kp gets her feet wet....


Well-Known Member
ok, long story involved here, but we'll get to that in future posts. this will be my smallest grow ever...i figure i'll make a thread, get to know some of you guys, maybe make a forum switch...

i found three 15g black buckets with flip up lids at a local feed and seed. i'll be running one bucket, three sites, dwc. the bucket is made, but i don't have pix as of now, camera batt's died on me.

i'm not new to the world of growing by any means, but i know more about building systems than i do actually using them, and this will be a relatively new experience for me. i've toyed with dwc, but always nixed them before the went too far.

as i'm running only one bucket, it's obvious i'm using cuttings. i took a total of six slips from my well hidden outdoor moms (long story, we'll get to that later), two afghan, four dreamgoddess (godbudxdreamweaver). three dg's are in the net pots, to root in the bucket, the other three slips are in rockwool.

i'm either going to use a 48'' double flourecent fixture with GE daylight bulbs, or a conglomeration of 8 23w warm cfl's. i'm leaning toward the cfl's, as they are more focussed, and will supply more light than the tube flouro. but, electricity consumption is an issue, so we'll see... i will be vegging under 24/0.

using gh 3-part, superthrive, koolbloom later....

if i left anything out, ask me :)

kp :p



Well-Known Member
i also think it wise to let you guys know; as my moms are outdoors atm, they are infested; spider mites are the main concern, i stored the slips in a jar of water for six hours before cutting to size and setting. so far, the mites seem to be non-existent, but i know better; little bastards would still survive if the world blew up. like aliens or something.

so, just so you know, i'll probably have smite problems along and along, but no biggie; we've been there before, it's a never ending battle.

my air pump is going bad, so i'll have to make a trip to wally....

hoping to have roots by monday....:thumbsup:

here's a little background on the dreamgoddess; it was sent out as freebies from nirvana due to a high failure rate, and very low germ rate. in the last few months, the beans have matured, and i have no probs with germination, but that's beside the point as i have a great pheno mom.

the original dg was flowered out, and i took some slips from the bottom of the plant to make a mom.

here is the original, halfway through, mostly through, and post harvest. the cola weighed in at over two and a half ounces.

edit: my photoshop is hiding the drying pic, i'll find it later and resize...

here's dg as it grows...


rob butts

Well-Known Member
nice, ive never heard of dreamgoddess, looks pretty damn good though, keep us posted i wanna see your DWC set up


Well-Known Member
i'll take pix tonite; don't expect much, lol... they are just slips right now, won't see any growth for a week or two. i'm going to be a bit agressive with the feeding, as i know she can handle it, and i need a big plant from a short veg if possible. dg is 100% indica (as you can see...:p ) and stays sqaut. perfect double stretch, no more than twice the height of that before flower. very very good smoke. also, i can't be sure, but i don't think she responds well to topping; i had to kill the topped plant off way early (security issue) and i may try one topped in the bucket if there is enough room. res size is perfect for three, but the net pots are pretty close together, and the plants will have to be trained away from each other. no biggie...

thanx for the replies, guys, stay tuned, more later...


i'll add pix along and along, unfortunately i have to resize anything i put up here; my files are too big.


Well-Known Member
Nice plants Princess..
Me and the SPIRITS will be watching your grow...
Good luck and HAPPY GROWING


Well-Known Member
why, thank you shaman; i realy do appreciate the ancestral gaurdians! stop by anytime, it will start to get fun in a couple of weeks....

cc, sent you a pm...

edit:shaman, you got me as i was typing; what would you like to know?


Well-Known Member
do you mean t5's? if so, yes, they're great! a girlfreind uses them religeously...

i don't have that kind of dough, though; i have plenty of equipment to do the job, i'm just skeptical about using my hid's right now (just got investigated for power leaks; there were none, they replace the meter, havent heard a word in over two months...)

i have at my disposal:

2 400w mh with solarmax gold bulbs
1 1000w hps (i love you, you know who you are!)
four double 48'' flourecent fixtures
20-30? 23w cfl's

lol, thanx matt, coming to check you out now....


Well-Known Member
WHO what where and How much? Does that help..
Who breed it?
What strain?
Where can I get it and how much is it? "DREAMGODDESS"


Well-Known Member
WHO what where and How much? Does that help..
Who breed it?
What strain?
Where can I get it and how much is it? "DREAMGODDESS"
i don't think dg will be available again until next year; the cross is godbudxdreamweaver. they were distrubuted by nirvana, as freebies, due to a very low germ rate (breeder is on icmag, he explains how he tested the beans too early.

when and if they return on the market, i would imagine they will be one of the most expensive beans on the market; perfect med strain, great for pain and insomnia, and still allows for focus if necessary....