If your growing indoor and plan to defoilate you must look at mother nature percentage wise of insect damage ,, well indoor lets hope there is no insects but i guess if we take the 10 percent insect damage from average plants out door i guess we can apply that logic to indoor , but why really there has been a lot of side by sides defoiled vs non a buddy of mine did one same strain etc and although everyone thought wow some better development on lower buds end result showed that un stripped plants did better in yield
You want yield then add more lights end of story but to mess with plant by stripping leaves off not only did you stress the plant you also changed the plants function from growing / yielding to repairing the damage .
Evolution marijuana only goal is to produce as much of seeds so there is lots of off spring end of story ,evolution would infact changed the plant from 1000's of years to start dropping leafs to create more seed ??? but has it ??? Nope
when we see out door grows or some big indoor grows were in awe at the size of plants and buds on them
the grower does not worry bout removal of leaves but worries about canopy managment , having as many bud sites at the light source