Apples and oranges..jesus christ, dude.
What does Brian Williams have to do with anything?
He's gonna be fun for a while still...

Apples and oranges..jesus christ, dude.
What does Brian Williams have to do with anything?
The joke was hilarious. Poked fun at both sides of the aisle and made perfect sense. Your questioning of it is moronic.Apples and oranges..jesus christ, dude.
What does Brian Williams have to do with anything?
1) Obama is not seeking public office, he's already gone through this. 2012 GOP called, they want their conspiracy theories back. We should be scrutinising who is currently running for the Office of President, not who has been because then we can just get into all sorts of lovely things as going back and back and back to George Washington had false teeth! His teeth were wood! That's why he never smiled! #conspiracysolved
2) Presidential candidates are not required to release their academic records. Nor are Obama's academic records "sealed." Sealed records indicate a court order, which there never was.
3) For any of Obama's schools to release his academic records would be a violation of Federal law - go look up the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (if you hold a college degree and up you should really know about this because in order to apply they talk about this usually).
4) Where were you during 2008 and 2012? The media never gave Obama this amount of scrutiny? Are you insane, or are you doing what Ben Carson did and selectively remembering things. (Don't even answer that, it's the latter, and anyone who watched the 2008 and 2012 election cycle would know this. Instead, you're going to sit there and do the Conservative thing and cry about liberal media. Someone call a Waaaaambulance.)
5) I'm glad you used youngcons as your source for this, so let's get to it.
A) You may want to read the entire article. "“Senator Obama’s family is proud of the service of his grandfather and uncles in World War II – especially the fact that his great uncle was a part of liberating one of the concentration camps at Buchenwald,” Mr. Burton said in a statement. “Yesterday he mistakenly referred to Auschwitz instead of Buchenwald in telling of his personal experience of a soldier in his family who served heroically.”" So, this was a comment off the top of his head. It wasn't a) in a PUBLISHED book b) wasn't PLANNED c) His staff straight up corrected the mistake rather than Ben Carson trying to say it's a "media hit job" and trying to wiggle around saying how he's actually correct when he was't. So already, Obama and his staff already show a shit ton more decency than the Ben Carson campaign, and also look incredibly more credible.
B & C) The Selma comment is based off an over-literal interpretation of his speech at Selma, AL. President Obama was praising the civil rights achievements (like the Selma marches) as having helped pave the way for his campaign to become the first black president (which is true). This really weird interpretation stems from an Editorial from The Conservative Voice where a guy writes, "Obama went on to tell his audience that the Kennedys, Jack and Bobby, decided to do an airlift. They would bring some young Africans over so that they could be educated and learn all about America. His grandfather heard that call and sent his son, Barrack Obama, Sr., to America." The chronology doesn't match, but President Obama never in his speech referred to the Kennedy's, or JFK as the President, and it is true that in 1959 Senator John F. Kennedy set up a scholarship fund to bring Kenyans to the United States to go to college. You could say that he was pandering a little bit to the crowd (but what politician doesn't?) but if you had ever read or listened to the entire speech (which I have) you'd figure out he was talking about the progress of the Civil Rights movement and how it's empowered people both in the US and abroad, which is once more correct because the boycott buses were in 1955-1956. Boom.
D) About the grandfather thing. "Mr Onyango's third wife, Sarah, has claimed that her late husband had his testicles crushed and his nails and buttocks pierced as jailers at Kamiti Prison outside Nairobi sought information on the rebels.
Mrs Onyango, who is now 90, said Mr Onyango still bore scars from his treatment when he died in 1979..."
However, what the difference here between the outright claims Ben Carson made and the claim that could actually most likely not be true that Barack Obama made is that the claim was not about himself. Barack Obama never said it happened to him, he was relating a story told to him by his grandfather and/or family. These two instances are not the same - if you think they are, you really need to go and reevaluate your critical thinking skills.
E) I haven't seen Maraniss' citation for this beyond what he wrote in his book saying that the obituary for President Obama's step grandfather was too "simple" for him to have been killed by the Dutch in the 1940s. Moreover what the youngcon article glosses over is that Maraniss does not cite this and also says that Barack's step grandfather died of a heart attack. So, the article itself is also skewing things to present a certain narrative which is not presented by Maraniss himself. Go read the book. Moreover this is a story related to him most likely by a family member and not a personal experience that he himself went through. Haven't you ever found out that a family member embellished the truth? What about the thousands of Americans who say they're related to some English/European nobility whereas in reality there's no connection.
F) The health insurance one is correct, however it also exposes another terrible truth which is that President Obama's mother fought with the insurance company over disability payment which they denied (when they should not have done so).
G) All you need to know about the Genevie thing is that once more President Obama owned up to it, "During an interview in the Oval Office, Obama acknowledged that..." and also if you've ever read his book you'd know that he states quite clearly in the beginning that he's condensed things, changed names and a few other things. Once again, he's not sitting there going "No I never said that! It's a media hit job! Boo hoo hooo hoo." Really, critical thinking goes a long way.
H) If you don't think that during the 1950s a white woman marrying a black man from Africa in America was somewhat improbable you've led an incredibly sheltered life and have no concept of history and I feel very sorry for you.
I) You really need to read Maraniss' book, because he posits this, and does not flat out state it happened.
TL;DR: You need to read things, verify your sources, and not post from a website like youngcon which has an obvious slant to it. If you get to sit there and dismiss a completely valid news source like Washington Post, then you're pretty much posting a piece of Fan Fic by citing youngcon. Once again, you don't even need to read past the first few pages in President Obama's book to see that he openly admits that he's changed a few things. It's right there, literally, right there. What he hasn't done is try to smudge and twist trying to get out of being caught in a lie, he'll openly clarify or state that he was wrong.
Evidently you did not read the piece that I posted from youngcons, as this vile, loathsome website simply linked to other sites for every point illustrated in the piece....there are links to sites other than youngcons, for all nine did you miss this? I wonder?
You obviously need to read some things, because your knee jerk perfidy in defense of the most mendacious POTUS in history speaks for itself.
All college records can be released with the consent of the student...why has Obama not yet consented, even at this late point in time?
I wonder, hmmm?
Semantics is all you have...
Carson’s comments about the media, and his complaints about Barack Obama, were — no surprise — barely reported. But they deserve an airing. By those standards, Barack Obama was clearly the beneficiary of enormous media forbearance while he ran for president.
In October 2007, the New York Times ran an article headlined “Obama’s Account of New York Years Often Differs from What Others Say.” It reported that Obama resisted any attempts to reconcile his account in his 1995 memoir Dreams from My Father with the recollections and records of those who knew him. The Times reported: Yet he declined repeated requests to talk about his New York years, release his Columbia transcript, or identify even a single fellow student, co-worker, roommate, or friend from those years. A campaign spokesman, Ben LaBolt, had this explanation for the candidate’s silence: “He doesn’t remember the names of a lot of people in his life.”
Read more at:
That was a hoax.
How about the Popeye's story? Is that a hoax as well? Because it is EVERY BIT as ridiculous.That was a hoax.
God you people are gullible. The ONLY place you can find that is from one source on twitter. Then it was retweeted.
How can there be a police record if the man wasn't caught?How about the Popeye's story? Is that a hoax as well? Because it is EVERY BIT as ridiculous.
Popeye's being robbed is entirely possible, even likely. Carson's story about being there when it happened, particularly the way he said it went down is complete bullshit.POLITICS
Baltimore Police: We Don't Have Enough Info To Find Ben Carson's Popeyes Holdup
But based on the sheer number of alleged incidents at the Baltimore location Carson described, his story is entirely plausible.
Why do you think it is bullshit?Popeye's being robbed is entirely possible, even likely. Carson's story about being there when it happened, particularly the way he said it went down is complete bullshit.
Why do you think it is bullshit?
Should he of said "you got me!" or maybe "take my car keys"?“Guy comes in, put the gun in my ribs. And I just said, ‘I believe that you want the guy behind the counter,’ ”
If you really believe that happened, well...Should he of said "you got me!" or maybe "take my car keys"?
He was like ya got the wrong guy!
Maybe just never been on the business end of a gun to know you don't say some smart shit like that....If you really believe that happened, well...
And I'm willing to bet that he hasn't either.Maybe just never been on the business end of a gun to know you don't say some smart shit like that....
Well he did say he would yell" hey everybody lets get him. He might kill me but he can't kill all of us".Should he of said "you got me!" or maybe "take my car keys"?
He was like ya got the wrong guy!
What is this, every black man against Carson? Give it up bro. Carson sucks yes, but it's not because of all that crap you keep posting about. His immigration plan is to the left of Marco Rubio's... Now that is something worth discussing.Well he did say he would yell" hey everybody lets get him. He might kill me but he can't kill all of us".
What happen to him doing that ? I would also like to know what he did afterwards ? Did he just sit down and finish his meal ? Did he call the police ? Did he hang around to be a witness ?
He says that he didn't file a police report, which seems like odd behavior (to say the least) for a world class neurosurgeon.Well he did say he would yell" hey everybody lets get him. He might kill me but he can't kill all of us".
What happen to him doing that ? I would also like to know what he did afterwards ? Did he just sit down and finish his meal ? Did he call the police ? Did he hang around to be a witness ?