Donald Trump

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Well I really won't be dreaming much about our political entertainment, but feel free to laugh when necessary anyway.

When Trump improves his mexican numbers we will get back to you. I haven't looked it up yet but I heard Trumps latino support in some Nevada poll has sky rocketed. I could be dreaming that but I will get back to you on the facts.
im shure he will win the hearts of many donald-trump-el-chapo1.jpgand at the same time hire a few mexicans while he is at it...
I hope the pukes do nominate Trump (but I know they're not that stupid) so that once again they lose in the general elections.

He doesn't have real policies to put forward other then that stupid wall with a huuuuuuge beautiful door on it, deport 11+ Millions of people where's the money coming from?

Folks will get tired of his BS and move on, he's got nada, zilch new to his campaign if that's what you call it.


So when Hillary is nominated, do we dump Trump and vote for the proven BS artist with plenty to hide and an on going investigation ?

You sure got your priority set.
He might win the hearts of enough, you never know. Your choice of Mexican labor is what Trump plans to clean up. It sounds like Donald has already hired thousands of Mexicans , except his choice is much better than your. imo
The only reason some Mexicans like Trump is that people are buying Trump pinatas. That and we love making fun of him.
If Trump is an evil capitalist, wouldn't he want shitloads of Mexicans to work for cheap?

News flash he already does, the hotel in Washington is being retrofitted by cheap labor he hires scabs to do the work.

This goes way back to when he and his father were building in Brooklyn, they hired contractors who hired scab workers so guess who wins bids on those construction projects.

Your attention span is proportionate to your stature. Maybe that's why you think he's popular among hispanics. Funny that an Irishman would allude to low wage immigrants, ironic indeed.
I never said he was popular with them, I said if he's a greedy capitalist why wouldn't he want illegal workers to come in and work super cheap?
This is what I got so far, am I missing something? "Illegal Immigration: And The Impact On The United States"

uninsured drivers
unidentifiable population/crime/unregistered sex offenders
watered down American culture
strain on social services/ health care/ broken families
that's just a brain storm. If anyone else can think of another point that I could look into shoot your ideas please. Also please add your input of why illegal immigration is not a problem and all counter arguments.
This is what I got so far, am I missing something? "Illegal Immigration: And The Impact On The United States"

uninsured drivers
unidentifiable population/crime/unregistered sex offenders
watered down American culture
strain on social services/ health care/ broken families
What do you consider "American culture"?
What we will happily return to once the dems have gone.
Legal sunburned and toasted people are for trump. Illegal ones? I don't know.
But these dems trying to lump all natives and mexicans in their horrible party of awful commie earth trash are full of it. Plenty of "minority" people have enough brains to see bs, experience with bs dictators and want NONE of Mexico here. Aw....
I never said he was popular with them, I said if he's a greedy capitalist why wouldn't he want illegal workers to come in and work super cheap?
Yeah I would expect Trump to act that way and be shocked if he didn't.

The funniest scab worker story I know is courtesy of Michael Moore. During his filming of Capitalism a Love Story he moved location to avoid having to hire union workers.
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