• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

To catch a predator


Well-Known Member
No, they can't change what they find attractive, but they can choose not to act on it. CHOICE, CHOICE, responsibility IS a factor in this. They can choose not to have sex with what they are attracted to, because screwing children is wrong.
No matter how little choice they have in being a pedophile, there is still a choice in what they do.
That is easier said than done. I am assuming that you have fairly straight / normal sexual tendencies (what is socially acceptable). If that is true, you don't have much internal strife. You are able to act freely and openly sexually. Now imagine instead of finding your wife / husband sexy you find them revolting and something more perverse sexy. Now imagine for a second that is a 12 year old (I know I know that is disgusting for you). You realize that getting caught will end your career, marriage, family, branded a sex offender for life and the list goes on (this isn't a decision you take lightly). So what do you do? You go on-line and under the cloak of anonymity you find a consenting minor (yes I realize that a minor can't consent). This willing participant is not likely to tell on you and you both get what you want. This is the most benign of sexual crimes when compared to child pornography, child prostitution, forced violent rape and torture.

Look, just because it's popular opinion that pedophiles should be punished for their actions, it doesn't make it a mob mentality to agree. Mob mentality is when you agree because everyone else is agreeing. Not when you agree because it's true.
"what is popular is not always right"

Forrest Gump voice "And that's all I have to say about that"

Now, I'll admit, the whole "torture them" seems brutal and inhumane, but you have to take into account the amount of damage this sort of... behavior, does to kids.
It's more than stealing, cheating, or lying, it's not someone's bank account. It's someone's life being severely effected, early on, by a traumatic event, inflicted for someone else's pleasure. They have to endure a complete loss of control over what happens to them, to a person that seeks to do them harm. While the criminal, if they are caught, serves 25 years. The child has to live the rest of their life coping with what happened to them. .
That is a huge assumption. You are saying that every minor that has sex with an adult is scarred for life. It is simply not accurate. There are many that are completely content with their decision. They are not being forcibly raped. They have given their consent to a random person - this is not a teacher, family member, friend that has exerted pressure on them, this is a person that they could shut out of their life by closing the chat dialog down. FYI If they are caught they serve no where near 25 years.

Most defendants avoid prison entirely, although statutory rape is punishable by up to 5 years. Only 20.2 percent of persons who were originally charged only with statutory rape and then convicted were incarcerated. In cases where statutory rape was one of a number of charges, only 37 percent were incarcerated on statutory rape charges.

Older defendants still receive relatively lenient sentences. Many older defendants avoid incarceration entirely. Those sentenced for statutory rape alone receive about half the maximum sentence on average (29.5 months as opposed to 5 years). Older defendants have a higher incarceration rate and receive longer sentences compared to younger defendants, however.

That means that you will serve on average more time for possession of marijuana if convicted that a guy that has sex with a minor.

For possession, the incarceration average was 31 months (median = 16 months) and the probation average was 42 months (median = 36 months).

How do you punish that? How do you give them an equal measure of displeasure within humane terms?
Life sentence is the only answer I can reply, or Death, no specifics, no fancy torture, the same death any prisoner would get, minus the part where they can choose their last meal. Because dammit, the don't deserve a freaking lobster.
I think it'd be a nice touch if the victim can have an option of watching. Death sentences tend to take a while, if the criminal tries to fight it. While the kid gets older he or she might find comfort in solid proof that the person who hurt them is dead, and can never hurt them again.
The death sentence? Really? This isn't kidnapping and forcible rape with a deadly weapon. Again they are not raping anyone, they are having consensual sex which happens to fit the crime that is named "statutory rape." If the semantics were different and the crime was called "statutory consensual sex" public opinion would be considerably different.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
LIke I said, there are exceptions.Some 15 year olds are sexually precocious in the extreme.When I was 15, I dated a 25 year old.there was no sex involved, but he did try to persuade.We were In luhuhuhuhuv.:rolleyes: But,I read some of the transcripts where the guys are most certainly predatory,even though the decoy acts unwilling to comply.Most young teenage girls cannot handle emotionally what a sexual relationship entails.And most men who seek young girls can't handle a relationship with a mature woman.I'm not talking about teenage girls...that should be on a case by case basis.BUT! The guy should know there are laws in place and act in his own best interest and not incriminate himself by bringing a black destroyer and some crisco.Some guys will never get past the talking phase...this is the internet, after all...but the ones that have intent, show up.I have an 11 year old.She's getting boobs, she's tall for her age....she doesn't have an email account.No cell phone.She's not allowed to chat.I don't even want to think of anyone looking at her in that way.She's clearly not a woman.Some teenagers, its hard to tell.But the guys who are seeking children, in the form of children,for sexual purposes, should be exterminated like the vermin they are.
That is easier said than done. I am assuming that you have fairly straight / normal sexual tendencies (what is socially acceptable). If that is true, you don't have much internal strife. You are able to act freely and openly sexually. Now imagine instead of finding your wife / husband sexy you find them revolting and something more perverse sexy. Now imagine for a second that is a 12 year old (I know I know that is disgusting for you). You realize that getting caught will end your career, marriage, family, branded a sex offender for life and the list goes on (this isn't a decision you take lightly). So what do you do? You go on-line and under the cloak of anonymity you find a consenting minor (yes I realize that a minor can't consent). This willing participant is not likely to tell on you and you both get what you want. This is the most benign of sexual crimes when compared to child pornography, child prostitution, forced violent rape and torture.

"what is popular is not always right"

Forrest Gump voice "And that's all I have to say about that"

That is a huge assumption. You are saying that every minor that has sex with an adult is scarred for life. It is simply not accurate. There are many that are completely content with their decision. They are not being forcibly raped. They have given their consent to a random person - this is not a teacher, family member, friend that has exerted pressure on them, this is a person that they could shut out of their life by closing the chat dialog down. FYI If they are caught they serve no where near 25 years.

Most defendants avoid prison entirely, although statutory rape is punishable by up to 5 years. Only 20.2 percent of persons who were originally charged only with statutory rape and then convicted were incarcerated. In cases where statutory rape was one of a number of charges, only 37 percent were incarcerated on statutory rape charges.

Older defendants still receive relatively lenient sentences. Many older defendants avoid incarceration entirely. Those sentenced for statutory rape alone receive about half the maximum sentence on average (29.5 months as opposed to 5 years). Older defendants have a higher incarceration rate and receive longer sentences compared to younger defendants, however.

That means that you will serve on average more time for possession of marijuana if convicted that a guy that has sex with a minor.

For possession, the incarceration average was 31 months (median = 16 months) and the probation average was 42 months (median = 36 months).

The death sentence? Really? This isn't kidnapping and forcible rape with a deadly weapon. Again they are not raping anyone, they are having consensual sex which happens to fit the crime that is named "statutory rape." If the semantics were different and the crime was called "statutory consensual sex" public opinion would be considerably different.


Well-Known Member

Some teenagers, its hard to tell.But the guys who are seeking children, in the form of children,for sexual purposes, should be exterminated like the vermin they are.
These are the people I was referring to. People that seek to harm children sexually.
There are men who are willing to do willing young girls for the sake of sex... well, I can't excuse it, because the adult should still be held responsible for what's best for the child he chooses to associate with. But perhaps the death penalty would be too extreme. I don't know. I have a hard time justifying a grown man having sex with a girl he knows is thirteen. Whether or not she looks older, or wasn't particularly harmed by it or even enjoyed it. The potential for harm makes it an inexcusable act.

What punishment would you suggest? In light of the fact that the successful treatment rate is low, about 40%. Meaning the majority of them do it again once released. Despite any therapy they may have had.

Oh, BTW, I'm a lesbian, with a conservative family and I'm fairly used to having to repress/deny/lie and act. It sucks, but at least I have a community and Pride Day. I can understand your point of sympathy, but it still doesn't excuse the recklessness of the act.
I don't generally jump behind things that exclude and are prejudiced against any group of people. You must understand, I find the actions of this group to be heinous. I'm thankful that it never happened to me, and I'd be glad to see it doesn't happen to others, at the expense of the people who might.

*Ack! So many edits.*


Well-Known Member
People are all for hanging them but I'd rather see the ones who can be helped saved, and if they can't wouldn't it better to have them sit and rot in prison? When you have a set day for death, a lot of people accept it and don't fear death anymore.

Only reason there isn't space in prisons right now is because of the fact most of the people in there are drug offenders.

I can go on for hours on shit that could be cut in the US budget and shit, just remember if they start hanging people for this then I bet drug offenders and such aren't too far off. We're already losing our rights fast enough, do you really want the gov to start pushing death any harder?

I guess bush is right, the Constitution is just a damn piece of paper.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
You know in Russia there was this famous case of this child rapist back in the..80's maybe earlier...roshenko?I can't remember his name.They shot him immidiately in the back of the head when he was sentenced.Yeah, it's an extreme point of view, but I don't hate that idea.
People are all for hanging them but I'd rather see the ones who can be helped saved, and if they can't wouldn't it better to have them sit and rot in prison? When you have a set day for death, a lot of people accept it and don't fear death anymore.

Only reason there isn't space in prisons right now is because of the fact most of the people in there are drug offenders.

I can go on for hours on shit that could be cut in the US budget and shit, just remember if they start hanging people for this then I bet drug offenders and such aren't too far off. We're already losing our rights fast enough, do you really want the gov to start pushing death any harder?

I guess bush is right, the Constitution is just a damn piece of paper.


Well-Known Member
You know in Russia there was this famous case of this child rapist back in the..80's maybe earlier...roshenko?I can't remember his name.They shot him immidiately in the back of the head when he was sentenced.Yeah, it's an extreme point of view, but I don't hate that idea.

If I remember correctly also he murdered those children too.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Yes, he did.I respect your opinion, but...even a rape of a child is a kind of murder.It's a murder of the soul.I know,I sound like a weirdo.But trust me on this.Your soul is broken.Maybe not irreparably, some heal,I've heard...never seen...but that is fucking dispair.Not sadness.Despair.
If I remember correctly also he murdered those children too.


Well-Known Member
Yes, he did.I respect your opinion, but...even a rape of a child is a kind of murder.It's a murder of the soul.I know,I sound like a weirdo.But trust me on this.Your soul is broken.Maybe not irreparably, some heal,I've heard...never seen...but that is fucking dispair.Not sadness.Despair.
I'm not gonna argue with violent rape, but you are talking about a whole new ballgame when it isn't the same as a lot of these "internet predators". The violent rapist are normally a threat to everyone around them and I'm 100% for throwing away the key the first time on such a case as they made their choice. Of course, they have to be competent to stand trial first.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
As a person who has personally tiptoed next to Crazy a lot of her life,I don't think that excuses it.A truly disconnected personality is catatonic.There is still reason and function in a baby raper, because it is a selfish crime, done to please the self.If you were truly crazy, you'd have no need of actions like that.You've risen to another plane, my friend.But people who commit crimes that serve the self ARE STILL THERE.So they can think.They can pause.If you can pause and think, you can stop.These guys don't want to.Simplke as that.They are predators and the herd has to be protected.
I'm not gonna argue with violent rape, but you are talking about a whole new ballgame when it isn't the same as a lot of these "internet predators". The violent rapist are normally a threat to everyone around them and I'm 100% for throwing away the key the first time on such a case as they made their choice. Of course, they have to be competent to stand trial first.


Well-Known Member
As a person who has personally tiptoed next to Crazy a lot of her life,I don't think that excuses it.A truly disconnected personality is catatonic.There is still reason and function in a baby raper, because it is a selfish crime, done to please the self.If you were truly crazy, you'd have no need of actions like that.You've risen to another plane, my friend.But people who commit crimes that serve the self ARE STILL THERE.So they can think.They can pause.If you can pause and think, you can stop.These guys don't want to.Simplke as that.They are predators and the herd has to be protected.

I think you have justice confused with vengeance.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
But child molesters are in protective custody now!So they don't get what they deserve.Used to be, the other inmates made a point to get him.But their is so much suing now, they don't do it anymore.
Doesn't fit the crime compared to forcing them to life in prison as a child molester.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Entrapment my ass, I wouldn't care if it was or not... my governor signed into law a chemical castration bill for sex offenders and now he's going for the death penalty... one good thing about Louisiana is we don't put up with them.
Louisiana ended the death penalty for violent child molesters about a month or two ago. They argued that if a predator knew he or she would be killed if he or she would be caught that he or she would kill the victim as not to be caught. On the other hand if he or she knew they would be killed then maybe they would re-think the whole thing. Everyone gets what's coming to them either way. A horrible life is punishment enough sometimes. Maybe we should not take that away from them.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Where do they get that?They don't fear death...only torture.Bet they'd rather die on the outside than live on the inside...they don't care...they just want it easy...they want to do as much damage as they can, and fuck the consequences.They don't want to do it just once.They want to keep doing it.They get to sit in prison, and savor those memories, the sick fucks...take their pleasure away. And I'm not yelling...sounds like it, but I cuss to enunciate...not insult...every other word outta my mouth when I talk is fuck.....:roll:
Louisiana ended the death penalty for violent child molesters about a month or two ago. They argued that if a predator knew he or she would be killed if he or she would be caught that he or she would kill the victim as not to be caught. On the other hand if he or she knew they would be killed then maybe they would re-think the whole thing. Everyone gets what's coming to them either way. A horrible life is punishment enough sometimes. Maybe we should not take that away from them.
Thats the best thing I've read in ages.
Not all of them.

WAVE 3 TV Louisville, KY | Officials Investigating After 10-Year-Old's Killer Gets Prison Tattoo On Forehead: 'Katie's Revenge'

Personally he does deserve death, as he murdered the child. That is a case where death is a proper punishment.