Defoliation Increases Marijuana Yields????

Why would you waste an entire run just to see what a particular genetic looks like, is it your first plant ever? If you have done any serious growing you would already know what the plant structure is because you would recognize it from breeder pictures and info, unless you grow bag seed which would not surprise me one iota.

But if you want to blow a 3 or 4 months of electricity nutrients and whatever it is you consume just so you know what a cannabis plant looks like rather than contacting the breeder on the phone or email then go for it.

Hilarious absolutely hilarious!!!
I dont know if you actually read the post before commenting. I have genetics that are all useful from top to bottom. That has netted me some nice returns, and i wouldnt have known that the plant would do that unless i ran it through. The smaller stuff i turn to rosin. Thanks for the concern though.
I dont know if you actually read the post before commenting. I have genetics that are all useful from top to bottom. That has netted me some nice returns, and i wouldnt have known that the plant would do that unless i ran it through. The smaller stuff i turn to rosin. Thanks for the concern though.

Your mistaken, it wasn't concern it was curiosity, mostly because you seem to be proud enough of your grow to post pictures which is fine, but then you get all twisted when people point out that it really isn't all that spectacular.
Your mistaken, it wasn't concern it was curiosity, mostly because you seem to be proud enough of your grow to post pictures which is fine, but then you get all twisted when people point out that it really isn't all that spectacular.
My grow is anything but spectacular. I dont do much to it. I dont, nor have i ever claimed that im doing anything more that going A to B with as few problems as possible. ;)