Ben Carson..You are no Barack Obama

Bush had class?
is that what stupidity is called in your circles?
Obama has no class. He's a narcissist, and a loser.

All of the seats Democrats have lost in the senate, the house, the city, state, and local levels;
have been because of Obama. Right now the self-absorbed ego maniac is a one man majority
Obama has no class. He's a narcissist, and a loser.

All of the seats Democrats have lost in the senate, the house, the city, state, and local levels;
have been because of Obama. Right now the self-absorbed ego maniac is a one man majority
Slow down, take a deep breath. You're letting your emotions get the best of you. Your hatred of Obama has you irrationally defending a war criminal. Rub your earlobes and repeat after me. Woosah, Woosah...
You were going on and on about 2000, and bush being elected president. I wasn't old enough to vote against bush, or vote against a Democrat klan man.

My point:
The Bush family has as much control of the Republican party, as the kkk still has control over the Democrat Party. You constantly bring up Bush as a shield for defending Obama. You and people like you are the reason why the political Trump exists in the first place.

A deep and abiding ignorance is not an excuse to be so wrong. You compare what happened a mere 15 years ago as if it relates to happenings 100 years ago? Also you forget that those men in white robes if still alive and their white power-believing sons are all Republicans now. They changed parties in the '70s and '80s to become the GOP's core voters.

Another stupid idea you mention: GW Bush never had control of the party, he was one of the inner circle. They made a lot of hay by having one of their own good ole boys in the White House.

Are you a real person or just some computer program that's written to spit out conservative-speak? I don't think you are a person, that's my guess.
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Slow down, take a deep breath. You're letting your emotions get the best of you. Your hatred of Obama has you irrationally defending a war criminal. Rub your earlobes and repeat after me. Woosah, Woosah...
I just couldn't help but notice how the election at the beginning of the month was a referendum on Obama and the Democrat party. It looks like sanctuary cities are not very popular after all...
So now we are going to take Uncle Buck seriously all of the sudden? I don't have any "social sites". My name is not chumlee, and I'm not fat. Nobody has ever called me fat before in my entire life. ever. Uncle Buck's accusations are stupid, and based on nothing. It's the most pathetic attempt at doxing somebody I've ever seen. Let's not pretend that isn't what Uncle Buck tries to do. Am I right? He has has received several warnings from mods about this before...

Are we nervous? "He has has received several warnings from the mods about this before..." You know what they say if you have to explain yourself then you're losing. I just know Mr. Perfect couldn't commit a blatant faux pax.

Are we nervous? "He has has received several warnings from the mods about this before..." You know what they say if you have to explain yourself then you're losing. I just know Mr. Perfect couldn't commit a blatant faux pax.

It gets old after a while. I've been having to deal with this retard accuse me of being a previously banned member ever since I signed up. Everything from beenthere, to washere, freedomworks, munchbox, and chumlee. He is simply trying to tire me out with personal accusations. I have figured that out in a month, why can't you?
It gets old after a while. I've been having to deal with this retard accuse me of being a previously banned member ever since I signed up. Everything from beenthere, to washere, freedomworks, munchbox, and chumlee. He is simply trying to tire me out with personal accusations. I have figured that out in a month, why can't you?
It took you a month to figure out those weren't your old accounts? LOL
It gets old after a while. I've been having to deal with this retard accuse me of being a previously banned member ever since I signed up. Everything from beenthere, to washere, freedomworks, munchbox, and chumlee. He is simply trying to tire me out with personal accusations. I have figured that out in a month, why can't you?

Why can't I? Guess it's because I don't get into beefs with Uncle B is he all in your ass like a wedgie? Did he rattle your cage?

Obama has no class. He's a narcissist, and a loser.

All of the seats Democrats have lost in the senate, the house, the city, state, and local levels;
have been because of Obama. Right now the self-absorbed ego maniac is a one man majority
I take it you can't see how much better off this country is compared to the state of the nation at the beginning of Obama's term. Conservative blinders are up don't look at any facts or you might have to eat your words. However, the topic of this thread is about Carson vs Obama. I take it you'd have Carson over Obama any day. Is this true?
We're discussing NATIONAL politics here.

No you're not. You're talking shit. It's just what liberals well as launch gangbangs against those who refuse to go along (with their brand of madness) to get along.

Famous last words. Uh, how many times has the Liar-In-Chief declared this?
