Retarded Homecoming Queens


Well-Known Member
Sad that's it's not a non issue by now.

Who gives a shit who's "homecoming queen" ?

We don't even have that gay shit here.
A lot of the schools here base it on who raises the most money. We teach how to buy elections at a young age in this country.


Well-Known Member
Some of the high schools in my area are doin a gender neutral homecoming court!?! The humanity!

What's the big deal, I never got a list of criteria when voting for homecoming so I hardly see handicaps aS a disqualifying factor. It's a stupid antiquated popularity contest, god forbid it have a better purpose than confirming who the most popular boy and girl are :roll:


Well-Known Member
I think the OP may have missed the point which suggests the ceremony surrounding "homecoming queen" has lost its significance from 50+ years ago, when people were more plastic and deeply concerned about such matters.

Now, it can be used as a tool of empowerment, instead of some anachronistic, chromium-plated herald of a bygone era.
Re-read above post


Well-Known Member
I saw Playboy is going to be a reader only.
I guess Mr. Heffners dick doesnt get hard anymore and he needs something to read while taking a shit.
Youporn and pornhub all killed his magazine.
For sure, and having a Maxim on the table is considered appropriate by a hell of a lot more than would previous Play Boy issues.

Business is forever evolving. Change or die.


Well-Known Member
Thanks man, I try. I fail a lot too though when someone pulls me into the mud. The passive aggressive side of me takes over sometimes. I'm working on that.
all i want you to do is explain your theory about how certain "geographic regions" failed to "evolve from the neck up".

you went on about this for years, and once i discovered that it is a white supremacy theory beloved by former KKK grand wizard david duke, you had a hissy fit and refused to discuss it further.

also, if you can please tell us why you oppose title II of civil rights, just as the klan does, that would be great.