Retarded Homecoming Queens

we get it.
No. you obviously don't get it. I was making reference to people getting awards, just for showing up.
No. you obviously don't get it. I was making reference to people getting awards, just for showing up.

so you're totally cool with homosexuals getting married then?

totally cool with transgender people getting surgery to lower their suicide risk?

i doubt it. you are a sexually insecure assclown if i ever saw one.
why are you such a hard ass buck? the Kia commercial brings up a really good point.
participation trophies are meaningless
Retarded homecoming queens are...well...retarded...fucking retarded.

Homecoming queens are stupid and suck enough. But retarded ones exponentially escalate the "badness".

Fuck retarded homecoming queens.
if you even have a wife, that is. i'll know soon.

can you believe your buddy desert dude is a cop? who would have called that one?

Buck, I don't think DD is a cop. I think you got his identity wrong.

Why do you think "George" is still hanging around, continuing to post, if he has been "outed"?

I think it's because DD's name isn't "George" after all.

You got that one wrong, Buck.
Buck, I don't think DD is a cop. I think you got his identity wrong.

Why do you think "George" is still hanging around, continuing to post, if he has been "outed"?

I think it's because DD's name isn't "George" after all.

You got that one wrong, Buck.

That's impossible. Buck is the self-proclaimed judge, jury, and executioner. He doesn't make mistakes
Still pretty or the prettiest girl should still be in this contest and the alpha male.
That's just the way things work in our society.

Give the retarded kids a special contest much like the special olympics.
That way everyone gets treated fair and everyone wins.

Did only the "retarded" kids get to vote or something?

I'm thinking it was a secret vote, tallied up, and the pretty girls fuckin lost this one.

There are no secrets who the alpha and omegas are in high school. No one is trying to deny this. Its just something nice human beings do for each other in this life, at least most of them do anyway.

I was homecoming king once. Gave the crown to my cheer leader girl friend, and I wouldn't be surprised if wild animals are shitting in it to this day. The student vote could have gave it to a kid who wouldn't get that chance in the real world, and he probably would still have it to this day.

I just have an old Astros hat now...
I agree with your point!

It's like seeing a duche bag complaining about how all the hot chicks date the A types. Now some hot babes date fat losers but generally it's because of low confidence or they want to control him. If liberals had their way hot babes would be forced to date and marry equally. We all discriminate in our daily lives. Some people admit it and the others are just stupid and likely the one discriminated against. Any successful person knows this and if anyone ever owned a business they too would discriminate whether it's against skin color, poor, uneducated, druggy, drunk or fat ass.

Still pretty or the prettiest girl should still be in this contest and the alpha male.
That's just the way things work in our society.

Give the retarded kids a special contest much like the special olympics.
That way everyone gets treated fair and everyone wins.
Still pretty or the prettiest girl should still be in this contest and the alpha male.
That's just the way things work in our society.

Give the retarded kids a special contest much like the special olympics.
That way everyone gets treated fair and everyone wins.

Well, we can all clearly see who's mentally handicapped now. You clearly never understood how homecoming courts worked. Traditionally, historically, and still today homecoming king and queen are students who have contributed the most to their school since homecoming is about welcoming alumni back.

Moreover, how is this Obama's fault? Because he said to give everyone a chance? Were you dropped on your head as a child?