Just stumbled across this while searching Ben Carson on Youtube

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
being a racist loser is not against the law.

now why do you think black people are not trying to improve their lives?
When did I say that?

Pretty sure I never said that.

I know a black guy who bettered himself and became a presidential candidate and has a good chance of becoming the next POTUS.

I'm sorry, we're you going somewhere on that crazy train or are you just trying to derail my thread?


Well-Known Member
When did I say that?
"Or is he just an uncle tom because he expects black people to push themselves to succeed?"

do you honestly think black people are not doing as well ,on average, as white people because they are not pushing themselves to succeed?

i had a group of about 15 friends in college. except for one black guy and one mexican guy, they were all white. one of them got a felony for cannabis.

black people have the same rate of cannabis usage as whites, but get arrested at 4 times the rate as white people for it. think of the damage that does to your future.

maybe black people are pushing themselves to succeed, but are being held back by institutional racism. did you ever consider that? or do you just think black people are inherently lazy, and thus are not pushing themselves to succeed?

your racist words speak for themselves. you clearly hold some racist beliefs, but are not bright enough to even understand why they are racist.


Well-Known Member
do you think he would have studied as hard if he was starving and malnourished?

ben carson is a product of welfare and affirmative action. fact.


Well-Known Member
do you think he would have studied as hard if he was starving and malnourished?

ben carson is a product of welfare and affirmative action. fact.
lol. You make it sound as if he didn't have a mother who provided for him. You don't see the warmth a parent provides in a child's life. He had a very strong mother, and would NEVER be where he is without her. a government check in the mail every month is a very "cold hand", and can't replace the role of a father. It takes a very strong mother to fill the void of not having a dad. He is a lucky man indeed, but it's not because of government.


Well-Known Member
You make it sound as if he didn't have a mother who provided for him.
i was under the impression that welfare, food stamps, and free eyeglass programs provided for him.

how well does someone read books without the eyeglasses that they need?


Well-Known Member
i was under the impression that welfare, food stamps, and free eyeglass programs provided for him.

how well does someone read books without the eyeglasses that they need?
Your idea of what welfare was in the 1950's and what it is now, are two completely different things. Also, you are arguing that black women could get a good job in the 1950's , because to be fair, that is a fact today. Less black people should be dependant on welfare, because under Obama's economy "there are plenty of good paying jobs out there" right?


Well-Known Member
Your idea of what welfare was in the 1950's and what it is now, are two completely different things.
you cited ben carson's ability to read books as one of the factors to his success.

how would he have read those books without the eyeglasses he needed? government provided him those eyeglasses, not his mother.


Well-Known Member
you cited ben carson's ability to read books as one of the factors to his success.

how would he have read those books without the eyeglasses he needed? government provided him those eyeglasses, not his mother.
eyeglasses? really?you think this is about eyeglasses? name one person on this website who doesn't support eyeglasses for poor kids that can't see? I bet you Carson would donate a boatload. Let's get a charitable donation going.

Welfare today has gone way past eyeglasses. It was one single pair the government got him. Normally kids go through several growing up, as their head gets larger. Who paid for all the other pairs?
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Well-Known Member
I'm sending an email to his people. We'll have Carson donate to Sight for Students and New Eyes for the Needy.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
"Or is he just an uncle tom because he expects black people to push themselves to succeed?"

do you honestly think black people are not doing as well ,on average, as white people because they are not pushing themselves to succeed?

i had a group of about 15 friends in college. except for one black guy and one mexican guy, they were all white. one of them got a felony for cannabis.

black people have the same rate of cannabis usage as whites, but get arrested at 4 times the rate as white people for it. think of the damage that does to your future.

maybe black people are pushing themselves to succeed, but are being held back by institutional racism. did you ever consider that? or do you just think black people are inherently lazy, and thus are not pushing themselves to succeed?

your racist words speak for themselves. you clearly hold some racist beliefs, but are not bright enough to even understand why they are racist.
Actually I was pointing out how people ,like you, seem to think everyone is a racist or an uncle Tom if they are black and don't agree with you.

Notice the question mark. Was a jab at your race baiting.

Something I came across while on you tube (one of those videos on the side) made me think of you.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
That is about as racist as it gets. To say that somebody black couldn't make it without welfare is racist as hell. Do you even know Ben's story? You piece of shit racist. You don't think he studied hard, read books, wrote book reports? Got good grades? Earned to get to where he is at today? You're a racist loser for sure

(a taste of buck's own medicine)
This is why I started this thread. I knew UB would try to say that Ben could only get ahead because someone did the work for him.

I am all for government aid. I think it is an important function of the government.

Bens mother worked two jobs so they wouldn't have welfare tho. Maybe Ben Carson got aid for school, but he still had to put the time and sweat in to be a pediatric surgeon.

They don't like him because he is prolife, Christian and republican. For some reason they think the president has to be pro marijuana even though Congress is the one that has to legalize NOT the president.