The 'sarcastically nice' only thread ............

Oh you should totally go in the Morpheus thread OP.

It’s totally not just a couple of dudes in there passing back dick picks covered in semen and furiously masterbating behind the comfort of their computer screens…

Like REAL men. ahahaha
I firmly stand behind anyone that wishes death on other's children here. In fact. Not only do I agree with it, I encourage and 'like' those peoples posts. My name is Jessica. Am I doing this tread right?
everybody loves your attitude :) its great, you really are a deep down nice person, u r so cool,
I think I am probably the most loved member of RIU! What a keen observer you are!

Seriously everyone has been SO kind and welcoming. Getting to know me, and my life, before they pass any judgement.

The kind hearted things that people have said to me…really just gets me right in the feels.

Everyone here is just so awesome. Every. Single. One.