All the current or soon to be current laws. Whats new with weed in CO?

the 70/30 law does apply. Dispensaries get the 30% from trades thru edible companies, hash makers etc. However, ANY hobby grower can sell to a dispensary thru a legal channel. I knew a lawyer who did this and charged a fee. All legit.

You are hobby grower will be able to sell to dispensaries! This was done way back in the day pre 2010 but was cut off by hb1284 etc.. So only the big dogs that are liscensed can sell to each other in the medical and rec. Check your facts before you confuse so many people!
If they Unionize the industry, dues won't be cheap, and all the billion$ will just go to the political party of the Union's choice. BAD idea.
unions protect bad lazy workers and alienate good and great workers. unions have outlived there purpose

Spoken like a good republican anti labor shill. So how do you propose to protect wages, or do you think workers should be paid as little as possible? Unions protect workers from abusive practices by corporations- like not offering their employees state mandated worker's compensation.

You got any answers for that? Or do you think that wage earners are stupid and lazy and don't deserve to earn a full day's pay for a full days work?
dude if you don't like my opinion fine but attacking me really? and a republican? not even close. I work for a living son and damn hard at that. Unions waste ridiculous amounts of money on politics that a lot of my family don't want their dues used for and they( my family)covers both sides of the political isle the union is no longer needed, look at the auto industry to see what unions do. greed on both parts is to blame but I can see that you on the other hand can not. and that is why there are FEDERAL LABOR LAWS now again why do we need the unions?
dude if you don't like my opinion fine but attacking me really? and a republican? not even close. I work for a living son and damn hard at that. Unions waste ridiculous amounts of money on politics that a lot of my family don't want their dues used for and they( my family)covers both sides of the political isle the union is no longer needed, look at the auto industry to see what unions do. greed on both parts is to blame but I can see that you on the other hand can not. and that is why there are FEDERAL LABOR LAWS now again why do we need the unions?

So how do you like working for half of what your union would have fought for?
I make half what I should? in that case you proved my point the unions kill industry with the double what everyone else makes mindset. that goes for benefits as well and all the money wasted to the union bosses. and I get raises when I deserve them not after a strike and renegotiation of a contract. my hard work benefits the company and my self. in the union my hard work is swallowed up trying to cover the loss of production from "Protect your brother and sister workers" mind set. I should not slow down because I am making you look bad.
I make half what I should? in that case you proved my point the unions kill industry with the double what everyone else makes mindset. that goes for benefits as well and all the money wasted to the union bosses. and I get raises when I deserve them not after a strike and renegotiation of a contract. my hard work benefits the company and my self. in the union my hard work is swallowed up trying to cover the loss of production from "Protect your brother and sister workers" mind set. I should not slow down because I am making you look bad.

No, I didn't. Unions are disappearing across the country and have been since before Mr Reagan was elected. We have an exceedingly anti union climate in our country today and wages, benefits and after tax earnings all show it.

You're living in a gilded age, my friend and those with the gold have you completely fooled.
all my interactions with unions have shown me the truth of unions. anyone who thinks I should slow down instead of them speed the fuck up is the problem.
all my interactions with unions have shown me the truth of unions. anyone who thinks I should slow down instead of them speed the fuck up is the problem.

You went hear me saying that unionization wasn't abused. That's no excuse for abusing workers' pay, vendors and workplace safety.

If something doesn't work right, you fix it. You don't just shitcan it.
it is being fixed less unions less abuse of union power. and work place safety? ever hear of a little entity goes by the name of OSHA? dude all the things unions got for workers was and is great but they do not represent the common worker anymore.
it is being fixed less unions less abuse of union power. and work place safety? ever hear of a little entity goes by the name of OSHA? dude all the things unions got for workers was and is great but they do not represent the common worker anymore.

You are right that they don't represent the common worker anymore- but that's because they've been all but legislated out of existence. The common worker sure didn't get a raise out of the deal either, did they?!

So what's your answer for getting a raise in the pockets of people actually doing the fucking work in this country? I'm tired of people being against everything, let's hear your best ideas?

Personally, I don't like the union model either. I prefer 'employee vesting' programs because they align worker's interests with those of management and stockholders.
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see now that is a great idea and every job I have ever had a raise was give based on merit, I never had a review where I did not get a raise. if you are referring to minimum wage well, its called that for a reason it was never meant to be a living wage. people earn what they are worth to the company they work for. if you don't like what your company thinks you are worth, ask for more and be prepared to LOOK FOR A BETTER JOB if you don't like the answer. a job is a job it is not a fucking life sentence.
see now that is a great idea and every job I have ever had a raise was give based on merit, I never had a review where I did not get a raise. if you are referring to minimum wage well, its called that for a reason it was never meant to be a living wage. people earn what they are worth to the company they work for. if you don't like what your company thinks you are worth, ask for more and be prepared to LOOK FOR A BETTER JOB if you don't like the answer. a job is a job it is not a fucking life sentence.

Not so simple.
how do you figure? maybe if you are at a place where you are topped out on the pay scale then you have to decide if this is the best you can do/want to do? if not look to move up and on
idk about you guys, but i came here for the mountains. I like the mountains. The other stuff was just a bonus 8)
Kinda off topic... but what you think about the cannabis market being entirely(mostly) crowdsourced? I really would love to buy my special weed from some granny upstate rather a big corp
Unfortunately the big opps can afford lobbyists and such :( Rather prohibitive currently for the smaller guys. I *think* there's still 'caregiver' laws in effect- somebody that's registered as a caregiver can sell marijuana at cost only and not for profit. I think there's also a bunch of weird rules