Crisis in Hungary Refugees, something I noticed that's disturbing

I know what you are saying. But in the Middle east there are only 2 super powers. Iran and Israel. That's it

Super powers should be legal to have, but illegal to use. I mean imagine if Superman looked at you too long, he could fry your ass with that x-ray vision shit.
The picture in this case looks wrong.
What is the ratio of men to women in regards to war refugees?

This is the first time I have ever seen such a high percentage of military aged men

It don't look like war refugees to me
Uncle buck is still in troll mode and doesn't realize how serious a problem this could be.

Russia has been targeting ISIS this whole time and actively and aggressively been routing out the stragglers while Nato and the US was telling them to stop.

Wtf? If Put in wants to do the dirty work, let him!

Why are some politicians acting like ISIS doesn't need to be dealt with? If they don't want to commit our troops then let the other countries do it!

Weren't we complaining after 9/11 that the international community wasn't stepping up enough?

Well France and Russia are at the plate now ready to knock it outta the park.
i wish ISIS the best of luck in killing as many people as possible, especially white christian american males.
ISIS days are numbered. And the majority of them will not be able to melt back into their former lives
The only prisoners taken will be for entertainment or intelligence assets. And by entertainment I mean they will be tortured for amusement