. really is....I'd love to handle the situation in person but I'll get threatened with cops

Anymore smart quips

This is t&t....where you come in here and bs....I grow it work 10 or more hrs a day....I check it in the morning and at night....i have what...I still smoke it

Do you kinda get where I'm coming from here? You've been on here long enough that I don't care about what others think about me.....I'm a nice guy until I get crossed or mistreated....I will call out bullshit when I see it

IE : don't get mad at me but why do you post your personal relationship issues on here....I don't give a fuck ....handle that shit on your own

Look people, I'm as outspoken as can be. ..I'm NOT using my 14 yr Army veteran as a crutch.....I am fucoed in the head, I have no VA benefits due to what happened to me while serving After I came back from my 3rd tour in Afghanistan. ...the last tour really fucked me up mentally. ..I've seen shit that'll make you puke most liky......but yet I laugh at other people's shit .....just like people I'm sure talk about me

It's hard for me to face to face talk to someone cuz I can't make eye contact and I can't hold a conversation well or I'll totally change the subject out of nowhere.....I'm racist cuz I got jumped by 5 coons minding my buisness....I thought I was a gonner that night and I was only 17.

I Dunnowhat to say anymore. ....we all have issues....but to be quite honest and not to sound arrogant but I feel my issues are alot more severe than most on here......

Have a good dinner....I'm having spaghetti
Good read. Thanks bro.. ++ rep
See here is the thing. ...I'll admit iv3 said harsh to sunni

But all this bullshit lies on me about Diabolical need to stop. ..because I NEVER said anything about her....that tiny chat shit was bs and should have never went there....

But I can assure you I never said anything negative about her until her man said something about my wife. ...n

See the issue? It's called social media and it's fucking corrupting every ones minds and people believe someone half way across the country..

As far as the help went....sunni never helped me....she gave me a fucking phone number

Dia...yeah she helped as I helped too...take time out of MY weekend to her......and when. I heard the shit talking I drew the line.....but yet she still blows my phone up....

See too many people in peoples buisness on here ...

It's fucking stupid. really is....I'd love to handle the situation in person but I'll get threatened with cops

Anymore smart quips
Lol, so what happened? I was gone for a couple of weeks.
Same reason you threw yourself into this…

I wanted to try to diffuse.

What are you playing at?

View attachment 3545784
no, i just noticed you were defusing a situation that was about to get interesting. I didn't like it. You get 1 warning ⚠ well I guess I can give you two, three if you give good blow jobs.

Three is where I draw my line unless you're into anal.
no, i just noticed you were defusing a situation that was about to get interesting. I didn't like it. You get 1 warning ⚠ well I guess I can give you two, three if you give good blow jobs.

Three is where I draw my line unless you're into anal.

I like you, you horney little bird!

Do I give good beej? Hahaha. Do you really even need to ask?

This is t&t....where you come in here and bs....I grow it work 10 or more hrs a day....I check it in the morning and at night....i have what...I still smoke it

Do you kinda get where I'm coming from here? You've been on here long enough that I don't care about what others think about me.....I'm a nice guy until I get crossed or mistreated....I will call out bullshit when I see it

IE : don't get mad at me but why do you post your personal relationship issues on here....I don't give a fuck ....handle that shit on your own

Look people, I'm as outspoken as can be. ..I'm NOT using my 14 yr Army veteran as a crutch.....I am fucoed in the head, I have no VA benefits due to what happened to me while serving After I came back from my 3rd tour in Afghanistan. ...the last tour really fucked me up mentally. ..I've seen shit that'll make you puke most liky......but yet I laugh at other people's shit .....just like people I'm sure talk about me

It's hard for me to face to face talk to someone cuz I can't make eye contact and I can't hold a conversation well or I'll totally change the subject out of nowhere.....I'm racist cuz I got jumped by 5 coons minding my buisness....I thought I was a gonner that night and I was only 17.

I Dunnowhat to say anymore. ....we all have issues....but to be quite honest and not to sound arrogant but I feel my issues are alot more severe than most on here......

Have a good dinner....I'm having spaghetti
You're racist because you can't fight? That's really white of you.
You're racist because you can't fight? That's really white of you.
People are influenced by their experiences.

I talked to someone once who was jumped by a bunch of Native Canadians, robbed I think.

They now don’t agree with government “hand outs” and helping the plight of the native people through social programs and tax breaks.

All because some fucked up drug addicts robbed them.

My half brother (who is almost 70 and a retired fire fighter) fucking HATES french Canadians. Because when he went to a french private school he was bullied and never got over it.

I like to give people breaks, whenever possible. Because, we’re all fucked up = you know?
People are influenced by their experiences.

I talked to someone once who was jumped by a bunch of Native Canadians, robbed I think.

They now don’t agree with government “hand outs” and helping the plight of the native people through social programs and tax breaks.

All because some fucked up drug addicts robbed them.

My half brother (who is almost 70 and a retired fire fighter) fucking HATES french Canadians. Because when he went to a french private school he was bullied and never got over it.

I like to give people breaks, whenever possible. Because, we’re all fucked up = you know?
a racist biggot that blames his hate for an entire race on one ass whipping is to much of a pussy for me to be giving breaks to.

But I respect your opinion.
He wasn't actually tagging anyone on purpose

Evidently mods don't like that...or at least that's the word on the street.

Let's test the waters, shall we?

@april , I think you are the tote n talk mod, I think? Anywho, how do you feel about being tagged into a thread to answer a question about the rules and regulations?

If you hate it, let me know. I like PMing with you best anyway!

I don't mind..a response is always at my discretion. Mods don't need to explain their duties..but I always try an explain my decision if politely asked.. .unless the person is only looking for an argument. If we feel a post is inappropriate it's at our discretion to remove it. Yes some mods do play favorite but that's on them and admin to resolve.

we’re all fucked up

So Nudity is not allowed. Totally get that.

But how did THIS thread get closed??

@Alienwidow - did it get Actually naked in there at some point and then the thread got LOCKED DOWN?

There was not one speck of nudity on the whole thing???

Also, I understand THIS rule:

Name Calling or general rude behavior is no longer acceptable in the Cafe, We are adults which means that we should be able to debate without resorting to name calling. Warnings will be given out if users fail to act appropriately.

And I also understand that it does not apply to everyone, especially when it is thought that a member is helping “put racists in their place” or some shit.

I would like a clear indication of the rules please. Does anyone know?

Or are we going on Prison Rules?

Don’t want to get in trouble here. I am staying!

I like to post gratuitous nudity shots. Penises, vaginas, rectums, breasts, testicles. Oh, and feces. If you have a good picture where feces is all over a naked person send it my way.
If my thread got deleted its probably because it was in the wrong section. I knew it was when i posted it. I posted in vertical growing, like growing a penis.... I guess i was the vertical growing mod didnt see the humor or the vertical growers reported it. Makes sense. The vert guys are hard workin serious guys and that shit probably pisses them off. I aint sad.

I'm one of those 'hard working, serious' vert guys- and I thought it was a welcome thread well positioned in a place that badly needs to lighten up a little!