kp gets her feet wet....


Well-Known Member
temporarily. this thread (if followed... i get bored, post or i quit) may well turn into one of the longest grow logs in the history of rollitup.

seriously. you should (not realy) check out some of my other threads at other sites. 500 posts in 7 days, 29 page logs.... yep, stay tuned folks, it's about to get fun.

heh, and just wait til the clones start growing....:p


Well-Known Member
people flock to see 1 of the 4 girls on this look a girl amongst the sausages....


Well-Known Member
now that had me rolliing. i bet there are more girls here than you think; they probably don't come out for all the gorillas beating on chests, and such.

make a thread, let's see. the other forums i frequent have lots and lots of woman. maybe even as many as there are men (and boys...rrrr, if you're 12, don't question me. grow up)


Well-Known Member
let me make sure i completely understand what yall r sayin. your saying that there are "chicks" on this site???

wohoo i get to put on the manthong and get a spray on tan!!! lol


Well-Known Member
ummm lol got stoned and forgot about it,,, my bad ,,, all this "chick" talk knocked me off my game a bit lol
ill check it out tho


Well-Known Member
KindPrincess, welcome to rollitup you wont see me post much due to time constraint but I am always around if you need anything pm me and I will see what I can do. Welcome aboard. Now i want a lizard.



Well-Known Member
lol, thank you rollitup! i'll be breeding these geeks in a few months, and the offspring will be available. i may do a poll; if there are many interested, and it wouldn't bother anyone, i'll post the offspring and the prices in a thread as they become available (i raise them to a certain point to gaurantee health).

feel free to post feedback on that one guys, it's gonna be a little while before we re-dedicate this thread to the three site dwc. oh, and btw...


slips are doing fantastic; i've not had to mist once, and all six are nice and perky. i think my hope of having roots monday may just be relieved. i've rooted dreamgoddess in rock wool, most rooted in just 5 days.

so.... time to cook supper.


Well-Known Member
next on my aquisition list is querkel; a cross of spacequeenxpurpleerkel. i'd like to know more about grandpa, is it a purp strain? sativa, right?