Donald Trump

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The ones that live here "50 years!" Dont support mexico or bringing mexico here. That's a lie to try and get americans to hate us too and so the glibtards can try to make evetyone think us reds and browns ALL support their loony, gay, welfare state crud when really, it's insulting to our intelligence and dignity, just like it is the gringos?
The dems claiming "people of color" one is wrong and two is innacurate. It's just trying to sleazify everyone and make whites falsely think they are the only ethical adults left who care.
Stop using people of dignity in your "people of color!" claims, which are bullsheet

Were you high when you wrote that crap, it makes no sense at all. Do you even proof read what you write?
Get Americans to hate us, huh???

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No he isn't. The status quo is why he is rich. The American way has worked well for his 1%er family for a long time. Now he is a politician, pandering to mouthbreathing fucktards like you.
fucktard? I thought name calling was against the rules. I don't see any reason why I should be polite to you anymore.
You're rude and insulting
You're a mouthbreathing fucktard who cheers for Donny Trump.

When Mitt Romney the big time loser says Trump's comments are "hurtful" and "childish"
then he must not know Liberals. If Trump were such a terrible and divisive person, then it seems like you would be right on board with that. You're one of the most hateful people on this website. You follow people around with unprovoked nastiness, and it's wierd. I have you quoted on something a third grader would say. You need some professional help. quickly
You may be wrong. Playing to swing voters can mean you lose your base. McCain played to the swing voters and his base didn't turn out.

mccain got the second most votes of any candidate in an election, ever.

second only to obama, of course.

I love it when Democrats act like they want to help the GOP find a good nominee. If either McCain or Romney were to endorse Trump, then there is no way in hell I would ever vote for Trump
Here is an example of an highly overpaid political expert who has been forced by the new Trump reality to run back to his drawing board.
Ooops, time to think again, oh no...huh, whaat...

"I've resisted the idea that Donald Trump could and would become the Republican nominee," writes GOP strategist Alex Castellanos in an email assessment of the presidential race. "Unhappily, I've changed my mind."

Castellanos, who once said flatly that "Trump is not going to be the nominee," writes "the odds of Trump's success have increased and been validated in the past few weeks."
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