Eaton County Shoots Kids

Just think, if this young man simply complied with the officer this thread wouldn't even exist. instead a 17 year old kid tried his hand at practicing roadside youtube law and lost his first case. Every action has a reaction which can be clearly seen in the in the video above. The end results are both of their families are stuck trying to put together the pieces and do the best they can to move on.

Demeanor - A person's appearance and behavior. The way someone seems to be to other people.

Guilford was the third and final citizen within hours to challenge the fact that Frost's brand new patrol vehicle was indeed blinding motorists. There was absolutely no just reason Guilford should have been subject to Frost's traffic stop to begin with. The fact Guilford was ripped from his vehicle before backup arrived, thrown face down to the ground in the roadway and then immediately tasered in the back is simply indefensible. Frost was a public danger well before he pulled his weapon and unloaded it into this kid. It's time to stop making excuses and hold these public officials accountable and that especially includes those members of our "Justice System" justifying and perpetuating it.


Is fear for your life at the hands of a government official exempt from the human instinct or legal principles of self defense?
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And it basically proves there are others within the force that are just a as bad as him.

This reminds me of Rory larky. Wasn't it you @TheMan13 that posted his story a while back?

Yes, but Larkey is a case of wrongful search and seizure by local LEO and the corrupt/complicit court system providing warrants and convictions regardless of law.
Yes, but Larkey is a case of wrongful search and seizure by local LEO and the corrupt/complicit court system providing warrants and convictions regardless of law.

It was the William Reddie case that made me angry as this one did.
Thank you for keeping your eyes and ears open. And thanks for posting in this public forum, because I for one never would have known about this brutality taking place so close to home.
It's time to stop making excuses and hold these public officials accountable and that especially includes those members of our "Justice System" justifying and perpetuating it.


Is fear for your life at the hands of a government official exempt from the human instinct or legal principles of self defense?

Yes, if the government has taken the fascist road.

If the shoe fits, Johnny Lawdog... no one needs to violate the civil rights of others to defend the peace. There is NO excuse.
In my city u better do as they say they wont hesitate to light u up!
Any confrontations with the cops are to be avoided theres about 80% chance ur life is in danger. People dont call the cops even if they are the victims.
Cops would question the vics till the look for an excuse to lock u up or become the agrresors themselves.
Its so bad that we need to protect ourselves from police and if u have to shoot back u better do it.

Most citizens pack to protect themselves against cops and the cops know better than to try and fuq with ppl. Everyone is on edge.
Cops try like a muthafucker not to have to come to these neighborhoods. But its inevitable there gonna have to do it some days.bongsmilie
Just think, if this young man simply complied with the officer this thread wouldn't even exist. instead a 17 year old kid tried his hand at practicing roadside youtube law and lost his first case. Every action has a reaction which can be clearly seen in the in the video above. The end results are both of their families are stuck trying to put together the pieces and do the best they can to move on.