Charlie Sheen HIV Positive. ..

It's true but dang dudes life on 2 and a half men kinda mimicked his real life. I mean porn stars and hookers, sooner or later.......

I never even gave it a second thought back when it was even just a rumor. Dudes gonna have to chill at some point. I'm the same age as he is and I'll tell ya, as you get older you just can't carry on like you used to. Drinking and partying takes a toll on an older body. I can't even drink whiskey like I used to. I went on a 5 day party vaca last week and I'll tell ya. I could barely walk yesterday morning headed back to work. I wasn't even fucked up anymore but my body was beat down like I had run marathons everyday or something. It takes longer to recover that's for sure. You're fine as long as you just keep going. But, when you stop. Detox can be a mother.
Doesn't mean anything when you're rich. Isn't magic Johnson still alive? He's had it for 20 years?

So true...anyone else would be facing charges. .he's getting paid to do an Interview.
How many chicks did he fuck..and how many dicks have the ridden since him..
Let me get this straight. These women were having unprotected sex with the biggest manslut in the known world & they now wonder if they were exposed to something?! mother used to say "if you lay down with dogs, your gonna get up with fleas".....:roll:
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Let me get this straight. These women were having unprotected sex with the biggest manslut in the known world & now they wonder if they were exposed to something?! mother used to say "if you lay down with dogs, your gonna get up with fleas".....:roll:
The only sound advice my dad ever gave me that stuck was this " don't stick your dick in a meat grinder" well I listened.
Maybe if Charlie had been my brother instead of Emilio's he'd be HIV free now.
They're right on the verge of coming out to the public with HIV medication that completely prevents you from contracting the virus. It's VERY common already for people with HIV to live long, productive lives after learning that they've become infected.

EDIT: The Medication is available now, it's called Truvada, it's available now. One pill a day prevents the contraction on the HIV virus. Seriously. SERIOUSLY.
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heres what i thought was funky about it
the other day on facebooks "trending" it had an article i read about a porn star stating one of hollywoods whatever was HIV positive, and never told anyone he slept with
and she named some of the people he slept with but in a way that was no names so like 2 time grammy award winner, blah blah

than all of a sudden now its I HAVE HIV