Standing O..Bernie Sanders!


Well-Known Member
Neither one of those citations suggests she supports gay marriage. Only the rights of gays and lesbians in the military, and civil unions between same sex couples. which is not the Same thing as gay marriage. Nice try though. Also, that was a good attempt at trolling me into a middle east refugee conversation, but it's not going to work. We are discussing Hillary right now. :wink:
It's not trolling when you made yourself look like a complete and utter dunce :D. I get to bring that up as much as I want to point out how you gloss over facts/ignore facts/are inconsistent with your research/don't do your research/flip-flop yourself/back peddle/and outright lie to try to justify your position. However, what I'm saying is that you don't get to call me out on some imaginary made up "not answering your questions" when you're barely able to even answer any one of mine. Also, I was pointing it out as to your credibility in an argument which is nearing a 0. Civil union = gay marriage, by the way. She also spoke out against a proposed Federal ban on gay marriage.


Well-Known Member
It's not trolling when you made yourself look like a complete and utter dunce :D. I get to bring that up as much as I want to point out how you gloss over facts/ignore facts/are inconsistent with your research/don't do your research/flip-flop yourself/back peddle/and outright lie to try to justify your position. However, what I'm saying is that you don't get to call me out on some imaginary made up "not answering your questions" when you're barely able to even answer any one of mine. Also, I was pointing it out as to your credibility in an argument which is nearing a 0. Civil union = gay marriage, by the way. She also spoke out against a proposed Federal ban on gay marriage.
Nope. civil unions are not the same thing as Gay marriage, or else it would have been left at that. You as a liberal should know, and most likely do. I can see from the ranting in the first two thirds of your post that you are getting upset. I don't want to upset people. So I'll just leave you alone for now...


Well-Known Member
Nope. civil unions are not the same thing as Gay marriage, or else it would have been left at that. You as a liberal should know, and most likely do. I can see from the ranting in the first two thirds of your post that you are getting upset. I don't want to upset people. So I'll just leave you alone for now...
do people go to college for four years to become plumbers?


Well-Known Member
Have you read up on the difference between agnosticism and atheism yet?

I'm looking forward to continuing our conversation
are you trolling me? wow. I've already made my point, anything more would be either circling the bush, or moving the goal posts. Either way, I'm just not as interested as you are in religious theocracy. sorry


Well-Known Member
do your little squirrel paws scratch my nuts every two minutes?
you can just say how wrong you were and how stupid you are and i'll leave it alone for a second or two.

So your point was that you were wrong and can't admit it?

Good point!


see above. he just goes from being wrong about one thing to being wrong about another thing. it's hilarious.


Well-Known Member
It's ok. I'm not upset. I think it's funny to see leftist after leftist come in here and challenge me on 3 seperate topics from the OP, in just two pages. It starts to show desperation. As soon as I bring up Hillary you three want to dicuss, middle east refugees, plumbers, agnostics and athiests.Everything except Hillary. You get desperate, and seem to deflect away when Shrillary comes up. Why is that?


Well-Known Member
It's ok. I'm not upset. I think it's funny to see leftist after leftist come in here and challenge me on 3 seperate topics from the OP, in just two pages. It starts to show desperation. As soon as I bring up Hillary you three want to dicuss, middle east refugees, plumbers, agnostics and athiests.Everything except Hillary. You get desperate, and seem to deflect away when Shrillary comes up. Why is that?
Is your derriere aflame because you can't understand how even the worst of the democratic party beats the best of the GOP on a bad day?

That's the American people telling you your party's policies are shit loud and clear

Now go watch more two minute youtube clips and come back and tell us all how wrong we are some more


Well-Known Member
It's ok. I'm not upset. I think it's funny to see leftist after leftist come in here and challenge me on 3 seperate topics from the OP, in just two pages. It starts to show desperation. As soon as I bring up Hillary you three want to dicuss, middle east refugees, plumbers, agnostics and athiests.Everything except Hillary. You get desperate, and seem to deflect away when Shrillary comes up. Why is that?
desperation is the spam rampage you are on, loser.


Well-Known Member
do people go to college for four years to become plumbers?
Sadly little brother did and is....a damn good 1 too!(after 4 years he better be)

are you trolling me? Either way, I'm just not as interested as you are in religious theocracy.
Trolling you? Yes. But if you didn't want it you shouldn't have dressed like that:hump: ....and on that note, is there any other kind of theocracy? :clap:


Well-Known Member
Waves you're smarter than the above post, by 2008 I cast my vote for Obama at Taravella (no wait necessary) with tears in my eyes as I told my daughter we were making history and to always remember the power of 'we the people' in 2012 I watched the line continue even after his landslide victory was announced because we refused to accept the 2 booths of voter suppression provided at Heron Bay Marriott by Gov Dick Rott Medicaid fraud king.

Never underestimate the power of 'we the people' ..for we are the 68%
Well, at this juncture, barring any unforeseen development, you would have to agree that Hillary is the clear odds on favorite.

It is, admittedly, very early in the process, and I would have to say, that to me, Bernie is far superior to Hillary in my eyes, simply based upon his professed beliefs, requisite honesty and consistency!
He makes Hillary look worse than Nixon in comparison...just sayin'


Well-Known Member
Well, at this juncture, barring any unforeseen development, you would have to agree that Hillary is the clear odds on favorite.

It is, admittedly, very early in the process, and I would have to say, that to me, Bernie is far superior to Hillary in my eyes, simply based upon his professed beliefs, requisite honesty and consistency!
He makes Hillary look worse than Nixon in comparison...just sayin'
Bernie the socialist doesn't have a shot in hell. Hillary is the establishment's choice. And in the Democrat party, that still means something. Bernie has trouble getting his name on the ballot for the New Hampshire primary, because he's not a registered Democrat.


Well-Known Member
"Beginning in the first 100 days of my administration, I will work to take extensive executive action to accomplish what Congress has failed to do and to build upon President Obama’s executive orders,” Sanders said in a statement accompanying his proposal. “As president, passing a legislative solution to our broken immigration system will be a top priority. But let me be clear: I will not wait around for Congress to act.”


Well-Known Member
Well, at this juncture, barring any unforeseen development, you would have to agree that Hillary is the clear odds on favorite.

It is, admittedly, very early in the process, and I would have to say, that to me, Bernie is far superior to Hillary in my eyes, simply based upon his professed beliefs, requisite honesty and consistency!
He makes Hillary look worse than Nixon in comparison...just sayin'
Hillary is odds on establishment favorite supported by establishment media setting the odds.

Bernie will be our next president.

This is all a numbers game..math cannot lie it's the universal language in which there can be no misinterpretation no matter how you set the odds and report them.


Well-Known Member
Hillary is odds on establishment favorite supported by establishment media setting the odds.

Bernie will be our next president.

This is all a numbers game..math cannot lie it's the universal language in which there can be no misinterpretation no matter how you set the odds and report them.
We have about a year to go...conventions summer 2016...Dems In Philadelphia July 25...'Pubs July 18 in Cleveland...the nomination process will produce two Candidates for POTUS...everything else hinges upon this future development....then the real games begin...everything else is a prelude, albeit entertaining and amusing!
Only the certainty of time will tell...stay tuned, Kids!


Well-Known Member
Hillary is odds on establishment favorite supported by establishment media setting the odds.

Bernie will be our next president.

This is all a numbers game..math cannot lie it's the universal language in which there can be no misinterpretation no matter how you set the odds and report them.
I grudgingly admire your certitude and the courage of your convictions...we will see what we will see....the ripeness of time will disclose all...
Puff, puff, cough, puff, cough...