Crisis in Hungary Refugees, something I noticed that's disturbing

Refugees shouldve been taken from camps in Turkey, etc.

Letting a massive migration occur and then simply calling countries that close their borders racist is remarkably retarded.

the KKK agrees with you.

killing refugees is too extreme for the KKK though. you need a more hateful hate group.
CNN is in full blown propaganda mode. Trying to show the humanitarian crisis of Iraqis and Syrians walking to the border of western Europe. They keep talking about the women children and elderly. But mostly what I am seeing in the videos is Military age Men.

Why not send the women children and elderly ahead and go back and fight for your homeland?


Now that it's a proxy war for everyone from the US and Russia to various middle eastern actors, the only reasonable/logical course is to GTFO and protect your family as best you can.
Now that it's a proxy war for everyone from the US and Russia to various middle eastern actors, the only reasonable/logical course is to GTFO and protect your family as best you can.
Look at the picture. That is what every picture of these "refugees" look like
Here are Sudanese Refugees
Here are Bosnian refugees
Here are the Syrian Refugees
that is evidence of nothing.

you realize those people were fleeing because of the violence, right?
Those revelations come as new details about the attackers emerge. Europe's worst security nightmare appears to be coming true: At least one of the terrorists who attacked civilians in Paris on Friday entered the European Union hidden among the wave of refugees arriving on European shores.
One of three bombers who detonated himself at the Stade de France late Friday arrived on the Greek island of Leros on October 3 among numerous Syrian refugees, CNN's Christiane Amanpour reported, citing an unnamed French senator who was briefed by the Ministry of the Interior.

The man declared himself to be Syrian, said his name was Ahmad al Mohammad and was, under new procedures set up to help refugees, issued a new emergency passport or similar document.

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From Leros, he traveled to Macedonia, Serbia and then Croatia, Amanpour reported.

The fingerprints from the bomber at the Stade de France match those taken when the man was issued his emergency travel document on Leros.