The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
24/7 in my house :wall:
They say kids should have a max of 1 hour Computer/TV time....but that's only so that adults don't go fukkin bonkers. I suggested we put a TV in his room and lock him in there, wife didn't agree funnily enough.....ffs.


Well-Known Member
wtf is going on with these lol i took them 6days ago in photo1 the top 5 have all started to root but the stem gone dark red and pink leafs photo 2.JPG photo 3.JPG photo 1.JPG


Well-Known Member
I hope so Yorky haha.

Well one thing that must be true...Global Warming. Fuk me. Middle of November and this Fireball male is still happy as in the greenhouse outside (door opened ).

And this was a Sour Cherry male that was outside and ok until yesterday when I came out to find it upside down in the strawberry patch lol. If I picked up the conniffers once yesterday, I picked them up a 1000 times ffs....fukkin windtastic. It's head is still in the strawberry patch all tangled up.


Well-Known Member
I've not heard of that incident so don't know.

But regarding the Glasgow bin lorry crash, the official story is false and most of the photo's released by the main stream media have been photoshopped or are just plain fake in the first place.

If you want to see the story ripped to pieces using the freely available facts and officially released statements I suggest you read this linked article.

You have to take the guys skeptical personality with a pinch of salt cos he's quite a character, but he presents the facts as they are given and as an alternative journalist he's very good at what he does.
You won't get a more comprehensive analysis of the event anywhere else while using a factual basis.

There's no denying that the official narrative is complete bollocks and did not happen as we are told.
Both me and my mum worked in Glasgow airport at the time of the bin lorry crash and I can assure u it did happen and all the pics and videos I've seen of it online are identical to how it happened ! I agree that a lot of recent events look like false flags but the bin lorry wasn't one of them well if it was it was better constructed than some of the bigger more elaborate attacks !

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Both me and my mum worked in Glasgow airport at the time of the bin lorry crash and I can assure u it did happen and all the pics and videos I've seen of it online are identical to how it happened !
You've misinterpreted what I've said mate.

YES the bin lorry did crash.

But NO it did not happen like the official story and statements would have us believe, nor how the photo's would have us believe.

1) The official story and statements do not match the photo's.

2) The official story and statements don't match what factually happened.

3) The photo's don't match what factually happened.

Some of the photo's are completely made up as the streets are different in some of them!

Take the time to read the article I linked and see for yourself mate.


Well-Known Member
That's some of the worst looking cuts I've ever seen man, I'd bin em all and take another batch. And I'm not taking the piss this time I'm serious mate.
kk man im on it dont know why they ended up like that for they was alright when i did them think it was the light then 2 strong like makka said


Well-Known Member
thats why then you fuckin numpty, that is way overkill for clones, it is a flowering light no?

i hide my clones underneath the canopy of my mother plants in a 4x4 with 125w cfl, they come out as they went in only with roots on.