Best Solvents!


Well-Known Member
What are the best solvents to use? In my opinion the Best would be to make your own shine and use that... But I need to get a still first.

So I usually just buy Isopropyl for like $2-3 for a big Quart I think.

I haven't wanted to get butane because I needed to purge it all And ISO is cheaper and more readily available. And after hearing about fucking operation shatter in which they were monitoring Butane purchases... Yeah no thanks.

So anyone know if buying the butane is actually going to be safe? Oh yeah also I can Not do this outside it must be inside.

Is this butane good $2.5 a can of 5x... But the vector is real expensive and a buddy of mine says that's the only way to go but that's $5-6 a pop!

Honestly I think I'm going to stick with my ISO and just buy a Purge chamber and Then eventually build my still to make my Own pure Alcohol.! From corn Stalks!


Well-Known Member
butane is by far easier to make an appealing product with. I used iso for a couple years and got pretty good at it before I started using butane. you can set up a vac purge system for less than $200. and when I started I just made small batches (max .5 gram) and thin filmhot water purged until iI was satisfied.

as far as those two solvents go id rather be vaping bjtane than iso (I like my vision). I'm not a solid source on toxicology by any means but id say neither of them are good to vape.

all in all if your going to buy a.vac setup might as well use butane as your solvent and over time youll learn how you like to purge it.

as for the original question of best solvent, there could be a lot of factors to consider. polarity, volatility, and how bad they will be if not quite purged out all the way are jhst a few things to consider.

MAKE SURE YOU KNOW A.CHEMICAL THROUGH AND THROUGH BEFORE YOU START USING IT. otherwise things could go.seriously wrong including loss of material and time, personal injury or even loss of life.


Well-Known Member
What are the best solvents to use? In my opinion the Best would be to make your own shine and use that... But I need to get a still first.

So anyone know if buying the butane is actually going to be safe? Oh yeah also I can Not do this outside it must be inside.

Honestly I think I'm going to stick with my ISO and just buy a Purge chamber and Then eventually build my still to make my Own pure Alcohol.! From corn Stalks!
If you cannot work outside, then forget about butane, period. Full stop. No butane indoors.

Ethanol is what you want. 190 proof grain like Everclear or Kleen Extract. Not cheap tho.

So separate the keif from the green and wash that much smaller volume of material or further refine it to full melt mechanically, no solvent required.


Well-Known Member
Okay so I figured out how to do outside and I bought some Ignitus5x for $13 a pop... Asked if he could get me some vector and how much... What do you all think?! Should I run this in a mason jar or in a pipe?!? I guess I need to wait for my vacuum chamber too...!


Well-Known Member
Bro seriously lets here a step by step of how you are planning on doing this safely. Butane extraction can be quite dangerous and I for one have serious concerns for your safety.
Haha thanks brother that's why I love it here! Im just going to go out on the porch and blast...

Can I do it with a window open and blow fans?!? Haha

lio lacidem

Well-Known Member
You do know that static can ignite butane right? Meaning something as little as which clothes you are wearing could cause an explosion.


Well-Known Member
You do know that static can ignite butane right? Meaning something as little as which clothes you are wearing could cause an explosion.
Bah! Damnit. Well the porch should be fine yes?! Or the side of the of the house?! Umm and what is the Best butane to get? Tattoojim at Thcfarmer says Capitol N butane

lio lacidem

Well-Known Member
If I was you I would look into the rosin tech. The worse thing thats gonna happen is you may burn yourself. You will be left with healthy solventless oil.


Well-Known Member
If I was you I would look into the rosin tech. The worse thing thats gonna happen is you may burn yourself. You will be left with healthy solventless oil.
Haha oh no in not fucking half assing this I'm buying a purge vacuum chamber and getting the Best butane locally I am Not getting that shipped to me! And I am about to go on a rampage researching bho Shatter!

lio lacidem

Well-Known Member
Half assing what? you realize alot of the big name producers are moving away from butane and on to rosin right? You also realize all of hyroots pics minus the ice wax was rosin tech right? im just glad your not my neighbor.


Well-Known Member
Half assing what? you realize alot of the big name producers are moving away from butane and on to rosin right? You also realize all of hyroots pics minus the ice wax was rosin tech right? im just glad your not my neighbor.
Hahaha well damnit! I can't ever keep up! What is the average yield of rosin tech?

lio lacidem

Well-Known Member
It all depends on starting material quality. 15-25% return on flower 50-75% using hash or drysift as starting material.


Well-Known Member
personally i dont think going out on your porch in your polyester jumpsuit (just guessing about apparel) and blasting a case of butane is smart.

I go out in the woods when I make mine..

edit* $13 a can for butane is funny.


Well-Known Member
personally i dont think going out on your porch in your polyester jumpsuit (just guessing about apparel) and blasting a case of butane is smart.

I go out in the woods when I make mine..

edit* $13 a can for butane is funny.
Hahaha yeah I know! I'm getting 12 cans of puretane online for 75! And hahaha okay I was wondering if I should go to woods... Haha and your guess was completely accurate!


Well-Known Member
ya I would go into the woods. and in all seriousness static electricity can ignite burane vapors so you'd better put away the jumpsuit for now..find something youve never seen or felt static on.


Well-Known Member
ya I would go into the woods. and in all seriousness static electricity can ignite burane vapors so you'd better put away the jumpsuit for now..find something youve never seen or felt static on.
Haha I couldn't tell you... If it did or didn't shock me I have felt static shock in a long time... Cotton should be fine yes?