White people, particularly men:

the hawaiian government wants to have a "hawaiian reserved" land for the natives. Only this land, if passed will be seceeded.
The entire state seceeded would be a mistake because there would be no missle defense/offense (which we have here to protect the west of united states), no pacific ports for refueling and trading with pacific countries and no remotely operated giant telescope!
I think that you may have read a little to deep into my comment.
White folks simply hate to acknowledge that ANY racism exists in this "land of opportunity". Hell, I had a white coworker repeatedly tell me that I have more opportunities to succeed in this country than he does. That has never, and will never be true (at least in my lifetime). Racism IS America. This country was built on the backs of "free labor". Discrimination was LEGAL in this country for 345+ years, and became "illegal" in 1964. I have LIVING relatives who were hit with hoses and dogs. My father used to show me the places that he wasn't allowed to go when he was a kid in my home town. But if I mention ANY of this, I'm complaining? Bottom line: America HATES to look in the mirror.
It is extremely hard for me to acknowledge ANY privilege in this country when I am forced to live, and more importantly watch my daughter have to live as a second class citizen. You have no Idea (why would you?) what it's like to be black in this country. Just today, I'm walking out of the grocery store to my car in broad daylight and there are 2 white women sitting in a car parked near mine. As I approach their car (just walking by), I hear the doors lock. Why? I think we all know why. Or the fact that I still get "followed" around in certain stores, never mind the fact that I'm college educated and earn a 6 figure income. I pull up at a red light, and the car next to me won't even pull up next to me. I've been on elevators and when the doors open and white women see me on the elevator alone, they won't get on with me. I have a million different examples of this. This is just a few, because things like this happen daily. Even John Henson, a 24 year old NBA player tries to go into a jewelry store to buy himself a watch. The employees locked the doors and ran back into the office called FUCKING 911! Never mind the fact that the young man just signed a $44 million contract extension.


What this tells me is that even if I have millions of dollars in my pocket, America still just sees me as a "nigger". So forgive me if I don't see this "privilege" that you speak of.

I see it, too. White, black, brown or Martian- we are none of us free from the scourge of racial discrimination until we are ALL free of it. That may be a loose quote from Dr Martin Luther King, Jr. I believe it, every word.

I lived as a small child in many places around the world and I didn't experience discrimination. I end up in this country- and had my first run-ins with it. It's worse here than most places around the world!

Americans need to get over the idea that our country is somehow 'perfect' as is and nothing needs attention. BULLSHIT! Everyone- with the possible exception of the one percent, I can't speak for them- is hurting these days. Things will get worse until and unless we set aside what divides us, from the racism of our forebears to the poisonous lies of the Koch brothers.

Yes, I think the current economic situation is one part of the problem. @bearkat42, I'll bet that even with that six figure income, you don't feel very financially secure, do you? I don't... people tend to see enemies everywhere when the wolf is at their door. A modicum of income security would make a lot of headway against racial tension, I suspect.

@Padawanbater2, @UncleBuck and others have been very clear about pointing out how the Republican Party is pandering to racist attitudes and divisions, even encouraging them. As long as such a mainstream organization with as much political influence as they have can get away with such attitudes ON PRIME TIME TELEVISION, I fear we are not going to see progress in race relations.
White folks simply hate to acknowledge that ANY racism exists in this "land of opportunity". Hell, I had a white coworker repeatedly tell me that I have more opportunities to succeed in this country than he does. That has never, and will never be true (at least in my lifetime). Racism IS America. This country was built on the backs of "free labor". Discrimination was LEGAL in this country for 345+ years, and became "illegal" in 1964. I have LIVING relatives who were hit with hoses and dogs. My father used to show me the places that he wasn't allowed to go when he was a kid in my home town. But if I mention ANY of this, I'm complaining? Bottom line: America HATES to look in the mirror.



It's the biggest copout in white America today; 'I'M NOT racist, therefore nothing I say or do needs examination.'

It's only been 51 years since the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and that just isn't much time in terms of entrenched attitudes- especially those left unexamined.

I lived in Arkansas for three years. In that time I went out of my way to make friends at all levels of society. I shook hands with the governor and his wife- Bill and Hillary Clinton, you may have heard of them- and I made friends with black folks who lived in the 'Quawpaw quarter', a part of Little Rock proper- yet still somehow without paved gutters, sidewalks or street lights. Every day they walk out their front door, those residents are reminded again that their city and country sees them as not worth investing in.

Made me sick thirty years ago, and what makes me sicker now is that in the intervening time, I'm quite sure exactly nothing has been done to improve it.
I see it, too. White, black, brown or Martian- we are none of us free from the scourge of racial discrimination until we are ALL free of it. That may be a loose quote from Dr Martin Luther King, Jr. I believe it, every word.

I lived as a small child in many places around the world and I didn't experience discrimination. I end up in this country- and had my first run-ins with it. It's worse here than most places around the world!

Americans need to get over the idea that our country is somehow 'perfect' as is and nothing needs attention. BULLSHIT! Everyone- with the possible exception of the one percent, I can't speak for them- is hurting these days. Things will get worse until and unless we set aside what divides us, from the racism of our forebears to the poisonous lies of the Koch brothers.

Yes, I think the current economic situation is one part of the problem. @bearkat42, I'll bet that even with that six figure income, you don't feel very financially secure, do you? I don't... people tend to see enemies everywhere when the wolf is at their door. A modicum of income security would make a lot of headway against racial tension, I suspect.

@Padawanbater2, @UncleBuck and others have been very clear about pointing out how the Republican Party is pandering to racist attitudes and divisions, even encouraging them. As long as such a mainstream organization with as much political influence as they have can get away with such attitudes ON PRIME TIME TELEVISION, I fear we are not going to see progress in race relations.
Agreed. And NO, I don't feel financially secure. The only reason I even mentioned my salary is to point out the irony of me being followed around certain stores like a criminal, when I probably make more than the people that are following me around. The NBA player that I referenced is a multi-millionaire and they called the police when he just wanted to buy a watch.
And in terms of the republican party? It's no secret that during every election cycle they apply the "Southern Strategy" (perfected by their republican Jesus, ronald reagan) by using racially coded language to fire up those idiots, particularly in the south. That's why in this clip of a donald trump rally, you can clearly hear someone scream "white power!",and "the donald" isn't phased by it one bit.
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Donald the Chump, FFS! The very fact that he's a front-runner in the race for President makes me cringe for our reputation as a nation.

Six figures. That's over three times the median wage in this country and without any social safety net, we know we can lose it in an instant. No wonder people are in protection mode...


It's the biggest copout in white America today; 'I'M NOT racist, therefore nothing I say or do needs examination.'

It's only been 51 years since the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and that just isn't much time in terms of entrenched attitudes- especially those left unexamined.

I lived in Arkansas for three years. In that time I went out of my way to make friends at all levels of society. I shook hands with the governor and his wife- Bill and Hillary Clinton, you may have heard of them- and I made friends with black folks who lived in the 'Quawpaw quarter', a part of Little Rock proper- yet still somehow without paved gutters, sidewalks or street lights. Every day they walk out their front door, those residents are reminded again that their city and country sees them as not worth investing in.

Made me sick thirty years ago, and what makes me sicker now is that in the intervening time, I'm quite sure exactly nothing has been done to improve it.
Yet, here you sit and not investing in "Quawpaw quarter". You are part of the problem.
White folks simply hate to acknowledge that ANY racism exists in this "land of opportunity". Hell, I had a white coworker repeatedly tell me that I have more opportunities to succeed in this country than he does. That has never, and will never be true (at least in my lifetime). Racism IS America. This country was built on the backs of "free labor". Discrimination was LEGAL in this country for 345+ years, and became "illegal" in 1964. I have LIVING relatives who were hit with hoses and dogs. My father used to show me the places that he wasn't allowed to go when he was a kid in my home town. But if I mention ANY of this, I'm complaining? Bottom line: America HATES to look in the mirror.
My folks came here and were called inside out niggers. They passed legislation in 1924 severely curtailing my relatives from coming here. It took almost 200 years for someone of my relatives religion to become president.
And he was assassinated.
Most white people want to be black.
That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard in my life. Do you really think white women are jealous of black women?
Is that why light skinned sisters are always getting beat up? Because they wish their skin was darker, or do you think it might be the other way around?
I know. I feel bad for them. I wish they had it as easy as all those inner city folks that get welfare and free housing.
You think welfare is easy? Maybe for some people.

Most people find it extremely inconvenient when they ask for proofs in 4-5 days by mail.

You have a problem with the website not showing your current info? Too damn bad. Noone at human services knows how to fix an error online.

Move around alot? You get flagged for fraud and have to file an appeal.

Receive cash assistance? You have to make a resume, send it out to minimum of two government jobs a week and report to you social worker every week at a certain time or they cancel your benefits.

Need to speak to your worker? She is most likely either not at her desk or on a call with another person. She MIGHT get back to you in 2-3 business days if she remembers to write down your contact info from the voice mail.
Why does America have such radical "racism problems" yet most of the rest of the world learned to grow up?
Because Americans let there be problems. Sometimes even if it directly affects them.

When people are working and taking care of a family, sometimes they just want to relax for an hour before bed instead of going out to support a cause.