Well-Known Member
I should of got a copyright or patent on my speaker box design. optic straight up copied everything from the black anodized knobs to the speaker grill and round cut outs, color scheme...
Think I still have copyright protection from posting it on my journal though? Cease and desist order? Nah...not going to that ugly place..
It was a good design...but for diy...not sale. Not up to my standard of what a product should be. For friends at about zero profit fine....
I wish them bad luck for being such flagrant copiers and aggressive and rude salesman.
I wish all the ones that came up with original designs the best of luck with their endeavors.
zangs was always a favorite of mine from the first time it was shown. Thats what I like to see...and why I didn't jump in with a bud box.
I do have a design I've got pretty well worked in a cad program. Its my dream light and what I personally want it to be. Even if just for my growroom and personal friends...friends of friends. There is a small demand where I am at.
Safe to say I won't post any pics of it until it is realized...if ever..haha. I did meet a good contact for getting it made...kinda came out of nowhere. Have a feeling it will cost too much to produce but...will see....
thank you very much Positivity...I appreciate your words, this is the result of many sacrifices and hard work...
then, I do not expect that everyone will understand how difficult it is ....
those working in design and engineering know what I mean....