Trump will shut down mosques in America.


Well-Known Member
upload_2015-10-26_3-8-59.jpeg ever here of cops lol.

Who needs Possi comitatus or the Magna Carte or international law and a constitution for that matter. lol. Not obama. lol. Fucker even murders without trial. Hes equel opprotunity , he kills everyone while letting israeli spies go free. lol. He dont need to declare constitutional war , he just bombs a good 7 countries like he owns them. What a great guy. I say keep mosques and give obama the Mussolini treatment ! Naw , he should suffer forever in prison. Guess some people are just not up with the times with all the msm theathre. lol. The govs slight of hand works well dont it ? Devide and concur is easy in the u.s. . unfortunate. now im out lol.

In the latest interview by the Guardian, Angel Perez described his interrogation at the CPD black site. On October 12, 2012, Perez was detained by police after he refused to buy drugs for a sting operation. Without being charged, he was brought to Homan Square for questioning and shackled, bent over a bench. The police threatened to send him to Cook County Jail where they said he would be raped and assaulted by other inmates. According to Perez, an officer then proceeded to sodomize him with what the officer claimed was a pistol.

Homan Square revealed: how Chicago police 'disappeared' 7,000 people

Exclusive: Guardian lawsuit exposes fullest scale yet of detentions at off-the-books interrogation warehouse, while attorneys describe find-your-client chase across Chicago as ‘something from a Bond movie’

vid here

When did you choose to be a slave?
when criminals are our leaders
When war is peace
When ethnic cleansing and genocide are legal
When liars , pedophiles, are our politicians and the 'chosen "
when injustice is justice
When enslavement is freedom
When Democracy is a slogan
When election is drama
When tyranny is liberty
When your voice is silence
When you cannot be humane
When you are led by the blind
By Frank Take

Darth Vapour

Well-Known Member
The only church should be the church of Scientology :) least the worst case scenerio is they throw a bad person over board


Well-Known Member
Thats why Rabbis and catholic priest are constantly getting busted for pediphelia. lmfao. Boy , welcome to the most msm xenophobe thread ever. sick how u.s. sheep think . yuck.Yet they call thierselfs secular . lol. Im outta this racits piece of shit thread. Hey this guy may no what oabama did to the
D out

Again, for the simple,....

..The priests are breaking the law, the Muzzies are not. Sorry you don`t see the difference. Your reply shows that.


Well-Known Member
ever hear of the catholic church?

Yes and what did happen was breaking the law. How many simple are on this thread,...The Muslim are not breaking laws when they do it,....Player........You can`t see the difference I point out, only see another case in point.

Priest can go to jail,...Muslim just moves on to the next time without fear of breaking the law because they are not.

I can`t spell it out any better so,...


Well-Known Member
Again, for the simple,....

..The priests are breaking the law, the Muzzies are not. Sorry you don`t see the difference. Your reply shows that.
way to put words in peoples mouth. sorry try someone else to make yourself feel better. lol. just hide the facts .lol. go to saidi arabia and see how they rape thier own.Gov loves raping little boys slaves in afghanistan too . . u.s. condons rape obviously. U.s. troops love to rape 12 year old boys and girls. Does that make them all rapist. fuck u.s. soildiers rape thier own men . wow , can people be so dulike britney spears in drag. lol. I cant stand u.s xenophobes that spew t.v. trash.s. I tell ya one thing , since i met muslims and have as friends its made me a better person . lol. Why dont ya pick on Rabbis and priest ,are thye exempt. lol.This aint t.v. its real life.Go ahead and paint a fantasy pic for yourself......... I got no time for your bullshit ! I wish better for you xenophobes.
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Well-Known Member
way to put words in peoples mouth. sorry try someone else to make yourself feel better. lol. just hide the facts .lol. go to saidi arabia and see how they rape thier own.Gov loves raping little boys slaves in afghanistan too . . u.s. condons rape obviously. U.s. troops love to rape 12 year old boys and girls. Does that make them all rapist. fuck u.s. soildiers rape thier own men . No wonder they dance around like britney spears in drag. lol.

So what words did I put in peoples mouth ? Start with a lie and you show your colors.

I wont be one of those that asks you to cite what you state, I`ll bet it`s true, but only the Muslim are allowed.

That aint right no matter how you excuse it. It`s clear you are not on the side of the little boys and girls.
I am on the child`s side, so weather it is against the law, or permissible by law,...I`d bash their fucking face in for it either way if I could. I don`t dig it or people that excuse it.

But that`s just me.

Elwood Diggler

Well-Known Member
Yes and what did happen was breaking the law. How many simple are on this thread,...The Muslim are not breaking laws when they do it,....Player........You can`t see the difference I point out, only see another case in point.

Priest can go to jail,...Muslim just moves on to the next time without fear of breaking the law because they are not.

I can`t spell it out any better so,...

so according to your simple explanation, the only difference is it's illegal to abuse kids most everywhere and it's not in muslim countries. morality aside, it's cool as long as it's legal right?

you're a fuckin idiot


Well-Known Member
so according to your simple explanation, the only difference is it's illegal to abuse kids most everywhere and it's not in muslim countries. morality aside, it's cool as long as it's legal right?

you're a fuckin idiot

Well Mrs. Ratched, not really.

My country has it illegal because more people than not will smash you in the face for it if they catch you doing it and a religious belief would not stop me from smashing their face for it if I catch someone doing it.


Well-Known Member
Well Mrs. Ratched, not really.

My country has it illegal because more people than not will smash you in the face for it if they catch you doing it and a religious belief would not stop me from smashing their face for it if I catch someone doing it.
why did the catholic church cover it up and hide it then, instead of punish it?


Well-Known Member
Well, How the hell did I get on that ? Good thing I`m a ball,.. going around and around don`t bother me anyways.....