The UK Growers Thread!

I tell you what, I'm fucking sick to death of hearing about ISIS and blatently obvious false flag events like this french bullshit (on Friday 13th of all fucking dates!)

I can spot a false flag event from a fucking mile off and called that Lee Rigby crap (bloke never existed) as it happened in this very thread!

For all the fucking sheeple who blindly believe the propaganda force fed to them by main stream media rather than rationally anylising the available facts for themselves, the following linked video was stolen from a laptop belonging to a staffer of senator John McCain by the Ukrainian hacker team CyberBerkut while the staffer was visiting the Ukraine.

The video shows the fake Jihadi John/James Foley beheading being filmed on an indoor set.
(You'll have to watch via the linked site as RIU won't let me post the actual video here for some reason.)

Link to video:-

And here's a link to the CyberBerkut website with some very interesting leaked info ongoing if anybody is interested.

Link to site:-

Sandy Hook = Fake.
Boston Marathon bombing = Fake.
Lee Rigby stabbing = Fake.
Charlie Hebdo = Fake.
Tunisia = Fake.
MH17 = Fake.
Jihadi John = Fake.
Paris concert = Fake.

(Just a handful but the list goes on)

Lets have it right, it's propaganda to sway public opinion the world over.
How else are the Zionist scum supposed to get troops on the ground in Syria without public outcry and support?

(This'll be another crisis actor getting caught out then!)

If anybody wants evidence that the above events were fake I'm quite happy to point them in the right direction.

Rant over, as you were lads........
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I don't know what to believe with shit like that if something can be faked then a fake can be faked too.

That picture of the women at all the terrorist attacks has been shared massively, so surely if it was being faked they would change "actors" to avoid getting caught out again.

I do believe there are people controlling everything but that's as far as I go with discussions or arguments because for every conspiracy theory there is evidence confirming otherwise and visa versa. However it is interesting to read and makes good entertainment watching people argue on Twitter about it haha
That picture of the women at all the terrorist attacks has been shared massively, so surely if it was being faked they would change "actors" to avoid getting caught out again.

Yeah you'd think so.

But the same actors are used all over (less folk to spill the beans/keep tabs on).

The blonde woman who spoke to Lee Rigby's supposed killers, the 'Angel of Woolwhich' Ingrid Loyau-Kennett is the same woman who appeared on This Morning with supposed Altern Towers crash victim Leah Washington.

And Lee Rigby's supposed killer Michael Adebowale (the guy in the brown coat accross the road) and the supposed 7/7 bomber Germaine Lindsey are the same person.

Altern Towers crash is another load of bollocks.

As is the Shoreham Air Show crash.

Even the seemingly innocent Glasgow bin lorry crash.
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for every conspiracy theory there is evidence confirming otherwise and visa versa.

For those events that I've listed there is no eveidence whatsoever that they were real, only fabricated and acted out scenarios reported by main stream media, the evidence actually proves them to be false.

If you believe everything the news tells you on face value then they are real.

If you gather all the available facts yourself and inspect with a logical and rational mind then they're all bollocks and laughably fake.
7 dbxl all popped,nice taperoot n 4 of the 5 cheese bukakke popped aswell so imma wait a little longer for that one bean n setup my small tent for em tonight. Was looking at elephantos last night, they've some sweet beans on there n they accept paypal (for now) so I night get a few beans off em like the blueberry mix n a few others n with my freebies I'll get a few of the other ones I wanna try.2015_11_16_09.33.19.png
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If they stock Pyramid seeds have a look at their Tuthankhamon in place of that AK47 you selected.......that is some strong tasty shit lol
Yeah I've been planning to grow that since zeddd suggested it but sadly they don't carry it.they allow u to choose ur freebies from their selection so if I spend over 100 I can select 8 free fem so was planning on getting the blueberry mix n lemon haze then getting 4 ak47 xtrm n 4 amnesia....tempted by the bubblicious aswell.hard nit to want all the fucking seeds lol
Just got a 25% off voucher for a seedbank so would be rude not to use it to treat myself for xmas eh? lol
Pyramid seeds are based up the road in the mountains 20 mins from here. An indoor grow up there keeps getting male pollen blown in the room and they had one or two seeds here and there. Bad neighbours they are! Lol

Do you rate them? Had Tutan before. They have a strain called Wembley.
Pyramid seeds are based up the road in the mountains 20 mins from here. An indoor grow up there keeps getting male pollen blown in the room and they had one or two seeds here and there.

Do you rate them? Had Tutan before. They have a strain called Wembley.

Ive only tried their Tuthankhamon, which was outstanding, albeit a few years ago now, but just based off of that id certainly give a few more of their strains a go at some point...Have you tried anything of theirs yet out of interest?

Also did the blue tap work?
Ive only tried their Tuthankhamon, which was outstanding, albeit a few years ago now, but just based off of that id certainly give a few more of their strains a go at some point...Have you tried anything of theirs yet out of interest?

Also did the blue tap work?
My mates grew loads of theirs a few years ago. Tutan was a 3 metre outdoor plant of theirs. Gots pics somewhere. Can't remember the rest of theirs.

We don't rate them over here. R-Kiem have won loads in recent years. Don't think Pyramid have. We like Medical seeds too. Resin has a high rep and a nice club here. CBD CREW are on fire. These 2 women seem to be working with everyone. So cool that you like that medical weed.

Still need to try the blue tap! I got too stoned and para of it the other night.
What was it my mate said, "Get online and buy as much water as you can, because in September the World is going tits up. You're my friend and I care about you, please watch this video and you will understand".
I received an Email with video. (never watched it, totally forgot to). Next time I saw him, "oh, you can delete that video as it never happened". LMFAO. If I believed everything the conspiracy nuts thought I would be as fucked if I believed everything the "higher beings" that seemingly run the World say. What are they called again....Spectre or some gash like that:)
Said i dont really get into disscusions but i cant resist lol.

The only way you can know if something is real is if you were there or involved in it. Who's saying there was no evidence? Is it not possible that they are manufacturing fake documents or vidoes to make out there isn't any?

I don't believe Paris to be faked. It is possible its not the people who the media make out it to be. Same with 9/11 and so on. If it is an elite power controlling things and setting up these attacks then its worse than terrorists doing it. But either way its fucked up.

In other news turns out I got autoflowering seeds and hadn't realised , luckily found out before they started to flower