College a Conspiracy?


Well-Known Member
still, 35k isn't a shabby one-time check..
Its not his money though. Hes in real estate. He said the moneys in escrow so its not really his. He pays bills and all kinds of shit with it. Its like gross money, not net. And by the sound of it, he has 12 grand of his own and his company has the money in escrow....his company which more than likely owes way more than that little 35k check. Totally probably just the property manager. ;) :):):)

hellmutt bones

Well-Known Member
Are you a slum lord hellmutt?

How many units/bldg.?
Its 3 3unit buildings and 2 -9unit. Also live in one.
There in a good neighborhoods i bought 3 of them back in 2010 got hellava deal also the government was paying the banks to loan moneys and they woud match what ever down payment. So it was easy.. but yeha im just having fun with u guys was like tham they calling me dumb be cause i was trying to help OP.. so i had to show this months check.
But im good my stomach is hurting from all the laughter..
I quit!:lol:
Oh @alienwindow u get there some day kid!
Just stop trying so hard..

And u lil bitch!


Well-Known Member
Its 3 3unit buildings and 2 -9unit. Also live in one.
There in a good neighborhoods i bought 3 of them back in 2010 got hellava deal also the government was paying the banks to loan moneys and they woud match what ever down payment. So it was easy.. but yeha im just having fun with u guys was like tham they calling me dumb be cause i was trying to help OP.. so i had to show this months check.
But im good my stomach is hurting from all the laughter..
I quit!:lol:
Oh @alienwindow u get there some day kid!
Just stop trying so hard..

And u lil bitch!
Well im retired bro. Im where you want to be. I did all my investing when i was younger. Ive had almost five years now to sit around and watch the grass grow, vacation, invest more, flip a couple houses, dont worry, one day youll get here too, just keep workin away ;)


Well-Known Member
Using computer in manager's office...while smoking crack. Before going home to dumpster.

New nickname

Oscar the grouch Shkreli


Well-Known Member
Using computer in manager's office...while smoking crack. Before going home to dumpster.

New nickname

Oscar the grouch Shkreli
I totally get a cracky vibe from him. Always have. Typing on old junk phone he stole. Poor guy. Maybe a little while in the looney bin will do him some good. I bet he has the "meff teefh" after all those drugs.


Well-Known Member
That is nowhere near what you could make as an engineer.
moving goalposts is not going to make you less wrong.

i just showed that those with simple liberal arts degrees outearn high school graduates substantially, making you wrong as fuck.

you are relentlessly wrong. your stupidity is almost admirable.


Well-Known Member
moving goalposts is not going to make you less wrong.

i just showed that those with simple liberal arts degrees outearn high school graduates substantially, making you wrong as fuck.

you are relentlessly wrong. your stupidity is almost admirable.
You stated that it doesn't matter which degree a person goes after as long as it's a degree. Which is a bunch of crap, and also has nothing to do with high school. You're digging yourself a big hole by lying about it now. lol. keep going, I can't wait to see what BS you come up with next.

this is what you posted:
the degree doesn't matter. its main use is as a signal to employers that you are competent enough to finish what you started and work under pressure and deadlines, like every student does around finals. a philosophy degree is actually one of the most valuable out there too. don't fall for the BS about not getting the "right" degree. you just need a degree, any degree.


Well-Known Member
You stated that it doesn't matter which degree a person goes after as long as it's a degree. Which is a bunch of crap, and also has nothing to do with high school. You're digging yourself a big hole by lying about it now. lol. keep going, I can't wait to see what BS you come up with next.

this is what you posted:
i said the degree didn't matter, and you said liberal arts degrees were worthless. so i pointed out that even those with liberal arts degrees make hundreds of thousands more over their careers than high schoool grads do. so obviously not worthless.

any degree will do.

how does it feel knowing you are always wrong abnout everything, and can never admit it?


Well-Known Member
i said the degree didn't matter, and you said liberal arts degrees were worthless. so i pointed out that even those with liberal arts degrees make hundreds of thousands more over their careers than high schoool grads do. so obviously not worthless.

any degree will do.

how does it feel knowing you are always wrong abnout everything, and can never admit it?
That wasn't the point you were trying to make. The post was very clear and didn't mention high school at all. I'm not going to keep circling this with you buck. I'm letting it go now.

And just for the record, EVERYBODY knows the obvious truth that people are likely to make more money with a degree, than without one. Everybody.

hellmutt bones

Well-Known Member
That wasn't the point you were trying to make. The post was very clear and didn't mention high school at all. I'm not going to keep circling this with you buck. I'm letting it go now.

And just for the record, EVERYBODY knows the obvious truth that people are likely to make more money with a degree, than without one. Everybody.
Tell that to Dean Grassosi


Well-Known Member
Tell that to Dean Grassosi

...... and Miley Cyrus. I posted "likely to make more money" for a reason. Words are important

Also, I just want to take this time to point out that freedom of speech was never about protecting nice, popular speech. It was intended to protect all speech. Including unpopular and sometimes hurtful speech.

Don Geno

Well-Known Member
Well I decided to take a few classes in a community college here in town although this is just a small step to the future I'm screwed with my job. I let my boss know I was going to be starting school in January and not able to work as much and she cut my hours to 20 hours each week. That gives me 390$ which is not enough to live off of. I do believe she deliberately cut me more hours as I was working 36-overtime. A huge cut and now I'm afraid I may not have enough to save for books. I just paid Bill's and rent so now I'm officially broke I work from 6pm-430am at a hospital cleaning out the OR after surgery. Should I just say screw it and find another job? Still follow my cut saying go to school? Or is this just a harsh reality that I must work? I am currently on financial aid but it doesn't cover everything. I can't afford to take out loans with the money i make now. Looked into school worksource and doesn't do much good as I work for the school. No income . what to do what to do


Well-Known Member
Well I decided to take a few classes in a community college here in town although this is just a small step to the future I'm screwed with my job. I let my boss know I was going to be starting school in January and not able to work as much and she cut my hours to 20 hours each week. That gives me 390$ which is not enough to live off of. I do believe she deliberately cut me more hours as I was working 36-overtime. A huge cut and now I'm afraid I may not have enough to save for books. I just paid Bill's and rent so now I'm officially broke I work from 6pm-430am at a hospital cleaning out the OR after surgery. Should I just say screw it and find another job? Still follow my cut saying go to school? Or is this just a harsh reality that I must work? I am currently on financial aid but it doesn't cover everything. I can't afford to take out loans with the money i make now. Looked into school worksource and doesn't do much good as I work for the school. No income . what to do what to do
Look into the BOG grant...also at the will be surprised how much money the government will give you to go to school....these are NOT loans...your shitty employer may have done you a favor as you will now qualify for much more in student aid. Your community college should have a student aid office. Call them tomorrow.

If you need any advice on what to look for please feel free to PM me, but a school counselor will know that schools system better then I ever could. Its a free resource I would recommend taking advantage of.

Best of luck.