Just stumbled across this while searching Ben Carson on Youtube

I also think it's impossible to create a one-sized fits all government for 330 million and we should stop trying. Local governments should have more input into an individuals life than the central planners. It gives people opportunities to affect change. A huge central power gives us no such ability.
In what ways do you believe we are trying to create a "one size fit's all" government?
1) Fetal tissue research.

2) Likening Obama to slavery, then when the media criticizes him about it saying, "I never said that, the PC media said I said that."

“It is slavery because it aims to make all of us subservient to the government,” he said. “It was never about health care. It was about control.” He then later says, "What I was trying to say but the liberal media distorted my remarks was …."

3) He made some weird Nazi allegations, later recanted them.

"The people in Nazi Germany largely didn't believe in what Hitler was doing. But they didn't say anything? Of course not, they kept their mouth shut. The fact that our government is using instruments of government like the IRS to punish its opponents, this is not the kind of thing that is a Democrat or a Republican issue. This is an American issue ... A lot of people do not feel free to express themselves."

"You are just focusing on the words Nazi Germany and completely missing the point of what I said," Carson told Blitzer. "And that's the problem right now. That's what 'PCism' is all about. You may not say this word regardless of what your point is because if you say that word, I go into a tizzy."

4) When he was asked if there were other things that were worse in US history, say 9/11 he goes... "I think it's nonproductive to get into worse than this or worse than that, or maybe it's better than this or better than that. That's not the point of what I'm saying. The point is a major fundamental shift of power has occurred."

5) He said no Muslim should ever be allowed to become President (violation of Article 6 of the Constitution and the 1st Amendment to the Bill of Rights, try to argue this all you want, anyone, it's still a violation of the Article 6 and the 1st Amendment so before any debate starts: No, you're wrong, shut up, learn our Constitution :)).

“I would not advocate that we put a Muslim in charge of this nation. I absolutely would not agree with that.”

6) He completely misquoted Thomas Jefferson. "So all you’re going to do is create more vulnerability, as Thomas Jefferson said. He said the people who are going to be disadvantaged are the ones who are law-abiding." If you watch the video you can see he completely can't remember what he's even saying by the way he avoids eye contact and keeps blinking while he talks.

7) Remember when he said this, "our Congress actually has the right to reprimand or remove them [Judges]." Dangerous statement, because you can't remove judges from the Supreme Court because they made a ruling you disagree with. They can only be impeached for "treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors."

8) He's called gay marriage a Marxist plot, doesn't believe in equal protection under the law by saying that gay people don't get to define what marriage is, and said that prison - yes prison - turns people gay. "...[G]o into prison straight – and when they come out, they’re gay..."

9) He doesn't believe in a thing called international humanitarian law, or the laws of war. "If you’re gonna have rules for war, you should just have a rule that says no war,” he said. “Other than that, we have to win." While I know there are going to be people saying, "Blah blah blah he's right, why should we have rules in warfare if our enemies don't follow them." a) Protected our soldiers in WWII b) Any future conflict if we abide by the laws of war, the other side if it's a major nation should also c) We instigated the fucking Nuremberg trials, we are the nation that led the charge on defining what is a war crime and what is not and the contribution the United States has made to human rights is amazing, why would we ever want to go back on that completely? d) It will keep our soldiers safe in the future. The moment we decide that all rules are out is the moment any country gets to decide on us that all rules are out.

10) He made the absurd claim that the Obama Administration is purposely depressing the economy to keep people on welfare. "...perhaps some of the things that are going on right now which could be easily remedied are not being remedied in order to keep the economy depressed because there would be no appetite for many of the social programs if people were doing well." Every economic indicator says otherwise, no matter how much you dislike it. If anything Bush is to blame on this one.

11) He thought/thinks Obama is going to declare martial law to suspend elections (wtf?) "Certainly there’s the potential because you have to recognize that we have a rapidly increasing national debt, a very unstable financial foundation, and you have all these things going on like the ISIS crisis that could very rapidly change things that are going on in our nation. And unless we begin to deal with these things in a comprehensive way and in a logical way there is no telling what could happen in just a couple of years."

12) He thinks that teaching civil disobedience in AP History courses will lead to joining ISIS. "I think most people when they finish that course, they’d be ready to go sign up for ISIS."

13) He thinks if someone is caught of voter fraud they should have their citizenship stripped and be deported rather than be tried under the law. "Anyone caught involved in voter fraud should be immediately deported and have his citizenship revoked."

14) He thinks it's "condescending" that low-income Americans shouldn't pay their “fair share” of taxes, because “poor people have pride, too” and “don’t want to be just taken care of.” Let's just ignore that someone who earns say in his example $10 billion and gets taxed $1 billion feels that less than someone who makes $10 and is taxed $1 (hint: Before an argument starts about this, again, it's called purchasing power. $9 billion goes sooooo much farther than $9, it's math).

15) When he was on The Andy Parks Show he suggested that protests against police violence helps ISIS and Al Qaeda.

16) He said that the women's liberation movement created a "me generation" which leads to police shootings.

17) Back to the balance of powers between the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches, he thinks that the Executive branch can just ignore the judicial branch - which is another dangerous statement. "We have to understand how the Constitution works — the president is required to carry out the laws of the land, the laws of the land come from the legislative branch... So if the legislative branch creates a law or changes a law, the executive branch has a responsibly to carry it out. It doesn’t say they have the responsibility to carry out a judicial law." [in regards to equal marriage]

18) "When we do things like have our Attorney General and our President say, ‘marijuana is not that bad, I used it and look how I turned out,’ well that’s the problem. Instead of smoking pot and listening to songs like “Happy” all day, Carson said Americans should focus on the real issues of the day…like Benghazi." So he tied pot smoking, "Happy" by Pharrel Williams, and Benghazi. I wish I could make this up because it's comedy gold.

19) He's called Obama a Communist (before someone argues this: No, you're wrong and if you think this you have no concept of what a communist is so shut up, sit down, don't embarrass yourself).

Yeah... that's my list of "Stupid Shit Ben Carson Has Said" that padawanbater2 was getting at. I sometimes wish I made this up, but it's all just a google away.
Most of your points contradict you in his quotes.

The man clearly explains things if you take the time to LISTEN instead of picking a few words out of a sentence.
Most of your points contradict you in his quotes.

The man clearly explains things if you take the time to LISTEN instead of picking a few words out of a sentence.
Why is it then he feels a Muslim is unfit to govern but his devout seventh day adventist faith gets no criticism... or that he is flippant as all hell on gun control. As recently as 2013 he said he was against semi automatic weapons. Now he won't even so much as bring up an assault rifle ban (bout the most common sense gun legislation you can pass imo) for fear of losing his conservative backing.

He is a political sell out plain and simple, only difference is he has never held office so there is no voting record to call him out on. Just dated quoteS that he keeps changing his opinon on. Which you are allowed to do but 2013 wasn't that fucking long ago lol.

Eta: not to mention he is opposed to abortion and "values all life" but will not go so far as to say he would make abortion illegal. It shouldn't feel like pulling teeth when they ask simple questions like would you work to repeal roe v wade given his stance on abortion.
He said as long as the muslim person was willing to reject shariah law and adhere to the constitutional rights of the people they would be fine.

He only has a problem with a shariah law practicing muslim.
Im wondering your opinion about it though
Which of the 100's of alphabet agencies implemented at the federal level are you ignoring? All of them?

Why wasn't healthcare implemented on an individual state level? Wouldn't 50 laboratories make more sense than "here, this what everyone in the country must live under"?

Why are federal income taxes so much higher than state or local if the central planners didn't need so much money?

Patriot Act, UIGEA, Port Authority, ACA, Keynesian economics, Stimulus, not allowing Louisiana to clean the BP spill just to name a few.
He said as long as the muslim person was willing to reject shariah law and adhere to the constitutional rights of the people they would be fine.

He only has a problem with a shariah law practicing muslim.
K well that wasn't his initial statement, he backpeddled pie. He thought saying inflammatory shit is how you go up in the polls. He learned his lesson.
And FYI most Muslims don't live according to sharia law so he was just attempting to play on America's current wave of islamophobia to garner support
He said as long as the muslim person was willing to reject shariah law and adhere to the constitutional rights of the people they would be fine.

He only has a problem with a shariah law practicing muslim.

The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the members of the several state legislatures, and all executive and judicial officers, both of the United States and of the several states, shall be bound by oath or affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States. - Article VI

Someone's religion should never be a question nor should there be contingencies upon them. If someone wants to practice sharia in their home that is their business. Refer to the 1st Amendment if you have any further questions.
Why hasn't the free market solved racism?

I believe that if you push yourself you can get out of a bad situation. White or Black. I believe there are programs that can help you get a leg up.

I managed to pull us up from rock bottom. Ben Carson managed it, my husbands dad is doing it... so on and so forth.

I'm white, my father in law is arab, and Ben Carson is black.


you never answered the question, so i take it you have some very racist assumptions brewing in that otherwise empty cranium of yours.
He said as long as the muslim person was willing to reject shariah law and adhere to the constitutional rights of the people they would be fine.

He only has a problem with a shariah law practicing muslim.

shariah law is forbidden by the first amendment, smarty.

are you stupid? do you not understand this?
K well that wasn't his initial statement, he backpeddled pie. He thought saying inflammatory shit is how you go up in the polls. He learned his lesson.
And FYI most Muslims don't live according to sharia law so he was just attempting to play on America's current wave of islamophobia to garner support
He said advocate. He would not suggest or stand behind a Muslim candidate unless they rejected shariah law.

I can completely understand that. I wouldn't want someone who believed women are lesser creatures and have no rights to be president.

He said as long as they are willing to uphold and support the constitution they would be ok. If they practice shariah law that would go against the constitution because it would be violating another person's rights.

If a Christian was practicing old testament laws... well you guys definitely wouldn't want them for president.

Instead of a simple yes or no he gave an answer. It is not backpedaling to explain your statement further.
He said advocate. He would not suggest or stand behind a Muslim candidate unless they rejected shariah law.

I can completely understand that. I wouldn't want someone who believed women are lesser creatures and have no rights to be president.

He said as long as they are willing to uphold and support the constitution they would be ok. If they practice shariah law that would go against the constitution because it would be violating another person's rights.

If a Christian was practicing old testament laws... well you guys definitely wouldn't want them for president.

Instead of a simple yes or no he gave an answer. It is not backpedaling to explain your statement further.
So wtf was the point of saying it then? As I already said most Muslims don't live according to sharia law so his statement kinda contradicts his ideology of not playing "what ifs" cus that is a pretty damn bug what if imo.
As you stated the American public as a whole would never stand behind a president who practices sharia law or any religious extremist for that matter. As many already said the constitution keeps church and state separate so he is just trying to fear monger.

And yeah, even his explanation still pretty barbed towards Islam as a whole

"He said if someone could show him an Islamic text that opposes Sharia law, he would change his mind about a Muslim’s ability to be commander-in-chief of the United States.

“But right now, when you have something that is against the rights of women, against the rights of gays, subjugates other religions, and a host of things that are not compatible with our Constitution, why in fact would you take that chance?” he said."