Donald Trump

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Trump Tonight. Saterday Night Live


Choice power tie...
Politics is even more entertaining because of the megalomaniacal Trump effect....
What a spectacle, indeed!
What about the world's longest unsecured border?

The one we have with Canada?
If you think its un secure you should think again i livved years back few mins from border TBH there are sensors which have been in place a very long time now with drones border patrol since 911 if you think its un secure i dare you to cross it you will be caught within minutes
I remember runners that used to cross 2 duffle bags cross border by foot and wait at check point for others to come , just like in the movies lol.. last time it was tried 8 years ago the only ones showing up was border patrol since then it has not been done here a road one side USA other side Canada
let side is USA right side is Canada :) 017.jpg
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Way i look at it mexico is not the problem most americans use the lame dam excuse as there taking away our jobs but funny thing is ask your self oh really ...
would you work at wendys Macdonalds waiters and broom sweepers etc for min wage God no your above that ..
I bet if they were to pull everyone out of usa ???
USA would shut down now with the food industry in demand for people but the average american thinks there wworth min 30 - 40 bucks a hr haha where does it end ???
USA , CANADA is founded on immigration, with out it we would not be
then ask your self why GM and Ford are using mexico to build there cars ??
I'm Hispanic and he deplores Hispanics you think maybe I should throw him a parade?


That's bullshit and you know it. Man, if you libtards (and the mass media) couldn't spin and smear conservatives, your lives would not be complete.

He "says" he will build a wall to stop illegal immigration and make Mexico pay for it. You can build a wall that works. FWIW, Krauthammer described how to do in his book. Trump builds stuff, big buildings stuff. He can get it done.

He also says he we have too many illegals killing innocents and being let go thanks to sanctuary cities are are enabling their violent and illegal behavior. We need to pass a law - no sanctuary cities and those who protect illegals will be taken to the wood shed.

No question about it the guy is a salesman, but he's right on both accounts. Somebody needs to step up to the plate and go to bat for what is right. Obama the pussy sure won't.

ilegals with better education rings hollow yeah think who's fault is it that the average american reading level is grade 8
personally i think its all BS how can a ilegal alien work in usa with out a social security number ?? for one they take on more jobs in the cash job area staying underground
so even though pew is saying foriegners are taking away the white collar jobs are from ones that have the paper work in order to work in USA most illegals do arm work an low end cash jobs that 99 percent of actual americans are to good for in there mind
Why do so many among us have a problem understanding/comprehending what the word illegal means?
Particularly in this specific context.
It is so much easier to simply call Trump a racist....
Thereby avoiding the substance of this problem/issue!!!
Then my suggestion to you is to step your game up. I'm really good at what I do, so I don't worry about "illegals" (your word), or anyone else snagging my job.
Im not worried about me. What about kids who are leaving college, and are ready to enter the work force? Shouldn't they be able to get jobs first before the illegals?
I think all trump is talk using what ever means to get votes..
but the truth is no matter who gets in office they will be puppets to whom ever controls them :) he still is pretty much the better choice then war mongering Hillary
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