College a Conspiracy?


Well-Known Member
Its 400k +350 u forgot the escrow +45k +about 12,000 and like i said its almots a mill in investing not ur monopoly money kid! Oh and my day job wich is about 50k.

I wanna see ur Rolex and bmw! Hahaha!
Snotty nosed kid!
Oh and them ur lil grow?? Ur seriously pathetic.
Ive posted pics here that would dwarf ur sorry looking plants.
And theyre where exactly?


Well-Known Member
Personally I'm just waiting for everyone here to stop fighting it and start making out already.....which is an even funnier thought when I see a picture of Chris Farley.... (He would do it too....with Adam Sandler...dressed as a lunch lady....hahaha....stoned)
Cummon man, you cant say this isnt entertaining. This guy clearly lives in an apartment, has no fancy car, no watch, probly no smokes. But swears he made a million. I mean he hangs out on a growing site and doesnt grow? I dont get it...


Well-Known Member
Its 400k +350 u forgot the escrow +45k +about 12,000 and like i said its almots a mill in investing not ur monopoly money kid! Oh and my day job wich is about 50k.

I wanna see ur Rolex and bmw! Hahaha!
Snotty nosed kid!
Oh and them ur lil grow?? Ur seriously pathetic.
Ive posted pics here that would dwarf ur sorry looking plants.
Ya know..while honestly I could care less how much money you have or how you make it, it strikes me as foolish to feel the need for recognition so bad as to A: post it all over the net. B: allow yourself to get into a pissing contest about it. C: Call others "kids" over in over while oblivious of how you yourself look in this situation.

Sadly the person you remind me of the most right now is this other "winner"
He is QUITE wealthy...for all the good its doing him. Its all about presentation. So unless you like the nickname "little Shkreli" maybe just quit while your....well....where your at.

P.S. I recognize you have been picked on a bit in this thread...but cmon are kinda asking for it. If we're all ignorant kids why are you trying so damn hard to impress us? Just know your right if you are and enjoy your success.
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Well-Known Member
Ya know..while honestly I could care less how much money you have or how you make it, it strikes me as foolish to feel the need for recognition so bad as to A: post it all over the net. B: allow yourself to get into a pissing contest about it. C: Call others "kids" over in over while oblivious of how you yourself look in this situation.

Sadly the person you remind me of the most right now is this other "winner"
View attachment 3539464
He is QUITE wealthy...for all the good its doing him. Its all about presentation. So unless you like the nickname "little Shkreli" maybe just quit while your....well....where your at.
ROTFL!! Thank you Faux. That was the best laugh ive had in a week. In his defense though, he clearly didnt go to collage.


Well-Known Member
Cummon man, you cant say this isnt entertaining. This guy clearly lives in an apartment, has no fancy car, no watch, probly no smokes. But swears he made a million. I mean he hangs out on a growing site and doesnt grow? I dont get it...
That comment was in no way a criticism of you alienwidow, you and Farley are hilarious and my popcorn and I enjoy your trolling

hellmutt bones

Well-Known Member
Ya know..while honestly I could care less how much money you have or how you make it, it strikes me as foolish to feel the need for recognition so bad as to A: post it all over the net. B: allow yourself to get into a pissing contest about it. C: Call others "kids" over in over while oblivious of how you yourself look in this situation.

Sadly the person you remind me of the most right now is this other "winner"
View attachment 3539464
He is QUITE wealthy...for all the good its doing him. Its all about presentation. So unless you like the nickname "little Shkreli" maybe just quit while your....well....where your at.

P.S. I recognize you have been picked on a bit in this thread...but cmon are kinda asking for it. If we're all ignorant kids why are you trying so damn hard to impress us? Just know your right if you are and enjoy your success.
Actually i have nothing to do. And yes i was called a liar so yes i posted my monthly income. But its just to put ppl down and shove it in their face. And somehow make me fel good inside..
Lol and it kinda make me powerful.. how i dont know but in all seriousness.
Im just having a good time!
No i dont make over a million.. im about 300k short of that. And no i dont care what ppl think but every time i come here and totally obliterate u guys it kinda make me feel good..
Mayb im just bored or like to fuck with pplbongsmilie u have to excuse me it was my day


Well-Known Member
That comment was in no way a criticism of you alienwidow, you and Farley are hilarious and my popcorn and I enjoy your trolling
I dont even intentionally troll anyone, but seriously when a guy says he made a million bucks and hes on riu, and not at the strip club siffing blow off girls making money to go to collage, and get a degree, well i have to call bullshit. To be honest man, bone head is pretty much a just a troll. He doesnt really add much, just fs the site up.


Well-Known Member
Well...I guess you have a new nickname.
Little Shkreli it is!!!

Also you failed to do those things you evidenced by the fact that everyone had fun calling you out on it all.

And you look stupid. That was a stupid plan. A stupid...stupid...stupid...stupid stupid stupid plan.


Well-Known Member
Actually i have nothing to do. And yes i was called a liar so yes i posted my monthly income. But its just to put ppl down and shove it in their face. And somehow make me fel good inside..
Lol and it kinda make me powerful.. how i dont know but in all seriousness.
Im just having a good time!
No i dont make over a million.. im about 300k short of that. And no i dont care what ppl think but every time i come here and totally obliterate u guys it kinda make me feel good..
Mayb im just bored or like to fuck with pplbongsmilie u have to excuse me it was my day
..........whoa.......were all obliterated by you.........oh no..........hes back to obliterate us for your lives.


Well-Known Member
I dont even intentionally troll anyone, but seriously when a guy says he made a million bucks and hes on riu, and not at the strip club siffing blow off girls making money to go to collage, and get a degree, well i have to call bullshit. To be honest man, bone head is pretty much a just a troll. He doesnt really add much, just fs the site up.
I agree with ya. I meant troll as a compliment in this particular context..... I mean....look at what we're dealing with


Well-Known Member
Ok so now its only 700k. Well well well, i cant wait until the next post....800k, mayne back to a million. You noticed he hasnt even disputed the living in an apartment jab i threw? If he was a real investor he wouldnt be renting. Hed know that if you buy a house you pay yourself instead of the guy who he probably does mantinence for ;)

hellmutt bones

Well-Known Member
Ok so now its only 700k. Well well well, i cant wait until the next post....800k, mayne back to a million. You noticed he hasnt even disputed the living in an apartment jab i threw? If he was a real investor he wouldnt be renting. Hed know that if you buy a house you pay yourself instead of the guy who he probably does mantinence for ;)
And yes i live in an apartment.. in one of my buildings.. its actually a loft.
Lol by the way
Ur grow is pathetic!!!:lol: