Reinstate the MMAR

And i believe the colorado and oregon models account for personal grows....

My argument is that if people can brew beer and wine at home then that model should work for weed as well, whether it be for rec or meds....

The biggest thing is that regardless of what model they follow is that weed wont put you in jail unless your growing mountains of it or distributing it without a license....
Oregon allows 4 plants. That's it. Most here would freak the fuck out if Trudeau told him they can only have 4 plants.
Oregon allows 4 plants. That's it. Most here would freak the fuck out if Trudeau told him they can only have 4 plants.

That's only Rec, and per person in the dwelling. Same as Colorado, except they allow 12 per residence. Both states have exceptions on plant limits for MMJ. I know med folks in both Colorado and Oregon, with plant counts into the 100's!

No offence dude, but you sound like a disgruntled Conservative who forgot that the bash JT election was over. We are not enemies here, we are neighbors.

Trust me I'll be the first to jump all over JT if he does not hold true to his word on MMJ. I'm not naïve, I know JT is a politician. But, unlike others here, I am at least willing to give the man a chance, before condemning his MMJ policies before he's even formed his government.
Oh the naivete is hilarious. Yes, the Liberals will dismantle the MMPR, even though the biggest company out there, Tweed, is still half owned by the CFO of the Liberal party. I love how people think the Liberals are any less corrupt than Harper. The next few years will be a rude awakening for you. But not those of us old enough to know they have always been as bad.
Again, letting your hatred for a political party get in the way of rational thinking. I ain't no spring chicken and I remember corruption in ALL the governments, I just don't see what it has to do with mmj. JT doesn't even take office for another 2 weeks, but you are convinced he is already fucking you over? I'll let you idiots wallow in your misery and doom, while the rest of us concentrate on making sure nobody is banned from growing a plant.
The cost of licensing, inspecting and enforcing for Designated Growers would mean their cost of production would then mirror licensed producers.

And why do people keep using the term 'monopoly'? Is Wilcox bleeding into your brain? The MMAR was a government run monopoly with PPS. ONE company. The MMPR is not a 'monopoly', it's an oligopoly. Did you all drop out of school at grade 8?
Again with insults...did your momma drop you on your fuckin head?
I don't see how people can either think or believe that the government has or will do something to benefit this movement. Can anyone share any law having to do with ANYTHING that has bettered your life or financial well being? I'm open minded but spewing "legalization legalization" isn't going to do anything. We have maybe ~15 daily active members in this sub I'd say 5-8 have been here for years and the motivation is strong. If you look for research and variable non-biased look for the negative and not the positive. Maybe im out of the loop but from what I have seen, heard and discussed majority does not want it legalized. The bottom line is, we haven't had medical grows in roughly 2 years and now people are expecting to legalization with plant counts and d decriminalization. It's probably the most illogical expectation I've seen. If you voted liberal strictly because of weed expect to wait years. From what I understand liberals are speaking along the lines of a Washington model and they can't even grow there own!!! Yay Yay liberals!!! How did tweed get there op so fast? (pre injunction) they got a build out when there was only 11 LPs!!! Now they are setting up dispensary like locations for LPs and sending out letters to dispensaries...why would they do that? Sounds like to eliminate the competition for there LP store fronts. Alot of smart people here but I must say alot of stupid redicoules and stupid expectations. Maybe im wrong, maybe loose a couple buddies over this but it's the truth. If anyone can prove how the government has impacted lives in a positive manner I'd look at retracting my statement but as it sits I doubt there is. I love the enthusiasm but to expect no medical patient endorsed program to full on legalization store fronts and thriving industry is a joke. Colorado and Washington are both going backwards and more restrictive. Anyways take it or leave it. Goldstars.
That's only Rec, and per person in the dwelling. Same as Colorado, except they allow 12 per residence. Both states have exceptions on plant limits for MMJ. I know med folks in both Colorado and Oregon, with plant counts into the 100's!

No offence dude, but you sound like a disgruntled Conservative who forgot that the bash JT election was over. We are not enemies here, we are neighbors.

Trust me I'll be the first to jump all over JT if he does not hold true to his word on MMJ. I'm not naïve, I know JT is a politician. But, unlike others here, I am at least willing to give the man a chance, before condemning his MMJ policies before he's even formed his government.
Exactly JT is a politician...and thereby default a

BUT.... his compassion for other people is very sincere and he is an obviously reasonable peron... far better than the lying scum harper who stabbed his own people in the back who even meekly opposed him....he was a ruthless cunt that inflicted his ultra religous morality not only in hisbparty but the rest of canada.

When he was first elected leader of the newly untited right it was because people thought Stockwell Day was a religous quack....they had no idea.... and nobody out east knew who the fuck harper was....but us out in the west knew exactly what kind of guy he was...
I don't see how people can either think or believe that the government has or will do something to benefit this movement. Can anyone share any law having to do with ANYTHING that has bettered your life or financial well being? I'm open minded but spewing "legalization legalization" isn't going to do anything. We have maybe ~15 daily active members in this sub I'd say 5-8 have been here for years and the motivation is strong. If you look for research and variable non-biased look for the negative and not the positive. Maybe im out of the loop but from what I have seen, heard and discussed majority does not want it legalized. The bottom line is, we haven't had medical grows in roughly 2 years and now people are expecting to legalization with plant counts and d decriminalization. It's probably the most illogical expectation I've seen. If you voted liberal strictly because of weed expect to wait years. From what I understand liberals are speaking along the lines of a Washington model and they can't even grow there own!!! Yay Yay liberals!!! How did tweed get there op so fast? (pre injunction) they got a build out when there was only 11 LPs!!! Now they are setting up dispensary like locations for LPs and sending out letters to dispensaries...why would they do that? Sounds like to eliminate the competition for there LP store fronts. Alot of smart people here but I must say alot of stupid redicoules and stupid expectations. Maybe im wrong, maybe loose a couple buddies over this but it's the truth. If anyone can prove how the government has impacted lives in a positive manner I'd look at retracting my statement but as it sits I doubt there is. I love the enthusiasm but to expect no medical patient endorsed program to full on legalization store fronts and thriving industry is a joke. Colorado and Washington are both going backwards and more restrictive. Anyways take it or leave it. Goldstars.

Read the link i posted.... a BC senetor close to JT is reccomending the Colorado Oregon models because he has seen first hand what a fiasco the washington model has been....
I don't see how people can either think or believe that the government has or will do something to benefit this movement. Can anyone share any law having to do with ANYTHING that has bettered your life or financial well being? I'm open minded but spewing "legalization legalization" isn't going to do anything. We have maybe ~15 daily active members in this sub I'd say 5-8 have been here for years and the motivation is strong. If you look for research and variable non-biased look for the negative and not the positive. Maybe im out of the loop but from what I have seen, heard and discussed majority does not want it legalized. The bottom line is, we haven't had medical grows in roughly 2 years and now people are expecting to legalization with plant counts and d decriminalization. It's probably the most illogical expectation I've seen. If you voted liberal strictly because of weed expect to wait years. From what I understand liberals are speaking along the lines of a Washington model and they can't even grow there own!!! Yay Yay liberals!!! How did tweed get there op so fast? (pre injunction) they got a build out when there was only 11 LPs!!! Now they are setting up dispensary like locations for LPs and sending out letters to dispensaries...why would they do that? Sounds like to eliminate the competition for there LP store fronts. Alot of smart people here but I must say alot of stupid redicoules and stupid expectations. Maybe im wrong, maybe loose a couple buddies over this but it's the truth. If anyone can prove how the government has impacted lives in a positive manner I'd look at retracting my statement but as it sits I doubt there is. I love the enthusiasm but to expect no medical patient endorsed program to full on legalization store fronts and thriving industry is a joke. Colorado and Washington are both going backwards and more restrictive. Anyways take it or leave it. Goldstars.
I hear ya bro...I know we are not going to get what we want without more battles in court.
There is no government on our side. They fucked us with the mmpr. How many times do we need to say it? it takes the government literally a fucking lunch break to put new regs in place but it takes us years to fight in court to get it to be apropriate. Dont look to government to help you out because they wont.
Exactly JT is a politician...and thereby default a

BUT.... his compassion for other people is very sincere and he is an obviously reasonable peron... far better than the lying scum harper who stabbed his own people in the back who even meekly opposed him....he was a ruthless cunt that inflicted his ultra religous morality not only in hisbparty but the rest of canada.

When he was first elected leader of the newly untited right it was because people thought Stockwell Day was a religous quack....they had no idea.... and nobody out east knew who the fuck harper was....but us out in the west knew exactly what kind of guy he was...

But seriously, how do you really feel? :lol:
Well....what i get from legaliztion is that i wont go to jail for growing my own meds... again, thats all i need to know.... and the advice being given by the senetor and what JT has said himself is that people should not be jailed for that.... i would that is a strong indication that home grows will be remains to what degree...

As for the rest of it...i dont give a shit....but i suspect full on commercialization... cause thats how youre going to get the most taxes from it.... so what? That is inevitable anyway. When big money sees a way to make more get the fuck out of the way because it is going to happen one way or matter what it is...
I think I may agree with GB on this point. If it becomes legal to smoke or buy it rec wise, I can't see a judge doing much to a small personal grower making his own meds. Even if it is NOT legal to grow via a government rule or law. Tell a judge you can't afford to buy it and I think he'd say why is this guy even here. Thrown out imo. I mean how far will ajudge go to fuck a sick person over on a legal product ???
I know you can't run a still and make liquor ...but you can make beer and wine...see my correlation.
I think I may agree with GB on this point. If it becomes legal to smoke or buy it rec wise, I can't see a judge doing much to a small personal grower making his own meds. Even if it is NOT legal to grow via a government rule or law. Tell a judge you can't afford to buy it and I think he'd say why is this guy even here. Thrown out imo. I mean how far will ajudge go to fuck a sick person over on a legal product ???
I know you can't run a still and make liquor ...but you can make beer and wine...see my correlation.
I happened to be in traffic court a little while back and when i was done i popped my head into a few other rooms looking for a grow op case that was in the paper. It was an older guy with a blue collar job. He had 8 plants plus clones. He argued in his own defense at the evidence hearing and simply said that they were his meds...he no longer had a license... and that the judge could send it to trial, BUT he would fight it to his last dollar because jail would cost him his job and his house and ruin what was left of his old life. He said for his last few grand in the bank he could cost the tax payer hundreds of thousands maybe millions if he could drag it out...crowd fund and constitutional chalenge and so on... and the cost the tax payer evn more if he went to jail, where out of pure spite and few years left in life he would find other ways to stay in jail because he would be destitute with no where else to go....

Or they could throw out the case and give him back his equipment so he could go home and start growing more meds...

The judge forced the crown to toss the case but refused to return his equipment.... never heard about it after that....thought it would be a huge media thing...but the old mustve laid low....
No offence dude, but you sound like a disgruntled Conservative who forgot that the bash JT election was over. We are not enemies here, we are neighbors.

I guess you skipped over the part where my criticism of the Liberals was comparing them to the Conservatives.

That's the problem with you youngin's. You have grown up under Harper and think he is the problem. THEY ARE ALL THE PROBLEM. Those LP's you shill for are in the pockets on the Liberal party. I vote Green, not Conservative-lite.Trudeau is just another Harper, just like Obama is another Bush. One day you'll be old enough to understand that.