Charlie Sheen HIV Positive. ..

Most women like funny men, I thought.
We do. But he is SUCH an asshole it cancels out his funny. I mean the guy's a jerk. Even before the whole AIDS thing, which IMOis yet another way for him to get the attention he so craves. Dude, you had a shot at being in the top millionth percentile (famous celebrities). There should be absolutely NO reason to fuck that up with drugs, drink, hurting ppl, whatever. I don't' feel sorry for him in the least. His HIV was totally voluntary
@charface Most women LOVE funny men. But he isn't one of them. I wouldn't describe him as a funny guy. I think a great sense of humor and/or a sharp wit trumps plain looks every time. *that and he must worship me
I cant excuse his behavior but I cant act like I never acted bizarre or had unprotected sex while on drugs.
Somehow I don't think you would if you knew you had a nasty sexually transmittable disease. You have too much of a moral code. AND you're a funny guy.
What about the porn star he was with? Did she give all the other pornography stars HIV? He wasn't using protection from what I heard.
It's like dudes on the senior tour of life anyway. Come on guys this isn't like a young dude. Plus all the booze and dope? Even if they can keep his body alive his brain will never heal to full again. It's like no one on this forum has ever met a total burnout.

Nevertheless. Dude lived like a king. I'm sure his journey and experiences trumps the destination. We all gonna see the same destination. Caution in the wind is a lifestyle choice not without repercussions. Know what I mean?

Just saying. Dude will do fine on the senior tour of his life and career. Or just disappear. Who cares? His plateau was reached. It's all downhill from there. I'm sure dude saved up along the way.
He better start hiding cash,
Looks like the only reason he came out is to get ahead of the enquirer expose due out soon.
They feel like they have evidence that he knowingly fucked without disclosing repeatedly.
That's a crime, plus all the civil court shit.

Gonna get uglier.

Plus he has already paid millions in hush money.

The question is, Will he write a best selling tell all
Denise Richards dating pool just dried up faster than her career.

I'd still hit it...

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heres what i thought was funky about it
the other day on facebooks "trending" it had an article i read about a porn star stating one of hollywoods whatever was HIV positive, and never told anyone he slept with
and she named some of the people he slept with but in a way that was no names so like 2 time grammy award winner, blah blah

than all of a sudden now its I HAVE HIV
Yeah well that's how extortion works if you don't wish to pay.
What about the porn star he was with? Did she give all the other pornography stars HIV? He wasn't using protection from what I heard.

bree olson, or however you spell her name.. she was on the stern show today.. she said that they used lamb skin condoms, which as i said earlier, are only good for preventing pregnancy, and do nothing to stop the spread of stds..
she was just tested, and brought in her test results with her, and she tested negative for antibodies for hiv.. also, porn stars are probably the most tested group of people in any industry..