Make your voice be heard

Why don't you tell me where most of the scientific knowledge came from?
Some dudes basement?

Greg, seriously why do you bother, do you even read what you post?
You're arguing that a scientist cannot make weed better than it is, not seeming to realize that improvements can come in a wide variety of ways.
If they can make it so much better then it already is they would be doing it. But all the best breeders/growers aren't researchers but patients and yes they absolutely grow better weed then can be done in a lab.
If they can make it so much better then it already is they would be doing it. But all the best breeders/growers aren't researchers but patients and yes they absolutely grow better weed then can be done in a lab.

And yet they still make better strains all of the time without state of the art labs or high end epuipment. If your gods had access to equipment like scientists have and actually knew what to do with it, I'm sure they'd tinker their way to even better strains.
Your argument is retarded.

And yes commercial swag will be commercial swag.
You guys don't think med should or could be better than rec? Okay guys.
Keep crying about lp's and then argue it can't be any better. Smh
Ricky :) ...not crying lad..rather Informing others they are being ripped off with inferior herbs.
When they could be growing so much better for so much cheaper it's not even funny.

but hey... think what you may..and take things how you see them and flow along with the rest..

if you think you need labs to grow and make what you're sadly mistaken.
Lol, why would I follow you, or use Instagram? It was just that easy, but it's also only a link to so much more. Keep pushing Greg, as you know when I push back I push back hard.

Nothing ever changes or gets better?
Research provides no further advancements?

You've got to be kidding.
Lol post pics of the hot blond next time Rick. When it comes to weed and research ALL the advancements we've gotten have been from illegal or legal medical grows not researchers. Show us Exactly what you think traditional research has done for weed then Rick?
You two really need to stop using first's not cool. I know lots of folks here and would never think to do that. Why don't the two of you meet in the parking lot and scrap it out like the girls...
You two really need to stop using first's not cool. I know lots of folks here and would never think to do that. Why don't the two of you meet in the parking lot and scrap it out like the girls...

The guy has been on me since day one, calling names and being an asshole as he refered to himself.

He's had plenty of warnings and opportunity to have discussions without agreeing and still remain civil. Yet he chooses to cause crap because he simply doesn't agree. Many of us have different opinions but we don't attack each other, when it comes to Gmack it's his go to, so he gets it back now.

It's up to him to learn a lesson.
I don't think it's your place to teach that lesson...and we're all assholes sometimes...

It is when he's doing it to me. There is no reason why I should tolerate being attacked and not push back.

I've let it go until I get attacked again, again.
Yes plenty

Just hate when people while on a forum ..... don't come on if your feelings might get hurt .... boo hoo
You two really need to stop using first's not cool. I know lots of folks here and would never think to do that. Why don't the two of you meet in the parking lot and scrap it out like the girls...
His name is in his screen name. So no.
That's not the point gmack...
Don't tell me to not use his name if it's part of his fucking screen name! That's retarded. He's a rec user in a medical forum just looking to stir up trouble so no I won't let his stupidity just go.
I'd like this but I can't

I think lll go fishing
fishing is for people who fish !!! ( was gunna say dorks but didnt ) im a nice guy to the newbies.

hi, do u smokea de budda ? (stupid question, but it gives me a chance to type in brackets)

Don't tell me to not use his name if it's part of his fucking screen name! That's retarded. He's a rec user in a medical forum just looking to stir up trouble so no I won't let his stupidity just go.

You can call me Rick all you want, doesn't bother me in the least.

Why can't I talk to nice folks about marijuana and legalization? Just because I'm not scripted or agree with everything you say, doesn't mean I can't have a conversation.

You seem to have a bad memory, here's a reminder of where our troubles began.

Funny how you're still trying to get your jabs in, learning curve like a rainbow.
You can call me Rick all you want, doesn't bother me in the least.

Why can't I talk to nice folks about marijuana and legalization? Just because I'm not scripted or agree with everything you say, doesn't mean I can't have a conversation.

You seem to have a bad memory, here's a reminder of where our troubles began.

Funny how you're still trying to get your jabs in, learning curve like a rainbow.
Lol idiot. You know nothing about medical marijuana or recreational marijuana you've proven that point over and over and over. Go a head Rick tell us all how rec smokes will smoke any old schwag and not care and how the best mmj isn't grown by home growers and how we should house and rehabilitate psychotic cannible murderers? I want to up the bet to $1000 since your such a productive member of society who pays his taxes and employs so many. You pick the iq test. Go ahead Rick.
Lol idiot. You know nothing about medical marijuana or recreational marijuana you've proven that point over and over and over. Go a head Rick tell us all how rec smokes will smoke any old schwag and not care and how the best mmj isn't grown by home growers and how we should house and rehabilitate psychotic cannible murderers? I want to up the bet to $1000 since your such a productive member of society who pays his taxes and employs so many. You pick the iq test. Go ahead Rick.

You try to twist and turn things to suit your agenda quite often, but you're right that I don't believe in capital punishment. Not a big deal as plenty of people agree.

look at the things you argue, just for the sake of arguing.

I say med could and should be better than rec, you say it can't be any better than it is and that research won't produce anything better than what currently exists. All at the same time that you condemn the shwag lp's produce.

You argue against your own points just to argue with me, you should just quit reading my posts before you have a melt down or aneurysm.