Ben Carson..You are no Barack Obama


Well-Known Member

I answered your question. The meme parodied Carsons lie about the stabbing

Brian Williams being caught lying then fired and rehired. Back up the lie just adds to the comedy.

You had no point just a question.

I guess that intellectual humor is over your head
Never mind.


Well-Known Member
Obviously I know more about PragerU than you do. See, it even rhymes, but you'll see that PragerU is even unaccredited and does not even count for any sort of curriculum. You're the one choosing ignorance over enlightenment: It's called confirmation bias. You will find any piece of information no matter how wrong to validate your false claims. But, once again, keep saying PragerU is a valid source and we'll continue to laugh at you like when a baby tries to fit the star shape into the circle hole.

Look, you can't even back up how it is a good, valid source - all you can do is just throw out insult after insult. Too cute, you're cornered, going to cry now?
Lol. I thought I was backing it up by linking to various 5 minute courses. Maybe you should actually watch one.


Well-Known Member
you're trying to establish the credibility of prageru by citing...


are you familiar with the logical fallacy of circular reasoning?
If you were, you would realize that it is not in play here. Also pretty sure that our conversation ended with you swinging in the wind. Why would you want to subject pnw to the same fate? Can he not finish his own conversation?


Well-Known Member
If you were, you would realize that it is not in play here. Also pretty sure that our conversation ended with you swinging in the wind. Why would you want to subject pnw to the same fate? Can he not finish his own conversation?
so you're not aware that is is mentally retarded to establish the credibility of a thing by citing that very same thing?

makes sense that you would be that dumb.

what's up with dennis prager aficionados wanting to eliminate the jews from the planet, klanman?


Well-Known Member
so you're not aware that is is mentally retarded to establish the credibility of a thing by citing that very same thing?

makes sense that you would be that dumb.

what's up with dennis prager aficionados wanting to eliminate the jews from the planet, klanman?
Maybe if it was a "thing", but it is not. You are an expert false witness and another who wears ignorance like a badge of honor. Who do you think your audience is? I know most everything you interject with is bologna. I also don't think the leftist ignoramuses who like your posts are even dumb enough to believe your logically vacant squirmings. So, I guess you are doing this to fool yourself. Not a very high goal. Don't you have a window to watch get installed? Or is your summer job over?


Well-Known Member
Maybe if it was a "thing", but it is not. You are an expert false witness and another who wears ignorance like a badge of honor. Who do you think your audience is? I know most everything you interject with is bologna. I also don't think the leftist ignoramuses who like your posts are even dumb enough to believe your logically vacant squirmings. So, I guess you are doing this to fool yourself. Not a very high goal. Don't you have a window to watch get installed? Or is your summer job over?
nice set of insults, it in no way rebuts what i said or corrects your logical fallacy though.

13 windows and a sliding glass door, 3 day job, done by noon today. so we have tomorrow off too. perfect timing so i get to enjoy the year's first blizzard.

does it bother you that i am so much more successful than you? you can't even grow weed as well as i do!


Well-Known Member
nice set of insults, it in no way rebuts what i said or corrects your logical fallacy though.

13 windows and a sliding glass door, 3 day job, done by noon today. so we have tomorrow off too. perfect timing so i get to enjoy the year's first blizzard.

does it bother you that i am so much more successful than you? you can't even grow weed as well as i do!
Wow. 13 windows. Not sure but there may be a 5 minute video describing everything you have to do at:
And insults? Where?
Pointing out that all your posts are invented bullshit and that nobody, after all this time and all the people you have perpetrated fraud against, believes anything you say, cannot be insulting.


Well-Known Member
Wow. 13 windows. Not sure but there may be a 5 minute video describing everything you have to do at:
And insults? Where?
Pointing out that all your posts are invented bullshit and that nobody, after all this time and all the people you have perpetrated fraud against, believes anything you say, cannot be insulting.
Stop being jealous. You're just upset you don't have a degree that was able to land you a job in windows, doors, and carpet. You wish you were a carpenter, like uncle buck and jesus


Well-Known Member
Wow. 13 windows. Not sure but there may be a 5 minute video describing everything you have to do at:
And insults? Where?
Pointing out that all your posts are invented bullshit and that nobody, after all this time and all the people you have perpetrated fraud against, believes anything you say, cannot be insulting.
so still no attempt to defend prageru?

probably your smartest move yet, since defending that unaccredited and thin euphemism for white supremacy values is truly indefensible, you spamming, drooling loser.


Well-Known Member
so still no attempt to defend prageru?

probably your smartest move yet, since defending that unaccredited and thin euphemism for white supremacy values is truly indefensible, you spamming, drooling loser.
Lol. It defends itself and once again all anyone has to do is go there and watch a few videos to know that here you denigrate something or someone based on your own prejudice and ignorance. You should really give it up...everyone already knows you as a sick, ignorant, fool. Climb out of that hole you've been digging and become a real contributor here instead of a puke.


Well-Known Member
Lol. It defends itself and once again all anyone has to do is go there and watch a few videos to know that here you denigrate something or someone based on your own prejudice and ignorance. You should really give it up...everyone already knows you as a sick, ignorant, fool. Climb out of that hole you've been digging and become a real contributor here instead of a puke.
maybe we should all watch the video about how diversity is a scam, or the discussion on the white supremacist website stormfront about how great dennis prager is, and how the world would be better off if we just eliminated all the jews, and while we do that you can tell us all about how totally not racist you are.


Well-Known Member
maybe we should all watch the video about how diversity is a scam, or the discussion on the white supremacist website stormfront about how great dennis prager is, and how the world would be better off if we just eliminated all the jews, and while we do that you can tell us all about how totally not racist you are.
If it were anyone else I would ask "Did you have a stroke? o_O


Well-Known Member
If it were anyone else I would ask "Did you have a stroke? o_O
so you can't rebut the fact that prageru calls diversity a "scam", like the KKK does?

or that white supremacists on stormfront praise dennis prager and talk about eliminating all the jews?

yep, thought so. make another impotent attempt at insult, loser.


Well-Known Member
so you can't rebut the fact that prageru calls diversity a "scam", like the KKK does?

or that white supremacists on stormfront praise dennis prager and talk about eliminating all the jews?

yep, thought so. make another impotent attempt at insult, loser.
La D Da. More of the same. I tire of you, Puke. Everyone but your flying monkeys and probably some of them are tired of you. You watch the video yet about being a false witness. You should. Later, Puke. Off to vacuum the dust.


Well-Known Member
La D Da. More of the same. I tire of you, Puke. Everyone but your flying monkeys and probably some of them are tired of you. You watch the video yet about being a false witness. You should. Later, Puke. Off to vacuum the dust.
i didn't see any rebuttal there, skinhead.


Well-Known Member
I have embarrassed you so bad here that you moved your harassment to the newbie section? Such a weenie. You are a cancer here.
so you are spamming dennis prager on a pot website, even though dennis prager claims that cannabis is worse than heroin, and you are calling me the cancer?



Well-Known Member

I answered your question. The meme parodied Carsons lie about the stabbing

Brian Williams being caught lying then fired and rehired. Back up the lie just adds to the comedy.

You had no point just a question.

I guess that intellectual humor is over your head
Apples and oranges..jesus christ, dude.

What does Brian Williams have to do with anything?