Getting started


So I've recently had to bin my last plant (also my first grow). I used shitty bag seed to grow her, just to learn and have a chance to see how it goes, I stunted her early on and learned a ton of things that I should/shouldn't do.

So after learning what I have, I want to get a grow tent instead of using my attic room, any advice where I can get a small grow tent for cheap I don't have alot to blow right now. I've already got a light and all just need a small tent to use.


Well-Known Member
First consider your light. If it's an air cooled hps hood then it may not fit all that well. My hood barely fits in my 3x3 by the time I attach the ventilation.. To remedy this I hang it on a diagonal. You can sometimes find hoods with the vents on the short side which makes way more sense to me.

I have an Apollo 3x3. It's pretty quality and has all the bells and whistles. Even has metal corners which is important. I paid $100 or so on Amazon with Prime.

Something to consider is that cheap tents, and maybe all tents, have an element of off-gasing. probably not the best thing to breathe or for your plants. Run your lights for a few days in the tent in a well ventilated room to let it gass-off.

Also will you light cover the area? 400w for 3x3 or 250 for a 2x2.