IF you are new to LED and want help choosing what to buy, POST HERE!

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maybe all people deserve a modicum of kindness. I am very active in a grow forum. I keep a list of link to the things people ask most commonly, on an open text file. I answer by posting a useful link, and a message that says: you can find that answer here:
then if they are too lazy to go look well then its their problem. Is that so hard to do? even people who may deserve your kind of response, should be entitled to a respectful answer at first. People put themselves at risk every day, its not our job to save them, they'll find another way to do themselves harm. Go look at darwinawards.com.............. and a worthwhile answer won't put anyone at risk vs being adversarial. Everyone is ignorant, stupidity is willfully remaining ignorant. Those that function like that will continue to do so and we can't help them.
read a simple tutorial. Yep, I agree. Except, weren't you ever so eager that you just jumped right in? Have you even considered that, or that there may be other reasons that you may not have thought of, and that maybe every new member is not stupid or lazy? Some of them are, its only right though, to take them time to figure out who they are, then tell them to find it or forget it. But that should never be a first response.

And I very much apologize for this hijack................ I'll shut up now

but what happens when you start to feel that people are at high risk for hurting themselves do to lack of self awareness?
Just saying a lot of ignorant questions are asked frequently if you can't read simple tutorials with pictures or watch a youtube video let alone find one maybe going this route isn't for you
maybe all people deserve a modicum of kindness. I am very active in a grow forum. I keep a list of link to the things people ask most commonly, on an open text file. I answer by posting a useful link, and a message that says: you can find that answer here:
then if they are too lazy to go look well then its their problem. Is that so hard to do? even people who may deserve your kind of response, should be entitled to a respectful answer at first. People put themselves at risk every day, its not our job to save them, they'll find another way to do themselves harm. Go look at darwinawards.com.............. and a worthwhile answer won't put anyone at risk vs being adversarial. Everyone is ignorant, stupidity is willfully remaining ignorant. Those that function like that will continue to do so and we can't help them.
read a simple tutorial. Yep, I agree. Except, weren't you ever so eager that you just jumped right in? Have you even considered that, or that there may be other reasons that you may not have thought of, and that maybe every new member is not stupid or lazy? Some of them are, its only right though, to take them time to figure out who they are, then tell them to find it or forget it. But that should never be a first response.

And I very much apologize for this hijack................ I'll shut up now
they have the time to constantly post the same questions across many threads usually when the could just type it into google which would probably just bring them back to this site anyways but then they could do some reading as it will bring you to the topic you asked but instead they insist and congesting threads and waiting till someone response it the mean time they probably could have read up on the question by now and actually have some insight on the topic

if people are so eager how about they just take a little initiative thats all id like to see
maybe all people deserve a modicum of kindness. I am very active in a grow forum. I keep a list of link to the things people ask most commonly, on an open text file. I answer by posting a useful link, and a message that says: you can find that answer here:
then if they are too lazy to go look well then its their problem. Is that so hard to do? even people who may deserve your kind of response, should be entitled to a respectful answer at first. People put themselves at risk every day, its not our job to save them, they'll find another way to do themselves harm. Go look at darwinawards.com.............. and a worthwhile answer won't put anyone at risk vs being adversarial. Everyone is ignorant, stupidity is willfully remaining ignorant. Those that function like that will continue to do so and we can't help them.
read a simple tutorial. Yep, I agree. Except, weren't you ever so eager that you just jumped right in? Have you even considered that, or that there may be other reasons that you may not have thought of, and that maybe every new member is not stupid or lazy? Some of them are, its only right though, to take them time to figure out who they are, then tell them to find it or forget it. But that should never be a first response.

And I very much apologize for this hijack................ I'll shut up now

PM me if you need questions answered :peace:

I understand everyone's position....let me tell it like this...I have seen every scenario over the last couple of years.....and I have gone thru both: over asking questions where the answer already existed and situations, where I have told newbies to shut up and go find it....

Part of the problem is that it really is, the builder themselves' responsibility to verify this information. We still really lack some basic guides especially for the DIY....and I say this because to this day....There are still the simplest of questions about DIY lights. Leading me to believe to me that there is still a definitive need to explain this stuff...

Some of the regulars I think, and I am guilty too, of taking it for granted, the overall LED experience, because it has become common sense. and the Newbs are still left in the Dark...Some also don't realize we all learn differently, some slow, some fast, can't assume we are all alike, eh? :)

Again, I type for no one but myself on this opinion.......and again, I keep coming back to just answering questions as directly as possible and skip the paragraphs of explanation for justifying my position. [Even though I just did....carpe diem] :joint:

I urge anyone seeking to build a DIY to Read, read, experiment and then read some more :peace:
PM me if you need questions answered :peace:

I understand everyone's position....let me tell it like this...I have seen every scenario over the last couple of years.....and I have gone thru both: over asking questions where the answer already existed and situations, where I have told newbies to shut up and go find it....

Part of the problem is that it really is, the builder themselves' responsibility to verify this information. We still really lack some basic guides especially for the DIY....and I say this because to this day....There are still the simplest of questions about DIY lights. Leading me to believe to me that there is still a definitive need to explain this stuff...

Some of the regulars I think, and I am guilty too, of taking it for granted, the overall LED experience, because it has become common sense. and the Newbs are still left in the Dark...Some also don't realize we all learn differently, some slow, some fast, can't assume we are all alike, eh? :)

Again, I type for no one but myself on this opinion.......and again, I keep coming back to just answering questions as directly as possible and skip the paragraphs of explanation for justifying my position.

I urge anyone seeking to build a DIY to Read, read, experiment and then read some more :peace:
Very cool outlook on everything. I wanted diy but got a gogreen 200w 4 COB Cree cxa3070.
Cree and Vero are made in China lol
yep... not denying there is chinese crap sold through the internet, moderate chinese crap, and made in china under somewhat strict supervision for the peoples republic's best interest - high end Cree...
I'm putting one little 30W china blurple in the middle of my 4x vero 29 (wish I would have ordered vero 18's) fixture and will order a spare for when it burns up as it will with time.
Plan is to put a few Phillips blue on the edges, make them dimmable and add Cree red variations as needed for seasons.
I had planned to build a light soon. however, I may be moving to another state ( because of their medical program ) soon, so cash for a light will be non exsistant...lol! I will however use these junk leds i bought as suplemental light until they burn out or I can build my light. then again, new oportunities may present themselves in my new home area. I'm still hoping to build on by Jan. Till then my cheap ebay growlights will have to keep me going.

And yes, I have a Mars light and it grows decent weed. Beats the hell outta using CFLs............
Hello, long term reader but I don't post much. I am new to LED and don't have any electricity experience. I would like to replace a 2k HPS system and would just like some input...
1. For me, yield does matter, so I am looking to match the 1 gpw yield within 90 day period.
2. Budget isn't really an issue, I want to maximize the amount of power I draw, and LED seems to provide some benefit, although I have been reading mixed results.
3. I am definitely willing to build a DIY light. I would like to optimize spectrum since the starting cost is so much to begin with.

Any input into what to buy and how to build this type of 2k HPS replacement would be much appreciated. If there are any links that you may find useful that would be great too as I cannot find any matching my goal.

Thank you.
Hello, long term reader but I don't post much. I am new to LED and don't have any electricity experience. I would like to replace a 2k HPS system and would just like some input...
1. For me, yield does matter, so I am looking to match the 1 gpw yield within 90 day period.
2. Budget isn't really an issue, I want to maximize the amount of power I draw, and LED seems to provide some benefit, although I have been reading mixed results.
3. I am definitely willing to build a DIY light. I would like to optimize spectrum since the starting cost is so much to begin with.

Any input into what to buy and how to build this type of 2k HPS replacement would be much appreciated. If there are any links that you may find useful that would be great too as I cannot find any matching my goal.

Thank you.
Well, GrowMau5 does a DIY on YouTube for a Spider type light with 4 crossbars holding 16 cobs.2 of those would be closer to 4khps. So you'd be able to get away building just one. They're pretty awesome. I wish I had the wiring and electricity smarts to do it.
Well, GrowMau5 does a DIY on YouTube for a Spider type light with 4 crossbars holding 16 cobs.2 of those would be closer to 4khps. So you'd be able to get away building just one. They're pretty awesome. I wish I had the wiring and electricity smarts to do it.

Do you have the link? I cant find it on there.
They're using 3 W Cree LEDs. Osram offered the best 3w LEDs and you pay a lot more for them. CLW solar storm 2015 models exclusively use them and also the BML spydr and their light bars. If you're going 3W then I recommend Osram if you're not then stick to Cree CXB or vero 29 only from what I've seen.
Not true. Osram LEDs are used because they're cheaper than Cree.
Has anyone used osram diodes with cxb3590 with 730nm far red as an addition?

Took this from osram website.

OSRAM Opto Semiconductors’ OSLON SSL portfolio provides the ideal illumination for all kinds of horticulture. With wavelengths from 450nm to 660nm, and the addition of 730nm far red, these LEDs provide just the right lighting for all types of plants and flowers by allowing adaption of the light exactly to the needs of various crops. Developed for the horticultural market, this ultra-compact 1W class LED offers a prefocused 80 degree or a wide 150 degree radiation pattern.
Hi folks.
I’m a newbie in indoor growing and completely ignorant about the Impenetrable Mistery of the Electronics.
I’d like to build a DIY with cob leds but after days spent on the web I cannot find a definitive schema to build a lamp: the guys are on the experimental way, good luck.

I need to light a 80-90x120cm (3’x 4’), the only think I understood is that the best Cobs are:
-Bridgelux Vero 29
-Cree cxa 3590 (best than 3070 right?)

I can’t find the wattage of these cobs (maybe one Vero29 is 80w but I’m not sure) to make comparision with 400-450W HPS needed to cover a 3x4 area (6 plants right?)

-Better Bridgelux or Cree?

-What is the power consumption (W) of cree and bridgelux?

-I need to buy (for example) Cree 3000k - 25W or I can drive the power of the same Cree at different wattage?

-What K is better: 3000k, 4000k or 5000k or a mix of them for both veg and flowering?

-I’ll need to power on-off 3k,4k,5k in the different stages of the growing?

-what’s the best driver for one or another, and why is better 1driver x cob and not 1driver for all?

-In which way the cob’s driver is dimmable in order to vary the efficiency? There is a knob or what?

-Is the pc fan unavoidable?

-to many questions? I know and I’m sorry: I'm an ignorant. If you have a good link (I didn’t find one yet) where I can find a semi-complete explanation (not those with 370 pages please) I’ll be eternally grateful.
The same gratitude to everyone will help me with one standard configuration of the lamp replacing answers to all my questions: number of cobs (ex. 4-3000k+1-5000k) and the relatives drivers needed for a forest (I hope) 3x4 fts.

Thanks and Good green thumb to everybody.
I was originally going to get two A51 W90 lights, but since they're difficult to get, how would two 95W White & Deep Red Hans-panels compare? The Hans panels are definitely more expensive, but currently seem like my only option for mostly white light if I don't want to go DIY. The space I'm working with is very limited and I'd classify it as "micro", 75cm width x 45~cm depth x 75cm height. The lights are the only missing component, I have a great scrog screen, 140mm computer fans for ventilation and orca film for the walls & doors.

Oh and the reason I'm not going for Amare etc. is the limited height, I'd rather have multiple smaller fixtures so the light is distributed evenly.
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