DMT sounds mind blowing

Well, with smoking it I usually don't. Or it's for the sake of showing someone else.. Or Just because I wake up on the wrong side of the bed or something. Just kinda fun and definitely when I'm tripping haha back when dmt crystals were 'impossible to find', I Would have an intention, and it's definitely helped me. My intentions fluctuate. The most underlying one is to get rid of a social anxiety crutch. At one point it was to stop taking so many pills. But a felony, near fatal car accident and a seizure kind of taught me in that area. A psychedelic trip would show me during it that I shouldn't be doing those obviously, but id always end up going back to the benzos specifically because I kind of panic in any social situation. Ever since quitting the pills it's been way way way better.
I save my intentions for ayahuasca, strongest medicine there is. Can't do it too often, I feel like I am disrespecting it. Its gotten me out of anything that I've asked it for. Always has, always will.
Haven't had n,n in awhile though honestly. Thatd be nice. I miss tripping on the woods and hitting that pipe only to open the doors of everything all the way. Makes it last a bit longer too. I've honestly never had a bad dmt experience. I've had ayahuasca beat me up out of love, but it was needed and in that state you are completely helpless. You must surrender you have no other choice.

Candy flips are fucking awesome lol mdma is something I haven't done in awhile too! So much love packed into a trip, easier to talk.. More visuals.. Awesome haha

I'd say just do it anyways, dmt isn't there to scare you. Its there to help you!
dmt scares me because it is so alien
Oh stop it Heatless. You know you love that sh*t.
You're just full of it...
DMT that is.
i do.... i really do. I just have been unconscious of the chemical for quite some time now because this reality seems to block it's inhibitors.
I see a shamanic future for Me, I just gotta get that ONE trip that taps ME back INTO the REAL matrix that binds US ALL TOGETHER.... It has been a while.
Well, with smoking it I usually don't. Or it's for the sake of showing someone else.. Or Just because I wake up on the wrong side of the bed or something. Just kinda fun and definitely when I'm tripping haha back when dmt crystals were 'impossible to find', I Would have an intention, and it's definitely helped me. My intentions fluctuate. The most underlying one is to get rid of a social anxiety crutch. At one point it was to stop taking so many pills. But a felony, near fatal car accident and a seizure kind of taught me in that area. A psychedelic trip would show me during it that I shouldn't be doing those obviously, but id always end up going back to the benzos specifically because I kind of panic in any social situation. Ever since quitting the pills it's been way way way better.
I save my intentions for ayahuasca, strongest medicine there is. Can't do it too often, I feel like I am disrespecting it. Its gotten me out of anything that I've asked it for. Always has, always will.
Haven't had n,n in awhile though honestly. Thatd be nice. I miss tripping on the woods and hitting that pipe only to open the doors of everything all the way. Makes it last a bit longer too. I've honestly never had a bad dmt experience. I've had ayahuasca beat me up out of love, but it was needed and in that state you are completely helpless. You must surrender you have no other choice.

Candy flips are fucking awesome lol mdma is something I haven't done in awhile too! So much love packed into a trip, easier to talk.. More visuals.. Awesome haha

I'd say just do it anyways, dmt isn't there to scare you. Its there to help you!
You wake up on the wrong side of the bed or the RIGHT side ??? (;
doesn't matter if it was the left side or the right side of the bed.

Are You a fellow shaman?
Your point on intent is very powerful and reassuring. It is a reminder to do that as often as possible with any trip to gain the most highest good from it. Just like One should bless and shed gratitude before every meal. I like You HIGH/HIGH!!! lol in fact, I got so much love for You. YOU TOO DA SPROUT. ALL OF YOU ROLLITUP FAM !!!!!

are You a youngster or You pretty old? not asking for age.
I ask because it sounds You are very experienced with ceremonies.
It doesnt sound like someone in the age of 18-30 would do that so many times but i dont know anything when it comes to a traditional shamanic ceremony.
most of the time when I host a ceremony, I blast people off on dmt to show them what it's like and make sure they do it in a way that will benefit them most and leave them wondering and questioning life. Lots of sage and palo santo. (:

ayauasca sounds brilliant and much needed.
how much time does One need to take off from work to attend an ayauasca OR peyote ceremony and also have time to recover? a good three day weekend?
You wake up on the wrong side of the bed or the RIGHT side ??? (;
doesn't matter if it was the left side or the right side of the bed.

Are You a fellow shaman?
Your point on intent is very powerful and reassuring. It is a reminder to do that as often as possible with any trip to gain the most highest good from it. Just like One should bless and shed gratitude before every meal. I like You HIGH/HIGH!!! lol in fact, I got so much love for You. YOU TOO DA SPROUT. ALL OF YOU ROLLITUP FAM !!!!!

are You a youngster or You pretty old? not asking for age.
I ask because it sounds You are very experienced with ceremonies.
It doesnt sound like someone in the age of 18-30 would do that so many times but i dont know anything when it comes to a traditional shamanic ceremony.
most of the time when I host a ceremony, I blast people off on dmt to show them what it's like and make sure they do it in a way that will benefit them most and leave them wondering and questioning life. Lots of sage and palo santo. (:

ayauasca sounds brilliant and much needed.
how much time does One need to take off from work to attend an ayauasca OR peyote ceremony and also have time to recover? a good three day weekend?
I gotta move to your town. Thanks for the kind words.
I'm about to move to mesita... My buddy should be giving me a couple three g of deem for my tripp. I may have to post something about them. I see you guys were talking about intentions when tripping. Sometimes I feel like I can think on a question that is bothering me or heavy on my mind. Case in point my Colorado move. One recent trip I was thinking and focusing on Colorado my intents and saying is it going to be worth it to me, can I do it is it going to be smart. Etc.
When I blasted off I remember thinking Colorado... What should I do? Suddenly the walls became striped with lines and tesserects, and brown blue and red lines. Three old looking men wearing striped robes and really long beards came out of the walls riding seahorse like things. I thought what should I do and they nodded very excitedly and said yes. Go go go. They said plenty other things but everytime I thought Colorado I just felt an overwhelming sense of right and peace. Strangely enough its not my only time with the number three and the Colorado idea, I had a really vibrant cev trip involving three mountains a crown with three peaks on it, three paths down to a house with two cars and a large fence. It morphed into clocks and four dimensional faces that eventually faded into a spaceship and running blue and red lights that hugged me into an egg shape and eventually faded
You wake up on the wrong side of the bed or the RIGHT side ??? (;
doesn't matter if it was the left side or the right side of the bed.

Are You a fellow shaman?
Your point on intent is very powerful and reassuring. It is a reminder to do that as often as possible with any trip to gain the most highest good from it. Just like One should bless and shed gratitude before every meal. I like You HIGH/HIGH!!! lol in fact, I got so much love for You. YOU TOO DA SPROUT. ALL OF YOU ROLLITUP FAM !!!!!

are You a youngster or You pretty old? not asking for age.
I ask because it sounds You are very experienced with ceremonies.
It doesnt sound like someone in the age of 18-30 would do that so many times but i dont know anything when it comes to a traditional shamanic ceremony.
most of the time when I host a ceremony, I blast people off on dmt to show them what it's like and make sure they do it in a way that will benefit them most and leave them wondering and questioning life. Lots of sage and palo santo. (:

ayauasca sounds brilliant and much needed.
how much time does One need to take off from work to attend an ayauasca OR peyote ceremony and also have time to recover? a good three day weekend?
Haha I suppose they're both synonymous! Technically, I guess. I do have a medicine man liscense and am allowed to use any plant as a religious mean in any place as long as I am conducting a bundle ceremony. Not allowed to give unless I establish a chapter with two others. There's more perks to it than just marijuana and psychedelic plants though. I'm in me mid 20's. Done a lot for my age honestly. The ceremonies I've seen people as young as 16 participate. And as old at 65. Probably older with some of them farts. Mostly middle aged people go to them.

Haha well then you're doing a good deed. Always remember though that "a good teacher shows someone where to look but not what to see.". A friend of mine went haywire with the shaman thing after getting his liscense and him and I are on two completely different pages. Can't participate together to be honest he.. Man I'm not going into that. But things like ayahuasca are a very personal experience. Giving that to people is amazing, it's so great watching someone cry for 5 hours on and off because of how much they are learning about themselves that theyd never have gotten close to without the plants.
Everyone is different with it though. I actually have some ayahuasca coming in tomorrow that I can't wait to drink. It has been a few months and so many things have happened in the past few months that I've had to battle and destroy as a person. Now it's time for the cherry on top. I've had only few legitimate ayahuasca experiences being separated by ones that I didn't want to go too far yet during, and only wished to give it to others. For instance, the first time I did it with my girlfriend I just gave her the majority because I didn't have much left. She sat and was silent looking around the room for an hour and a half. We were all trying to get her attention, "kayla! Kayla can you hear us? You okay?" then after the hour and a half she just starting pouring tears from her eyes explaining to us why she loves us so much and how she finally understood how people say that you have to love yourself before others. I just thought, "yes! It worked!" she was the first one I had given it to that hadn't already tried. We ended up making more the next day and drinking a LOT! Now that was quite an experience doing it with her, by the way, it's quite the aphrodisiac.. Haha

Ayahuasca I'll do any time as long as I don't have work in the same day. Say you go REALLY far.. I'd say you need about 8-9 full hours but generally it lasts 5-6 at least with the brew that I make. Plus you can totally talk to anyone once the waves get a little less intense. You know when that is. But even in between waves you can usually talk of you want to. The experience is just so.. Well both, dissolving and amazing. That you tend to just float in it. Then at one point you start gaining your wakefulness back. Then again it kinda does what it wants to you.

Peyote, now that's a good 12-14 hours. We either drink tea, eat tiny little buttons or eat the capsules that have a button ground up into it. It takes about 25 of these buttons. Needless to say, we take it around 8pm usually and all drive back tripping still around noon. Some people leave sooner. Id say take off that night then the whole next day just so you can relax.
Both I'd say do that as a precaution.
But they are both very social psychedelics. Talking on peyote is easier than being sober. In fact I'd say it takes anxiety away. Nothing like xanax but in regards to anxiety riddence, not that far off.
Ayahuasca is just so much and so powerfully healing that once it's almost over with, you feel anew and ready to get on with your life In the most positive way.
Much love (:
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If you use a rig you're probably wasting a bit. Using a torch makes it too hot. Just saying. Light bulb or bowl and hover the flame
If you use a rig you're probably wasting a bit. Using a torch makes it too hot. Just saying. Light bulb or bowl and hover the flame
But have you used one? Because that's exactly what I thought and it's honestly a lot better and easier. One key bump into a rig = outer space.
Bowls are just a waste of time imo
Haha I suppose they're both synonymous! Technically, I guess. I do have a medicine man liscense and am allowed to use any plant as a religious mean in any place as long as I am conducting a bundle ceremony. Not allowed to give unless I establish a chapter with two others. There's more perks to it than just marijuana and psychedelic plants though. I'm in me mid 20's. Done a lot for my age honestly. The ceremonies I've seen people as young as 16 participate. And as old at 65. Probably older with some of them farts. Mostly middle aged people go to them.

Haha well then you're doing a good deed. Always remember though that "a good teacher shows someone where to look but not what to see.". A friend of mine went haywire with the shaman thing after getting his liscense and him and I are on two completely different pages. Can't participate together to be honest he.. Man I'm not going into that. But things like ayahuasca are a very personal experience. Giving that to people is amazing, it's so great watching someone cry for 5 hours on and off because of how much they are learning about themselves that theyd never have gotten close to without the plants.
Everyone is different with it though. I actually have some ayahuasca coming in tomorrow that I can't wait to drink. It has been a few months and so many things have happened in the past few months that I've had to battle and destroy as a person. Now it's time for the cherry on top. I've had only few legitimate ayahuasca experiences being separated by ones that I didn't want to go too far yet during, and only wished to give it to others. For instance, the first time I did it with my girlfriend I just gave her the majority because I didn't have much left. She sat and was silent looking around the room for an hour and a half. We were all trying to get her attention, "kayla! Kayla can you hear us? You okay?" then after the hour and a half she just starting pouring tears from her eyes explaining to us why she loves us so much and how she finally understood how people say that you have to love yourself before others. I just thought, "yes! It worked!" she was the first one I had given it to that hadn't already tried. We ended up making more the next day and drinking a LOT! Now that was quite an experience doing it with her, by the way, it's quite the aphrodisiac.. Haha

Ayahuasca I'll do any time as long as I don't have work in the same day. Say you go REALLY far.. I'd say you need about 8-9 full hours but generally it lasts 5-6 at least with the brew that I make. Plus you can totally talk to anyone once the waves get a little less intense. You know when that is. But even in between waves you can usually talk of you want to. The experience is just so.. Well both, dissolving and amazing. That you tend to just float in it. Then at one point you start gaining your wakefulness back. Then again it kinda does what it wants to you.

Peyote, now that's a good 12-14 hours. We either drink tea, eat tiny little buttons or eat the capsules that have a button ground up into it. It takes about 25 of these buttons. Needless to say, we take it around 8pm usually and all drive back tripping still around noon. Some people leave sooner. Id say take off that night then the whole next day just so you can relax.
Both I'd say do that as a precaution.
But they are both very social psychedelics. Talking on peyote is easier than being sober. In fact I'd say it takes anxiety away. Nothing like xanax but in regards to anxiety riddence, not that far off.
Ayahuasca is just so much and so powerfully healing that once it's almost over with, you feel anew and ready to get on with your life In the most positive way.
Much love (:
Thank you. Very informative.
I have a friend who is really experienced on DMT. He said to use a dabber, is that what an oil rig is? Or a bong.
Fill it with a very small amt of water, just enough to cover the stem. If you use a dabber heat the rig, and when it is red you have to wait until it is not red, then dab it. The coil will be cool enough and cooling more when the DMT hits it. The water will cool it but not filter too much DMT out so you won't lose a lot.
If you use a bong use the sandwich method and hold the flame away like has been said.

I personally like using a glass chillum I think its called. I use aluminum scrubby pads for the sandwich, squeezing it into a tight ball and forcing it into the hole. Then the DMT and a loose ball of the scrubby. Hold the flame about an inch away and slowly bring it in until you can taste something. Try to hit it soft because too many times I've seen people hit it hard and suck in the flame wasting the dose. Hit it three good times and hold it as long as you can...
Some useful information, dmt should melt around 40-50 degrees and vaporize between 60-80 degrees centigrade. Knowing this is important in choosing a method for smoking it and how to go about the method. If you're using a bong or pipe always use a little jet lighter so you have a constant wave of heat which makes it a lot harder to accidentally burn the dmt, you can work out how close to hold it by simply holding your hand in front of the flame but an obvious enough distance away that it wont burn you in any way, then move your hand slowly towards it until it feels warm-hot now you know how far away to hold it from the dmt, just move it closer a centimeter or two very slowly and you have lift off.

If using a glass meth style pipe or any method where you're heating something to vaporize it (bottle method etc) keep the flame at least an inch away, if you hold it close it will start vaporizing almost instantly but that also means it has rapidly heated to the vapor point which means its most likely exceeded it in the second you've taken to process whats going on and you've now wasted some of your dmt. Its always better to take the time to make sure its properly vaporized and not burning even if takes you a couple of extra tokes to get it all in
Some useful information, dmt should melt around 40-50 degrees and vaporize between 60-80 degrees centigrade. Knowing this is important in choosing a method for smoking it and how to go about the method. If you're using a bong or pipe always use a little jet lighter so you have a constant wave of heat which makes it a lot harder to accidentally burn the dmt, you can work out how close to hold it by simply holding your hand in front of the flame but an obvious enough distance away that it wont burn you in any way, then move your hand slowly towards it until it feels warm-hot now you know how far away to hold it from the dmt, just move it closer a centimeter or two very slowly and you have lift off.

If using a glass meth style pipe or any method where you're heating something to vaporize it (bottle method etc) keep the flame at least an inch away, if you hold it close it will start vaporizing almost instantly but that also means it has rapidly heated to the vapor point which means its most likely exceeded it in the second you've taken to process whats going on and you've now wasted some of your dmt. Its always better to take the time to make sure its properly vaporized and not burning even if takes you a couple of extra tokes to get it all in
if there was an "this is very important 'like' button" i would have pressed it a long time ago.... hahaha this is a gold mine