if racism is bad, why hasn't the free market ended it?

Why do you share the views of a pedophile? We have laws that make it very ILLEGAL for an adult to have relations with a minor. Why do you try to argue and over-ride these laws. During your statutory rape trial did you use your views as reasoning as to why it was ok to carry on a relationship with a minor ?

If you want to only let certain types in your business, open it as a private club with membership.
Open to the public means just that. Why are you against the Civil Rights Act?

Does your wife still beat you? Does she know about your secret ladies underwear stash you parade around in when she's out and you are home completing the daily task list she has assigned to you ? Why do you have a red rubber ball strapped to your head, is it hard to breathe like that?

Also rather than answer my questions, you posted some outright lies. Is your inability to examine your cognitive dissonance a sign of dementia or are you just limited in your responses by your public school indoctrination which rewards obedience and discourages thinking ?

I am against the imposition of forced segregation and forced integration of people. You embrace the use of force as an initiatory action, I do not. I think human interactions should be on a peaceful, and voluntary basis that no party should prevent people from interacting that wish to and no party should MAKE people interact.

Why do you think it is okay for some people to force others to interact with them, using the same tactics a rapist uses?

How come the dishes aren't done yet?
Why do you share the views of a pedophile? We have laws that make it very ILLEGAL for an adult to have relations with a minor. Why do you try to argue and over-ride these laws. During your statutory rape trial did you use your views as reasoning as to why it was ok to carry on a relationship with a minor ?

If you want to only let certain types in your business, open it as a private club with membership.
Open to the public means just that. Why are you against the Civil Rights Act?

It was illegal to help a runaway slave too. Would you have obeyed that law too? Shouldn't all people be free to own themselves and determine the use of their OWN property but not the use of other people or that persons property? I bet you fail to answer this too.

Why would you on one hand embrace some people controlling another persons property against the owners will and on the other hand think by doing so, you haven't advocated for the removal of the property owners right to exercise control over his OWN property?

Do you own property and if you do, who should determine the use of it, you or a group of people that you don't know?
Does your wife still beat you? Does she know about your secret ladies underwear stash you parade around in when she's out and you are home completing the daily task list she has assigned to you ? Why do you have a red rubber ball strapped to your head, is it hard to breathe like that?

Also rather than answer my questions, you posted some outright lies. Is your inability to examine your cognitive dissonance a sign of dementia or are you just limited in your responses by your public school indoctrination which rewards obedience and discourages thinking ?

I am against the imposition of forced segregation and forced integration of people. You embrace the use of force as an initiatory action, I do not. I think human interactions should be on a peaceful, and voluntary basis that no party should prevent people from interacting that wish to and no party should MAKE people interact.

Why do you think it is okay for some people to force others to interact with them, using the same tactics a rapist uses?

How come the dishes aren't done yet?
I never wash dishes. Everyone in my house knows this, Part of me being me

Do you think you can stand before a jury and say that a minor consented to sex with you and be found not guilty of statutory rape ? Hell no they would send your pedophile ass to prison. so why do you think a minor can consent to a sexual relation with an adult?

And yes my wife does still beat me...when we watch Jeopardy and play Scrabble. I own the house in Monopoly and chess.

If your gay son was eating at a restaurant with you and was told to leave because of his lifestyle, how long would you have him sitting in the car waiting while you finished your meal ?
I never wash dishes. Everyone in my house knows this, Part of me being me

Do you think you can stand before a jury and say that a minor consented to sex with you and be found not guilty of statutory rape ? Hell no they would send your pedophile ass to prison. so why do you think a minor can consent to a sexual relation with an adult?

And yes my wife does still beat me...when we watch Jeopardy and play Scrabble. I own the house in Monopoly and chess.

If your gay son was eating at a restaurant with you and was told to leave because of his lifestyle, how long would you have him sitting in the car waiting while you finished your meal ?

I'm not surprised you don't pick up after yourself and force others to do the dishes. Grow a set big enough and someday you'll dare to buy a motor cycle and take the rubber ball out.

I think people that can consent to something can, people that cannot, cannot. If a person did not consent to me being on their property should I tell them to fuck off and remain there anyway against their wishes?

So how old were you when you developed the wherewithal to consent to something? Or does your wife even allow you to have a choice, Motor Cycle less Man?

If a person didn't want my gay son on their property and I was aware, I'd not give them my business or respect, I wouldn't force them to interact with my son though. I'd respect their right to chose their interactions on their own property. I'd also discourage others from going there and tell them why.
I'm not surprised you don't pick up after yourself and force others to do the dishes. Grow a set big enough and someday you'll dare to buy a motor cycle and take the rubber ball out.

I think people that can consent to something can, people that cannot, cannot. If a person did not consent to me being on their property should I tell them to fuck off and remain there anyway against their wishes?

So how old were you when you developed the wherewithal to consent to something? Or does your wife even allow you to have a choice, Motor Cycle less Man?

If a person didn't want my gay son on their property and I was aware, I'd not give them my business or respect, I wouldn't force them to interact with my son though. I'd respect their right to chose their interactions on their own property. I'd also discourage others from going there and tell them why.
FORCE ??? Mr. Pedo I pay one of my children to wash my dishes on Saturday. Easy way for them to earn extra bucks to go along with their allowance. Never had a NO yet. I did and will load a dishwasher, but I don't consider that as "washing the dishes"

Me owning or not owning a bike does not define who I am silly crazy person. My wife lost a brother to a motorcycle wreck. She also had to see me fuck myself up riding when I did own a crotch rocket. I unlike you can respect my wife's feeling. Do you still laugh when your wife cries from you beating on her ?

Why do you support the right of a business owner wanting to kick your gay son out his/her place of business. Your confusion would have you picketing outside his business, whilst you support his/her views. CrAzY:Po_O
Apparently your ability to argue a point has ceased.
No. I made a good point that withstands your assertion about the virtues of segregation.
I'm not surprised you are using innuendo as the cornerstone of your lame argument / pseudo accusations.
There was no innuendo or pseudo accusation. In fact the comment wasn't even directed at you. You must be feeling guilty or something about being a white nationalist and separatist. All I said was that being black and wanting to purchase something is apparently against the NAP. Why do you feel so guilty about it? It's not illegal to have racist views.
No. I made a good point that withstands your assertion about the virtues of segregation.

There was no innuendo or pseudo accusation. In fact the comment wasn't even directed at you. You must be feeling guilty or something about being a white nationalist and separatist. All I said was that being black and wanting to purchase something is apparently against the NAP. Why do you feel so guilty about it? It's not illegal to have racist views.

I've never argued forced segregation is virtuous. It should always be the choice of the individuals involved whether or not they will interact, which means I'm not for forced integration or forced segregation.

I don't feel guilty about very much. I don't ask others to steal on my behalf either, now THAT would make me feel guilty.
you need to be forced to integrate?

Any person that cannot chose to peacefully disassociate (let's say they remain on their OWN property) and is REQUIRED under threat of force to associate with another person would fit the definition of "being forced to integrate".

If that person also owned property which already was private property and then they were given a legislative edict that the nature of their property had shifted by legislative whim, the legislative whim which changed the nature of their property is an act of force.

I realize you will not follow what I said or offer to debate it. Sometimes I miss your crayons and penis clouds though.

Still working for a living or did you get fired for shitting on a floor?
Any person that cannot chose to peacefully disassociate (let's say they remain on their OWN property) and is REQUIRED under threat of force to associate with another person would fit the definition of "being forced to integrate".

If that person also owned property which already was private property and then they were given a legislative edict that the nature of their property had shifted by legislative whim, the legislative whim which changed the nature of their property is an act of force.

I realize you will not follow what I said or offer to debate it. Sometimes I miss your crayons and penis clouds though.

Still working for a living or did you get fired for shitting on a floor?
Did you consider it a moral act when you were fucking your gay son when he was a child, because he consented?
Who is forced to open a public business?

The concept of calling something a "public business" which is privately owned and then being controlled not by the owner, but by a legislature is contradictory and oxymoronic.

I trust you are still afraid to discuss what property is and who can own it? Yeah....thought so.
FORCE ??? Mr. Pedo I pay one of my children to wash my dishes on Saturday. Easy way for them to earn extra bucks to go along with their allowance. Never had a NO yet. I did and will load a dishwasher, but I don't consider that as "washing the dishes"

Me owning or not owning a bike does not define who I am silly crazy person. My wife lost a brother to a motorcycle wreck. She also had to see me fuck myself up riding when I did own a crotch rocket. I unlike you can respect my wife's feeling. Do you still laugh when your wife cries from you beating on her ?

Why do you support the right of a business owner wanting to kick your gay son out his/her place of business. Your confusion would have you picketing outside his business, whilst you support his/her views. CrAzY:Po_O

A person can respect that other people have a right to determine the use of their own property, while not liking how that person uses their property.

If you don't own something, you don't tell others how to use THEIR property, you can however tell them how you will use YOUR property. It's called minding your own business.

The fact your wife has prohibited you from owning a motor cycle doesn't mean you're pussy whipped, I mean lots of guys are unquestioningly obedient to their spouse / dungeon master. Does she still slam the 12" monster strap on, into you when you've been "bad" and the dishes aren't done?
No one gives a shit about you or your stupid beliefs racist pedo

Had to be hauled out of work again today and do some time in a police lineup again huh ?

See? If you hadn't kept peeking in those windows after they told you not to, this could have all been avoided, Prohibitionist Peeping Tom.
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A person can respect that other people have a right to determine the use of their own property, while not liking how that person uses their property.

If you don't own something, you don't tell others how to use THEIR property, you can however tell them how you will use YOUR property. It's called minding your own business.

The fact your wife has prohibited you from owning a motor cycle doesn't mean you're pussy whipped, I mean lots of guys are unquestioningly obedient to their spouse / dungeon master. Does she still slam the 12" monster strap on, into you when you've been "bad" and the dishes aren't done?
Just because you mother made you watch her fuck your dad does not mean all relationship function like that