Reinstate the MMAR

i'm against that myself.
..just gonna see brutal abuse of cards again, and makes medical MJ a farce -IMO

home grow for sure; if you can.. but YOU. no designated grower BS.
i hated the shady cap i saw with that.
Some people need a dg, but I realize that's what screwed things up. It wouldn't be fair to those that aren't able to grow to force them to buy LP weed. I don't know what the solution is, maybe licensing, inspections and enforcement for DG's like they do with LP's? Not ideal, but an option. I am counting on this governments attitude toward mj to influence the court decision and hurry it the fuck up. These are interesting times, for sure.
As much as we'd all like to see a new system, that would involve a ton of work and time. And if there's one thing HC's work. As demonstrated by how we even got the MMAR to begin with. It'd be quicker to make amendments though which could work and take less time. LOTS of amendments

I don't always agree with gb...but when I do it's cause of threads like this one.
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Actually alot of people think it was the DG part of it that was taken advantage of but in fact it was more the personal licences that were being more abused in the end. As a dg you at least had to have a criminal record check done and had no previous convictions for drug offence's, where as a personal licence had none of that. But lets be honest if HC actually did there job and inspected places and made better regs there wouldnt have been this problem. When the skype "doctors" started popping up everywhere it was the personal licence's that were way easier to get and you could get huge plant limits if you paid for it. I would hope for a hybrid system combining the old with the new, the mmpr is not going anywere, lets get that one out of the way. It would be nice if you could grow for yourself and 3 other people or 4 total if you didnt hold a person production licence. That would allow a "cottage" industry of small exclusive growers. Dont think it will happen like that but we'll just have to wait and see.
Those are things the government wants you to think were the reasons why they changed it up...They're obviously not going to mention the multi-million dollars in yearly tax they figured they'd get by making things corporate cause they know it would make them look like complete scum bags...blame it on the system, it's way better right?
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As much as we'd all like to see a new system, that would involve a ton of work and time. And if there's one thing HC's work. As demonstrated by how we even got the MMAR to begin with. It'd be quicker to make amendments though which could work and take less time. LOTS of amendments
The irony of how much work they put into the MMPR...100x the work but 1000x worse the program.
I want to see a moratorium on all mj related charges with the exception of trafficking until legalization is worked out.

Tweet it, share it, email your mps and hopefully we could get a giant step forward before the regulations and legalization can take effect.
The MMPR is here to stay...can you Imagine the lawsuits that would follow if the gov pulled the pin? MMAR won't be reinstated, I think MMPR will be tweaked...again...
I want to see a moratorium on all mj related charges with the exception of trafficking until legalization is worked out.

Tweet it, share it, email your mps and hopefully we could get a giant step forward before the regulations and legalization can take effect.
do you really think there isn't at least a framework of a plan?
No matter the system.... it will work for some but not all.... no system works for everyone specially in a medical system

Always some one will find a way to fuck the system.... people lie and cheat

When street price is less than the store bought price .... more people will aways try and find a cheaper way... and if they can make money well.....

Cause that is what life is about right ? Money.....
Good luck if you don't have enough

Stupid human sheep
The MMPR is here to stay...can you Imagine the lawsuits that would follow if the gov pulled the pin? MMAR won't be reinstated, I think MMPR will be tweaked...again...
I'm not so sure. The LP's are here to stay, but the MMPR, as it is now, is not. The new system, whatever they call it, will probably look more like the MMAR, with some 'fixes'. the Trudeau video Dman posted yesterday said that patients need to grow for themselves, he even went so far as to talk about freedoms and liberty. I'll let the rest of you worry about the 'what-if's' and I am going to sit back and have a little faith that our government is no longer actively trying to screw us over. The negativity around here is unwarranted, IMO, and is getting depressing.
The irony of how much work they put into the MMPR...100x the work but 1000x worse the program.

It's hard to believe
I'm not so sure. The LP's are here to stay, but the MMPR, as it is now, is not. The new system, whatever they call it, will probably look more like the MMAR, with some 'fixes'. the Trudeau video Dman posted yesterday said that patients need to grow for themselves, he even went so far as to talk about freedoms and liberty. I'll let the rest of you worry about the 'what-if's' and I am going to sit back and have a little faith that our government is no longer actively trying to screw us over. The negativity around here is unwarranted, IMO, and is getting depressing.

Word! ;)
I'm not so sure. The LP's are here to stay, but the MMPR, as it is now, is not. The new system, whatever they call it, will probably look more like the MMAR, with some 'fixes'. the Trudeau video Dman posted yesterday said that patients need to grow for themselves, he even went so far as to talk about freedoms and liberty. I'll let the rest of you worry about the 'what-if's' and I am going to sit back and have a little faith that our government is no longer actively trying to screw us over. The negativity around here is unwarranted, IMO, and is getting depressing.