Eaton County Shoots Kids

Always stand up for your rights. Yes some may die. If you do not exercise them, we will lose them.

Now on the other hand if I'm in the wrong, I take my licks.
I'm sure this has the deputies of the Eaton county sheriffs office polarized. I'm sure this is a known turd within their ranks.
Always stand up for your rights. Yes some may die. If you do not exercise them, we will lose them.

Now on the other hand if I'm in the wrong, I take my licks.
Well its the fact that the kid dint fear the gun.
Theres a reason why police have guns.
Yes u have rights but know when to fight back.
The young man should of complied to the point he felt his life was in danger and then reacted in self defence. Had that been me i would of gave him my licence and kept my wepon close then when he tried to reach in my car i would of light his ass up!
If i had a gun.
If i didnt i would of coward at the presence of a man with a gun. And hope to see him on the rebound.
Simple. Why ppl challenge police when they know they cant protect themselves if shit got outta hand baffles me.
television, computers and now smart phones without spellcheck! the kids these days ... :)

You'd think with such unparalleled availability of knowledge at our fingertips today we'd be a brighter better educated people. But rather we find billion dollar industries of focus grouped mass disseminated propaganda flourishing unchecked. It's both sad and scary as hell.

Ive asked myself after the video, like immediately after the video, what condition were the kids hands in? it should be easy to prove that he did/didn't cause the damage. skin under fingernails can hold dna to find a rapist. with the injuries I saw, there would have been damage to a goddamn baseball bat if that is what cause the officers injuries a kids hands should be hamburger, even post mortem.
Fake an injury to your head. Middle of forehead or middle of the back of the head (George Zimmerman) are the two areas you could injure
I would contend that even if the boy did as was stated by the officer he had other options than lethal force. I just wonder what side is holding back the proof of the attack? The boys side would have reason to gloss over the hand injuries but the police should be all over it, should the evidence exist. I'm no detective but this question should have been asked and answered long before now.
imvho law enforcement in the united states are the biggest organized crime network we have atm. In nyc when my family first came here the italians,irish were ALL over the NYC police dept for example, they get away with murder daily, NYc police rejects get jobs up here and no matter what the call may be these cops up here PREFER to draw there weapons, especially when confused!
Rrog check this out..........the cops who shot this guy werent even from the town, they see the guy pacing back and forth in his trailer(he was suicidal) soon as they get a clear shot tWO burlington cops shoot him without provocation! I spoke to the guys neighbor who watched EvERYTHING unfold......they said they were scared to death of the cops here now. there's no excuse. ok I know this person who was shot, he is a mental health patient living at a mental health halfway house, the police who shot him have dealt with much worse at the same location for 20 years but now they feel the need to SHOOT first ask questions later, idc what excuses they make the proof is there if you look hard enough
This is a totally fucked situation ...

But to answer some questions I might have some knowledge on..why do cops empty the magazine and reload and keep on firing? You fire til the threat is done. End of story. If the situation calls for a gun to be used, legally there's no reason to hold back, fire until the threat is done, this stands for ALL.. Not just cops.

Why didn't he just pwn the kid with his fists? Wellllllll this one feels a little more complicated, technically if your allowed to physically strike someone your technically allowed to shoot them too. Now adays a punch is construed with deadly intent and attempted murder charges and lawsuits get thrown around ALLLL the time.. Wether your a bouncer(my expierence with this issue) or a cop or a guy protecting yourself from a thief.. Punch someone and don't kill them WHEN DEADLY FORCE IS AUTHORIZED you have now just landed yourself in prison for 15+... EVEN DEFENDING YOUR OWN LIFE.. Sooo if the situation calls for deadly force.... Cut the mother fuckers head off or blow a hole the size of a basketball through em... End of story... NOTE!!!! IM NOT SAYING THIS SITATUON CALLED FOR DEADLY FORCE

I know an officer who told me a story about a kid who looked like he was on his way home from church but he was acting weird... He detected a chemical burning odor from the car and asked if he could search the car, he was alone so he asked if the guy minded if he handcuffed him instead of having to wait for backup and as the officer approached the kid went nuts... The kid stabbed the cop with a dirty needle and now he deals with hep C. this is just one story in millions but it gets lodged in the subconscious of officers in these same situations... It sucks to plan strategies around the extreme outlier possibilities but what are you going to do when that means your life if you mess up? Taking innocent lives isn't called for by any means but it definitely muddies the water and should elicite a bit of recognition from US who are not police and maybe we should just tip our hat a little and show them a hint of extra respect from having to deal with this shit...

NOWWWW I'm sure I've got many of your blood pressures spiking already... But listen up, I'm no supporter of the armed robbery units of the police force. I'm no supporter of the guy who wears the uniform for ego reasons. I'm no supporter of the guy who uses racial bias in decision making. I'm no supporter of a bad cop... But those are less in number then you might think, I've talked to more then a few who are great human beings. Very aware and open minded, almost spiritually a police officer.. Kinda a samurai type vibe. I know of cops who right now in there head know of tons of grow houses that are left untouched INCLUDING MINE. I've had cops look my plants over 4 separate times and 3/4 I got "nice fuckin plants!"...... Just sayin..

This frost guy seems like a total piece of shit... At first I was worried this was manufactured outrage like the "Saginaw police firing squad" incident but this one seems much more nuanced and deep... Probably depth on the "frosts an asshole" end of the spectrum too but I can't say for sure, my emotions tell me he is a dick.. But thinking with emotions rarely leads anywhere productive so il wait for more information before making my own personal final judgement.
This is a totally fucked situation ...

But to answer some questions I might have some knowledge on..why do cops empty the magazine and reload and keep on firing? You fire til the threat is done. End of story. If the situation calls for a gun to be used, legally there's no reason to hold back, fire until the threat is done, this stands for ALL.. Not just cops.

Why didn't he just pwn the kid with his fists? Wellllllll this one feels a little more complicated, technically if your allowed to physically strike someone your technically allowed to shoot them too. Now adays a punch is construed with deadly intent and attempted murder charges and lawsuits get thrown around ALLLL the time.. Wether your a bouncer(my expierence with this issue) or a cop or a guy protecting yourself from a thief.. Punch someone and don't kill them WHEN DEADLY FORCE IS AUTHORIZED you have now just landed yourself in prison for 15+... EVEN DEFENDING YOUR OWN LIFE.. Sooo if the situation calls for deadly force.... Cut the mother fuckers head off or blow a hole the size of a basketball through em... End of story... NOTE!!!! IM NOT SAYING THIS SITATUON CALLED FOR DEADLY FORCE

I know an officer who told me a story about a kid who looked like he was on his way home from church but he was acting weird... He detected a chemical burning odor from the car and asked if he could search the car, he was alone so he asked if the guy minded if he handcuffed him instead of having to wait for backup and as the officer approached the kid went nuts... The kid stabbed the cop with a dirty needle and now he deals with hep C. this is just one story in millions but it gets lodged in the subconscious of officers in these same situations... It sucks to plan strategies around the extreme outlier possibilities but what are you going to do when that means your life if you mess up? Taking innocent lives isn't called for by any means but it definitely muddies the water and should elicite a bit of recognition from US who are not police and maybe we should just tip our hat a little and show them a hint of extra respect from having to deal with this shit...

NOWWWW I'm sure I've got many of your blood pressures spiking already... But listen up, I'm no supporter of the armed robbery units of the police force. I'm no supporter of the guy who wears the uniform for ego reasons. I'm no supporter of the guy who uses racial bias in decision making. I'm no supporter of a bad cop... But those are less in number then you might think, I've talked to more then a few who are great human beings. Very aware and open minded, almost spiritually a police officer.. Kinda a samurai type vibe. I know of cops who right now in there head know of tons of grow houses that are left untouched INCLUDING MINE. I've had cops look my plants over 4 separate times and 3/4 I got "nice fuckin plants!"...... Just sayin..

This frost guy seems like a total piece of shit... At first I was worried this was manufactured outrage like the "Saginaw police firing squad" incident but this one seems much more nuanced and deep... Probably depth on the "frosts an asshole" end of the spectrum too but I can't say for sure, my emotions tell me he is a dick.. But thinking with emotions rarely leads anywhere productive so il wait for more information before making my own personal final judgement.

I dunno. From all I've seen and this point I consider every cop an asshole until he/she proves otherwise. IMO it takes a certain type of person to become a cop in the first place. The attributes typically are, self important, egotistical, power tripping, control freaks.

I have met a few good cops along the way, but they seem to be the exception to the rule.
Let's not get confused here, Deven Guilford is/was no Michael Brown. Where are the protests, national media attention and US Department of Justice Civil Rights investigation?

Causation: The act or process of causing something to happen or exist. The relationship between an event or situation and a possible reason or cause.

Deputy Frost's own body cam, words and actions tell a story that simply cannot be justified. From the wrongful traffic stop(s) to the tasering face down on the roadside without waiting for backup, Frost was clearly in the wrong. Frost created the situation of which he, his labor union and our government somehow use to wholly justify the killing of Guiliford. This needs to stop ...
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That graphic is beyond confused. How do you go all the way to the left (aka 100% government control) and find anarchy (aka 0% government control)? In reality wouldn't our founding fathers and democratic republic sit just to the left of anarchy at the far right? WTF happened to education in this country ...

That's exactly what I was thinking! There is so much wrong with that thing. The Nazis were socialist fascists. This whole left right thing is oversimplifying the matter way too much.

I get ignorant progressive liberals thinking I'm a right wing republican supporter because I'm a Libertarian. The good old boy republicans dislike us libertarians quite a bit. A lot of people in this country are numskulls.