Reinstate the MMAR

It seems almost too easy, eh! I expect Phelan to release his decision (in our favour) not long after Nov 4th! :)
it could be that easy....but...the money and the way MMJ is spinning off in so many directions..?
I guess you just let it go and then fix the BS as it goes :lol:

I just cant see them come up with a new MMJ system when they had one that did work since could be tweaked ..not disposed of completely.. It would make the work a lot easier for the sick and our feds trying to figure out a NEW WAY.....

Its only 400000 people..They are a spit in the bucket compared to rec .
legal is legal..growing is legal.

Simple shit really.
Some people need a dg, but I realize that's what screwed things up. It wouldn't be fair to those that aren't able to grow to force them to buy LP weed. I don't know what the solution is, maybe licensing, inspections and enforcement for DG's like they do with LP's? Not ideal, but an option. I am counting on this governments attitude toward mj to influence the court decision and hurry it the fuck up. These are interesting times, for sure.
yeah they gotta come up with something new.
i'd love some dispensary set up where you dish your extra off to them (taxed at both ends, and tested).. but that aint gonna happen for some time yet.
i do expect them to reinstate medical home grows, with the LP's covering the rest for a bit. until they work something better out. *not really changing the whole system, just allowing home cultivation again.

designated? well i'm not against it if it's done legitimately. i don't know how though.
i want to see the little guys get a shot, i don't want to see corrupt DG's again though (we got enough of them as LP's)
i honestly don't expect home grows for rec though.. atleast not for years. i'd love to be wrong there, but i just don't see it.
they're gonna ease off on med, to try and rake in the cash on rec now.

is that negativity, or realistic? not trying to be down, but better to be stoked with the new rules when/if they're better than anticipated, rather than be depressed because you expected more.

i'd just hate to go back to the disgusting profiteering of the med system i saw.. getting carded without even smoking, just to 'lease' your license to a grower. worst was when i saw a guy turn down a legit user, for someone who had bigger plant numbers.
the system got so perverted and such a farce, biggest reason why i never partook. *was comical to see the number of 'sick' shoot up so drastically towards the end, as everyone and their grandma started growing to supplement their income.
was just so slimy for me and i couldn't partake. had some real lucrative offers being an epileptic too.
JT has specifically, albeit a couple of years ago now. We MUST hold this new governments feet to the fire over MMJ homegrows.
Ok...let's hold them to account to legalize...then when we're not allowed home grows how's that song going to be sung?...geez we legalized like they wanted and now that's not good enough...whiners...I can already hear it...until someone starts talking with the people who it affects, I'm of the opinion that no home grows are going to be goes against the corporate model now in place...making LPs charge a reasonable price...see then we're bitching again...why can't you guys see has nothing to do with whether or not I like Trudeau...I like him...nobody's talking about growing, period...
Ok...let's hold them to account to legalize...then when we're not allowed home grows how's that song going to be sung?...geez we legalized like they wanted and now that's not good enough...whiners...I can already hear it...until someone starts talking with the people who it affects, I'm of the opinion that no home grows are going to be goes against the corporate model now in place...making LPs charge a reasonable price...see then we're bitching again...why can't you guys see has nothing to do with whether or not I like Trudeau...I like him...nobody's talking about growing, period...

One constitutional challenge and home grows will be allowed.

People need to realize, there is no way possible for the gov to tell you that you can't grow a legal plant.

I refer back to my produce analogy.
Insert @Gmack420 , name calling and a couple others who would rather argue valid points and reasonable perspectives.
Ok...let's hold them to account to legalize...then when we're not allowed home grows how's that song going to be sung?...geez we legalized like they wanted and now that's not good enough...whiners...I can already hear it...until someone starts talking with the people who it affects, I'm of the opinion that no home grows are going to be goes against the corporate model now in place...making LPs charge a reasonable price...see then we're bitching again...why can't you guys see has nothing to do with whether or not I like Trudeau...I like him...nobody's talking about growing, period...

I understand your frustration, and I'm sure we all feel that same frustration. We are all very tired of this extremely long battle that we been fighting with the Harper government. I'd suggest everyone just sit back and chilllax for a minute (we waited this long after all) and let JT form his new government.

There's absolutely nothing he can say/do during the transition period about any future policies. Again, let's all let the guy get situated into his new house, before we start condemning him based on speculation.

For the first time in many years there is light at the end of the tunnel for Canadian MMJ patients. Let's not lose sight of that.
I understand your frustration, and I'm sure we all feel that same frustration. We are all very tired of this extremely long battle that we been fighting with the Harper government. I'd suggest everyone just sit back and chilllax for a minute (we waited this long after all) and let JT form his new government.

There's absolutely nothing he can say/do during the transition period about any future policies. Again, let's all let the guy get situated into his new house, before we start condemning him based on speculation.

For the first time in many years there is light at the end of the tunnel for Canadian MMJ patients. Let's not lose sight of that.

On a side note I read that the Harpers may have left the residence in quite the state.
The Trudeaus will not be moving into Sussex anytime soon because there are too many repairs needed.

I laughed, and wasn't surprised one bit :)
after Harper 24 Sussex is in shambles...who would've thought...haha
I think because of the push back from Harper, we are all very distrusting of our Government. i don't trust ANY politician but i do want to sit back and see what will happen.
I believe we should get a decision soon now that the election is over and we have a Government that is pro MJ.
very curious how JT will change our landscape!
i also am in favour of DG's as I need them. i don't have the space at all to grow because i live in an apartment...I don't think I could grow on my patio
i have ran into a few crooked DG's...2 from this forum. I don't see them here anymore but I guess they will rear their heads again when the laws change and we can grow ourselves. i will be looking for them for sure to warn others about them.
Mmar is a dinosaur and is now dead.

It appears that JT will follow the colorado and oregon model...which is what i have been saying in this forum for three years now...

The best part about that article is that the senetor said i dont think anybody should go to jail for 6 months for 6 plants.... referring to Harpers mandatory minimums....

So all us homegrowers for our meds....we be fine now...and for those who need dgs....i believe you will be looked after too...JT seems like a guy who wont leave anybody behind....
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The only wrench that can be thrown into the legalized grow your own model, is if they do what Washington did and not allow for personal grows
I like the idea of super dg's, licensed to grow for 50 patients or whatever.
Kinda the Ma & Pa grower model that should have been brought in as part of the MMPR. Craft breweries can exist along side Molson's, no reason it can't work with mmj. The LP money will be lobbying hard in the next few weeks to keep their monopoly, the people need to be just as loud. The media is all over the marijuana story and speculation, lets use them to push our case. Those that have Liberal MP- elects should send them a note arguing for reinstating home grows. I know I'm not going to sit back and let the LP's decide my future. I am going to predict we will have medical grows re-established by Christmas and recreational home grows by next fall, if that long.
Kinda the Ma & Pa grower model that should have been brought in as part of the MMPR. Craft breweries can exist along side Molson's, no reason it can't work with mmj. The LP money will be lobbying hard in the next few weeks to keep their monopoly, the people need to be just as loud. The media is all over the marijuana story and speculation, lets use them to push our case. Those that have Liberal MP- elects should send them a note arguing for reinstating home grows. I know I'm not going to sit back and let the LP's decide my future. I am going to predict we will have medical grows re-established by Christmas and recreational home grows by next fall, if that long.

Agreed! :)

And, when writing your MP-elects, attach the 2013 JT video with your emails. :)
Some people need a dg, but I realize that's what screwed things up. It wouldn't be fair to those that aren't able to grow to force them to buy LP weed. I don't know what the solution is, maybe licensing, inspections and enforcement for DG's like they do with LP's? Not ideal, but an option. I am counting on this governments attitude toward mj to influence the court decision and hurry it the fuck up. These are interesting times, for sure.

The cost of licensing, inspecting and enforcing for Designated Growers would mean their cost of production would then mirror licensed producers.

And why do people keep using the term 'monopoly'? Is Wilcox bleeding into your brain? The MMAR was a government run monopoly with PPS. ONE company. The MMPR is not a 'monopoly', it's an oligopoly. Did you all drop out of school at grade 8?
The only wrench that can be thrown into the legalized grow your own model, is if they do what Washington did and not allow for personal grows

And i believe the colorado and oregon models account for personal grows....

My argument is that if people can brew beer and wine at home then that model should work for weed as well, whether it be for rec or meds....

The biggest thing is that regardless of what model they follow is that weed wont put you in jail unless your growing mountains of it or distributing it without a license....
I'm not so sure. The LP's are here to stay, but the MMPR, as it is now, is not. The new system, whatever they call it, will probably look more like the MMAR, with some 'fixes'. the Trudeau video Dman posted yesterday said that patients need to grow for themselves, he even went so far as to talk about freedoms and liberty. I'll let the rest of you worry about the 'what-if's' and I am going to sit back and have a little faith that our government is no longer actively trying to screw us over. The negativity around here is unwarranted, IMO, and is getting depressing.
Oh the naivete is hilarious. Yes, the Liberals will dismantle the MMPR, even though the biggest company out there, Tweed, is still half owned by the CFO of the Liberal party. I love how people think the Liberals are any less corrupt than Harper. The next few years will be a rude awakening for you. But not those of us old enough to know they have always been as bad.