Election 2015

watching the local candidate debate the other day, it cleared things up a bit for me;
while both the libs and NDP talked of legalizing small possession of marijuana..
the Liberal talked about strict control and regulations. about how we need to keep it out of children's hands.
overall i liked the NDP candidate's response better; they talked about the same small possession, and looking at science and research. but also spoke of how it's wrong medical patients can only access dried product. -so obviously are for med growing (or my candidate is atleast)

not big how it's just 'small possession' we always hear.. as that's so vague (and doesn't sound like home-growing. want you to buy off the LP's who can't even cover the med users)

NDP locked my vote up with how well they handled the debate. (TBH it was theirs to lose)
felt almost bad for the serv.. man was he on the defensive from the get-go. everyone else was getting cheers, he got boo's and hiss's.
i was also very impressed with the green, but wont be voting him.
Ya I was going to say, the breakdowns of how each party would proceed was based only only rec use. I'd like to know their stance on medical patients. I'm pretty sure I've read that NDP will drop the court case and stop the fight against patients, don't know where though. And I haven't heard JT mention medical use at all.

Tbh, that's all I really give a fuck about when it comes to the marijuana issue.
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watching the local candidate debate the other day, it cleared things up a bit for me;
while both the libs and NDP talked of legalizing small possession of marijuana..
the Liberal talked about strict control and regulations. about how we need to keep it out of children's hands.
overall i liked the NDP candidate's response better; they talked about the same small possession, and looking at science and research. but also spoke of how it's wrong medical patients can only access dried product. -so obviously are for med growing (or my candidate is atleast)

not big how it's just 'small possession' we always hear.. as that's so vague (and doesn't sound like home-growing. want you to buy off the LP's who can't even cover the med users)

NDP locked my vote up with how well they handled the debate. (TBH it was theirs to lose)
felt almost bad for the serv.. man was he on the defensive from the get-go. everyone else was getting cheers, he got boo's and hiss's.
i was also very impressed with the green, but wont be voting him.
Possession will still be a crime under the NDP, just not a criminal charge.It's a step in the right direction, but why not just skip that step and legalize? What's wrong with the Colorado model? Grow yer own, or buy from the store...both legal, like brewing a batch of beer or picking up a case of beer at the jar store.
Arguing against legalization because it doesn't fit your ideal model and then advocating for decrim, all the while moaning about patients rights to grow is lunacy at its finest.

Legal is the best bet for anyone who uses mj, no matter why they use it, med or rec. legalization is the best choice, decrim still comes with penalties because it not legal. Therefore, decrim has far more preventative and punitive regulations and laws in place.

Legal is what everyone has been screaming for for decades. Here we have the chance and a hope, and we're arguing because it doesn't fit someone's idea of what legal should be.

Legal, is the best choice.
I really wish everyone including jt would stop using the word legal.
Ffs the Colorado model or any other model has tons of regulations.
If it's legal then there shouldn't be any regs or anything. It's the stupidest argument ever. They want regs so that people aren't growing to traffic but if everyone could grow their own who the fuck would buy it.
we get stuck because it's just their definition of legalization and decriminalization. not the actual definition of it.

gotta be honest; if it's just possession.. i'm not sold anyway, legal or decriminalized. that means nothing to me.
hell, i'd rather the money go where it already does in the BM, than go to the LP's who get the monopoly of this.. as i think they're much more crooked. (atleast in BM, they're not all bad people ;-))
Here's Mulcairs response on decrim/legalization:

I'm still leaning slightly towards the Libs and legalization, but he does make a compelling argument. Then again, what politician has ever been held accountable for not keeping campaign promises? THAT is what has got me worried about choosing Red or Orange at the polls, either is infinitely better then the Cons, but which party will actually follow through in a timely manner and not wait for re-election in a few years to get it going in order to secure a second election win.
I really wish everyone including jt would stop using the word legal.
Ffs the Colorado model or any other model has tons of regulations.
If it's legal then there shouldn't be any regs or anything. It's the stupidest argument ever. They want regs so that people aren't growing to traffic but if everyone could grow their own who the fuck would buy it.

That's not true at all.
Cigs and booze are legal but regulated.

They still sell both by the boat load even when people can produce their own at home.
That's not true at all.
Cigs and booze are legal but regulated.

They still sell both by the boat load even when people can produce their own at home.
You can grow your own tobacco.
Ten times more than you can physically consume.
You can brew as much beer or wine as you can afford.
The production of tobacco and booze aren't really regulated the use in public is.

So cigs and booze aren't really legal either so bad example.

Legal means use as much as u like without anyone looking over your shoulder and having an opinion.
You can grow your own tobacco.
Ten times more than you can physically consume.
You can brew as much beer or wine as you can afford.
The production of tobacco and booze aren't really regulated the use in public is.

So cigs and booze aren't really legal either so bad example.

Legal means use as much as u like without anyone looking over your shoulder and having an opinion.

It's legal so you can use it.
It's regulated to restrict its use and distribution.

Legal is the best option. I'm cool with regulation. I'm not cool with fines or jail time over pot.
You can grow your own tobacco.
Ten times more than you can physically consume.
You can brew as much beer or wine as you can afford.
The production of tobacco and booze aren't really regulated the use in public is.

So cigs and booze aren't really legal either so bad example.

Legal means use as much as u like without anyone looking over your shoulder and having an opinion.

The regulations really just control who can profit...when did regulations ever stop a young person from buying smokes or booze?
They never stopped me...when I was a kid.

Stopped me a million times.
Have id?

And we're back to questioning legal over decrim or just plain legal because the term legal and the route may not fit with a personal definition or perfect outcome.

Why is it there are a handful of people arguing for anything but legal in any form over the status quo or a partial (still gonna fine you) approach.

Is this a weed forum or not?
The only thing really legal about cigs or booze is the collection of revenue oozing out of em.
Cigs aren't legal anymore. Buying them and dying from them is but seriously how can anyone say tobacco is legal meanwhile you can't smoke it outside in your car or even in most apartments.
If that's your idea of legal, fill your boots.
Same with booze.
It's legal to buy but crack a beer and walk down the street and see how long you still consider it legal.

Also the cig n booze argument is dumb since they both kill more people in one day then mj has since God was young.
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Stopped me a million times.
Have id?

And we're back to questioning legal over decrim or just plain legal because the term legal and the route may not fit with a personal definition or perfect outcome.

Why is it there are a handful of people arguing for anything but legal in any form over the status quo or a partial (still gonna fine you) approach.

Is this a weed forum or not?
There's no argument from anyone on this forum dude.
Most of us would rather anyone over Harper.
But it bothers me that when I talk to people that don't know much about the system they say things like I bet u can't wait til it's legalized and u can buy It at 7. 11 and walk home burning one.
The real definition of legal will never happen
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The only thing really legal about cigs or booze is the collection of revenue oozing out of em.
Cigs aren't legal anymore. Buying them and dying from them is but seriously how can anyone say tobacco is legal meanwhile you can't spoke it outside in your car or even in most apartments.
If that's your idea of legal, fill your boots.
Same with booze.
It's legal to buy but crack a beer and walk down the street and see how long you still consider it legal.

Also the cig n booze argument is dumb since they both kill more people in one day then mj has since God was young.

There's no argument from anyone on this forum dude.
Most of us would rather anyone over Harper.
But it bothers me that when I talk to people that don't know much about the system say things like I bet u can't wait til it's legalized and u can buy It at 7. 11 and walk home burning one.
The real definition of legal will never happen

You're talking about regulating a legal substance or substances.
They're still legal to obtain, possess and consume.

I dont need to impose my vices upon others to be happy. Smoking outside or drinking in a bar or at home really doesn't hurt, neither does not burning one as I walk down the street.

Fines and/or jail bother me far more.

Legalization is a great start